getGUID(); $tags = $image->tags; $title = $image->title; $desc = $image->description; $owner = $image->getOwnerEntity(); $friendlytime = friendly_time($image->time_created); $mime = $image->mimetype; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // get photo tags from database $photo_tags_json = "\"\""; $tag_info = $image->getPhotoTags(); if ($tag_info) { $photo_tags = $tag_info['raw']; $photo_tags_json = $tag_info['json']; $photo_tag_links = $tag_info['links']; } /******************************************************************** * * search view of an image * ********************************************************************/ if (get_context() == "search") { if (get_input('search_viewtype') == "gallery") { ?>
'.$title.''; $info .= " "; $icon = "getURL()}\">" . ''; echo elgg_view_listing($icon, $info); } /*************************************************************** * * front page view * ****************************************************************/ } else if (get_context() == "front") { ?> guid) { $the_viewer = $viewer->guid; } else { $the_viewer = 0; } // only non-owner views count if ($owner->guid != $view->owner_guid) create_annotation($file_guid, "tp_view", "1", "integer", $the_viewer, ACCESS_PUBLIC); $views_a = get_annotations($file_guid, "object", "image", "tp_view", "", 0, 9999); $views = count($views_a); $my_views = 0; $owner_views = 0; $diff_viewers = array(); // echo ""; var_dump($owner); echo ""; foreach($views_a as $view) { if($view->owner_guid == $the_viewer && $the_viewer != 0) $my_views++; if($owner->guid == $view->owner_guid) $owner_views++; //count how many different people have viewed it if($owner->guid != $view->owner_guid) $diff_viewers[$view->owner_guid] = 1; } //remove the owner's views from the total count (prevents artificially inflated view counts) $views = $views - $owner_views; } // Build back and next links $back = ''; $next = ''; $album = get_entity($image->container_guid); $current = array_search($file_guid, $_SESSION['image_sort']); if (!$current) { // means we are no longer using the correct album array //rebuild the array $count = get_entities("object","image", $album->guid, '', 999); $_SESSION['image_sort'] = array(); foreach ($count as $image) { array_push($_SESSION['image_sort'], $image->guid); } if ($_SESSION['image_sort']) $current = array_search($file_guid, $_SESSION['image_sort']); } if ($current != 0) $back = '« ' . elgg_echo('image:back') . ''; if (sizeof($_SESSION['image_sort']) > $current + 1) $next = '' . elgg_echo('image:next') . ' »'; ?>