$owner = $album->getOwnerEntity();
$tags = $album->tags;
$title = $album->title;
$desc = $album->description;
$friendlytime = friendly_time($album->time_created);
$mime = $album->mimetype;
if (get_context() == "search") {
if (get_input('search_viewtype') == "gallery") {
* Gallery view of an album object
* This is called when looking at page of albums (index.php).
//get album cover if one was set
if ($album->cover)
$album_cover = '
$album_cover = '
getURL()}\">" . sprintf(elgg_echo("comments")) . " (" . $numcomments . ")";
' . $title . '';
$info .= "username}\">{$owner->name} {$friendlytime}";
$numcomments = elgg_count_comments($album);
if ($numcomments)
$info .= ", getURL()}\">" . sprintf(elgg_echo("comments")) . " (" . $numcomments . ")";
$info .= "
//get album cover if one was set
if ($album->cover)
$icon = "getURL()}\">" . '
$icon = "getURL()}\">" . '
echo elgg_view_listing($icon, $info);
} else {
* Individual view of an album object
* This is called when getting a listing of the photos in an album
$page = get_input("page");
list($album_placeholder, $album_id, $album_title) = split("/", $page);
$photo_ratings = get_plugin_setting('photo_ratings', 'tidypics');
if ($photo_ratings == "enabled")
add_submenu_item( elgg_echo("tidypics:highestrated"),
$CONFIG->wwwroot . "pg/photos/highestrated/group:" . $album_id,
$images = get_entities("object", "image", $album_guid, '', 999);
//build array for back | next links
$_SESSION['image_sort'] = array();
if (is_array($images)) {
foreach ($images as $image) {
array_push($_SESSION['image_sort'], $image->guid);
// display the simple image views. Uses 'object/image' view
echo list_entities("object", "image", $album_guid, 24, false);
$num_images = count($images);
} else {
echo '' . elgg_echo('image:none') . '
$num_images = 0;
} // end of individual album view