path}$file"); } //No such thing as autoloading classes in javascript $model_files = array( 'ElggEntity', 'ElggUser', 'ElggPriorityList', ); foreach ($model_files as $file) { include("{$CONFIG->path}js/classes/$file.js"); } //Include library files $libs = array( //libraries 'prototypes', 'events', 'security', 'languages', 'ajax', 'session', //ui 'ui', 'ui.widgets', ); foreach ($libs as $file) { include("{$CONFIG->path}js/lib/$file.js"); } /** * Set some values that are cacheable */ ?> elgg.version = ''; elgg.release = ''; elgg.config.wwwroot = ''; = 5 * 60 * 1000; //Mimic PHP engine boot process //Before the DOM is ready -- note that plugins aren't loaded yet elgg.trigger_event('boot', 'system'); //After the DOM is ready $(function() { elgg.trigger_event('init', 'system'); }); // reusable slide in/out toggle function function elgg_slide_toggle(activateLink, parentElement, toggleElement) { $(activateLink).closest(parentElement).find(toggleElement).animate({"height": "toggle"}, { duration: 400 }); return false; } // ELGG DROP DOWN MENU $.fn.elgg_dropdownmenu = function(options) { options = $.extend({speed: 350}, options || {}); this.each(function() { var root = this, zIndex = 5000; function getSubnav(ele) { if (ele.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'li') { var subnav = $('> ul', ele); return subnav.length ? subnav[0] : null; } else { return ele; } } function getActuator(ele) { if (ele.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'ul') { return $(ele).parents('li')[0]; } else { return ele; } } function hide() { var subnav = getSubnav(this); if (!subnav) return; $.data(subnav, 'cancelHide', false); setTimeout(function() { if (!$.data(subnav, 'cancelHide')) { $(subnav).slideUp(100); } }, 250); } function show() { var subnav = getSubnav(this); if (!subnav) return; $.data(subnav, 'cancelHide', true); $(subnav).css({zIndex: zIndex++}).slideDown(options.speed); if (this.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'ul') { var li = getActuator(this); $(li).addClass('hover'); $('> a', li).addClass('hover'); } } $('ul, li', this).hover(show, hide); $('li', this).hover( function() { $(this).addClass('hover'); $('> a', this).addClass('hover'); }, function() { $(this).removeClass('hover'); $('> a', this).removeClass('hover'); } ); }); };