 * User Picker.  Sends an array of user guids.
 * @package Elgg
 * @subpackage Core
 * @uses $vars['value'] The current value, if any
 * @uses $vars['internalname'] The name of the input field
 * pops up defaulted to lazy load friends lists in paginated alphabetical order.
 * upon
 * As users are checked they move down to a "users" box.
 * When this happens, a hidden input is created also.
 * 	{$internalnal}[] with the value th GUID.

global $user_picker_js_sent;

function user_picker_add_user($user_id) {
	$user = get_entity($user_id);
	if (!$user || !($user instanceof ElggUser)) {
		return FALSE;
	$icon = $user->getIcon('tiny');
	$code = '<li class="user_picker_entry">';
	$code .= "<img class=\"livesearch_icon\" src=\"$icon\" />";
	$code .= "$user->name - $user->username";
	$code .= '<div class="delete_button">';
	$code .= "<a onclick=\"userPickerRemoveUser(this, $user_id)\"><strong>X</strong></a>";
	$code .= '</div>';
	$code .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"members[]\" value=\"$user_id\">";
	$code .= '</li>';
	return $code;

if (!isset($vars['value']) || $vars['value'] === FALSE) {
	$vars['value'] = elgg_get_sticky_value($vars['internalname']);

// loop over all values and prepare them so that "in" will work in javascript
$values = array();
if (!is_array($vars['value'])) {
	$vars['value'] = array($vars['value']);
foreach ($vars['value'] as $value) {
	$values[$value] = TRUE;

// convert the values to a json-encoded list
$json_values = json_encode($values);

if (!$user_picker_js_sent) {
<!-- User picker JS -->
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $vars['url']; ?>vendors/jquery/jquery.autocomplete.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// set up a few required variables
userPickerURL = '<?php echo $vars['url'] ?>pg/livesearch';
userList = <?php echo $json_values ?>;

function userPickerBindEvents() {
	// binding autocomplete.
	// doing this as an each so we can past this to functions.
	$('.user_picker .search').each(function (i, e) {

	// changing friends vs all users.
	$('.user_picker .all_users').click(function() {
		// update the extra params for the autocomplete.
		var e = $(this).parents('.user_picker').find('.search');
		var params = userPickerGetSearchParams(e);
		e.setOptions({extraParams: params});

	// hitting enter on the text field
//	$('.user_picker .search').bind($.browser.opera ? "keypress" : "keydown", function(event) {
//		if(event.keyCode == 13) {
////			console.log($(this).val());
//			userPickerAddUser(this);
//		}
//	});

function userPickerBindAutocomplete(e) {
	var params = userPickerGetSearchParams(e);

	$(e).autocomplete(userPickerURL, {
		extraParams: params,
		max: 25,
		minChars: 2,
		matchContains: false,
		autoFill: false,
		formatItem: userPickerFormatItem,
		formatResult: function (row, i, max) {
			eval("var info = " + row + ";");
			// returning the just name
			return info.name;

	// add users when a result is picked.

function userPickerFormatItem(row, i, max, term) {
	eval("var info = " + row + ";");
	var r = '';
	var name = info.name.replace(new RegExp("(" + term + ")", "gi"), "<span class=\"user_picker_highlight\">$1</b>");
	var desc = info.desc.replace(new RegExp("(" + term + ")", "gi"), "<span class=\"user_picker_highlight\">$1</b>");

	switch (info.type) {
		case 'user':
		case 'group':
			r = info.icon + name + ' - ' + desc;

			r = name + ' - ' + desc;
	return r;
	//return r.replace(new RegExp("(" + term + ")", "gi"), "<span class=\"user_picker_highlight\">$1</b>");

function userPickerAddUser(event, data, formatted) {
	eval("var info = " + data + ";");
	// do not allow users to be added multiple times
	if (!(info.guid in userList)) {
		userList[info.guid] = true;
		var picker = $(this).parent('.user_picker');
		var users = picker.find('.users');
		var internalName = picker.find('input.internalname').val();
		// not sure why formatted isn't.
		var formatted = userPickerFormatItem(data);

		// add guid as hidden input and to list.
		var li = formatted + ' <div class="delete_button"><a onclick="userPickerRemoveUser(this, ' + info.guid + ')"><strong>X</strong></a></div>'
		+ '<input type="hidden" name="' + internalName + '[]" value="' + info.guid + '" />';
		$('<li class="user_picker_entry">').html(li).appendTo(users);


function userPickerRemoveUser(link, guid) {

function userPickerGetSearchParams(e) {
	if ($(e).parent().find('.all_users').attr('checked')) {
		return {'match_on[]': 'friends'};
	} else {
		return {'match_on[]': 'users'};

$(document).ready(function() {
	$user_picker_js_sent = true;

// create an HTML list of users
$user_list = '';
foreach ($vars['value'] as $user_id) {
	$user_list .= user_picker_add_user($user_id);

<div class="user_picker">
	<input class="internalname" type="hidden" name="internalname" value="<?php echo $vars['internalname']; ?>" />
	<input class="search" type="text" name="user_search" size="30"/>
	<span class="controls">
		<label><input class="all_users" type="checkbox" name="match_on" value="true" /><?php echo elgg_echo('userpicker:only_friends'); ?></label>
	<div class="results">
		<!-- This space will be filled with users, checkboxes and magic. -->
	<ul class="users"><?php echo $user_list; ?></ul>