<?php /** * Elgg pagination * * @package Elgg * @subpackage Core * * @uses int $vars['offset'] * @uses int $vars['limit'] * @uses int $vars['count'] Number of entities. * @uses string $vars['word'] Word to use in GET params for the offset * @uses string $vars['baseurl'] Base URL to use in links */ $offset = (int) elgg_get_array_value('offset', $vars, 0); // because you can say $vars['limit'] = 0 if (!$limit = (int) elgg_get_array_value('limit', $vars, 10)) { $limit = 10; } $count = (int) elgg_get_array_value('count', $vars, 0); $word = elgg_get_array_value('word', $vars, 'offset'); $baseurl = elgg_get_array_value('baseurl', $vars, current_page_url()); $totalpages = ceil($count / $limit); $currentpage = ceil($offset / $limit) + 1; //only display if there is content to paginate through or if we already have an offset if (($count > $limit || $offset > 0) && elgg_get_context() != 'widget') { ?> <div class="pagination clearfix"> <?php if ($offset > 0) { $prevoffset = $offset - $limit; if ($prevoffset < 0) { $prevoffset = 0; } $prevurl = elgg_http_add_url_query_elements($baseurl, array($word => $prevoffset)); echo "<a href=\"{$prevurl}\" class='pagination_previous'>« ". elgg_echo("previous") ."</a> "; } if ($offset > 0 || $offset < ($count - $limit)) { $currentpage = round($offset / $limit) + 1; $allpages = ceil($count / $limit); $i = 1; $pagesarray = array(); while ($i <= $allpages && $i <= 4) { $pagesarray[] = $i; $i++; } $i = $currentpage - 2; while ($i <= $allpages && $i <= ($currentpage + 2)) { if ($i > 0 && !in_array($i,$pagesarray)) { $pagesarray[] = $i; } $i++; } $i = $allpages - 3; while ($i <= $allpages) { if ($i > 0 && !in_array($i,$pagesarray)) { $pagesarray[] = $i; } $i++; } sort($pagesarray); $prev = 0; foreach($pagesarray as $i) { if (($i - $prev) > 1) { echo "<span class='pagination_more'>...</span>"; } $curoffset = (($i - 1) * $limit); $counturl = elgg_http_add_url_query_elements($baseurl, array($word => $curoffset)); if ($curoffset != $offset) { echo " <a href=\"{$counturl}\" class='pagination_number'>{$i}</a> "; } else { echo "<span class='pagination_currentpage'>{$i}</span>"; } $prev = $i; } } if ($offset < ($count - $limit)) { $nextoffset = $offset + $limit; if ($nextoffset >= $count) { $nextoffset--; } $nexturl = elgg_http_add_url_query_elements($baseurl, array($word => $nextoffset)); echo " <a href=\"{$nexturl}\" class='pagination_next'>" . elgg_echo("next") . " »</a>"; } ?> </div> <?php } // end of pagination check if statement