* @copyright Curverider Ltd 2008-2009
* @link http://elgg.com/
* @uses the following values in $vars:
* 'userid' the user's GUID
* 'new_email' the user's new email
* 'new_name' the user's new full name
* 'email_confirmation' whether the email address needs to be confirmed
$emailLabel = elgg_echo('openid_client:email_label');
$nameLabel = elgg_echo('openid_client:name_label');
$submitLabel = elgg_echo('openid_client:submit_label');
$cancelLabel = elgg_echo('openid_client:cancel_label');
$noSyncLabel = elgg_echo('openid_client:nosync_label');
$instructions = elgg_echo('openid_client:sync_instructions');
$new_email = $vars['new_email'];
$new_name = $vars['new_name'];
$email_confirmation = $vars['email_confirmation'];
$user = get_user($vars['userid']);
$old_email = $user->email;
$old_name = $user->name;
$openid_url = $user->alias;
if ($new_email && $new_email != $old_email) {
$change_fields .= '
$old_email => $new_email
if (!$email_confirmation) {
// the email address is from a green server, so we can change the email without a confirmation message
// add an invitation code however to prevent this form from being forged
// the user ident and new email address can then securely be stored in the database invitation table
// rather than the form
$details = openid_client_create_invitation('c',$openid_url,$vars['userid'],$new_email,$new_name);
$form_stuff = '';
} else {
// the email will be confirmed anyway so it is safe to put it in the form
$form_stuff .= <<< END
if ($new_name && $new_name != $old_name) {
$change_fields .= '