 * View a list of items
 * @package Elgg
 * @uses $vars['items']       Array of ElggEntity or ElggAnnotation objects
 * @uses $vars['offset']      Index of the first list item in complete list
 * @uses $vars['limit']       Number of items per page
 * @uses $vars['count']       Number of items in the complete list
 * @uses $vars['base_url']    Base URL of list (optional)
 * @uses $vars['pagination']  Show pagination? (default: true)
 * @uses $vars['position']    Position of the pagination: before, after, or both
 * @uses $vars['full_view']   Show the full view of the items (default: false)
 * @uses $vars['list_class']  Additional CSS class for the <ul> element
 * @uses $vars['item_class']  Additional CSS class for the <li> elements

$items = $vars['items'];
$offset = $vars['offset'];
$limit = $vars['limit'];
$count = $vars['count'];
$base_url = $vars['base_url'];
$pagination = elgg_extract('pagination', $vars, true);
$offset_key = elgg_extract('offset_key', $vars, 'offset');
$position = elgg_extract('position', $vars, 'after');

// @todo standardize on full_view - will require backward compatible code
if (isset($vars['full_view'])) {
	$vars['full'] = $vars['full_view'];

$list_class = 'elgg-list';
if (isset($vars['list_class'])) {
	$list_class = "{$vars['list_class']} $list_class";

$item_class = 'elgg-list-item';
if (isset($vars['item_class'])) {
	$item_class = "{$vars['item_class']} $item_class";

$html = "";
$nav = "";

if ($pagination && $count) {
	$nav .= elgg_view('navigation/pagination', array(
		'baseurl' => $base_url,
		'offset' => $offset,
		'count' => $count,
		'limit' => $limit,
		'offset_key' => $offset_key,

if (is_array($items) && count($items) > 0) {
	$html .= "<ul class=\"$list_class\">";
	foreach ($items as $item) {
		if (elgg_instanceof($item)) {
			$id = "elgg-{$item->getType()}-{$item->getGUID()}";
		} else {
			$id = "item-{$item->getType()}-{$item->id}";
		$html .= "<li id=\"$id\" class=\"$item_class\">";
		$html .= elgg_view_list_item($item, $vars);
		$html .= '</li>';
	$html .= '</ul>';

if ($position == 'before' || $position == 'both') {
	$html = $nav . $html;

if ($position == 'after' || $position == 'both') {
	$html .= $nav;

echo $html;