<?php /** * Elgg checkbox input * Displays a checkbox input field * NB: This also includes a hidden input with the same name as the checkboxes * to make sure something is sent to the server. The default value is 0. * If using JS, be specific to avoid selecting the hidden default value: * $('input[type=checkbox][name=internalname]) * * @package Elgg * @subpackage Core * @author Curverider Ltd * @link http://elgg.org/ * * @uses string $vars['internalname'] The name of the input fields (Forced to an array by appending []) * @uses array $vars['options'] An array of strings representing the label => option for the each checkbox field * @uses string $vars['internalid'] The id for each input field. Optional (Only use this with a single value.) * @uses string $vars['default'] The default value to send if nothing is checked. Optional, defaults to 0. * @uses bool $vars['disabled'] Make all input elements disabled. Optional. * @uses string $vars['value'] The current value. Optional. * @uses string $vars['class'] The class of each input element. Optional. * @uses string $vars['js'] Any Javascript to enter into the input tag. Optional. * */ if (!isset($vars['value']) || $vars['value'] === FALSE) { $vars['value'] = elgg_get_sticky_value($vars['internalname']); } $class = (isset($vars['class'])) ? $vars['class'] : 'input_checkboxes'; $value = (isset($vars['value'])) ? $vars['value'] : NULL; $value_array = (is_array($value)) ? array_map('strtolower', $value) : array(strtolower($value)); $internalname = (isset($vars['internalname'])) ? $vars['internalname'] : ''; $options = (isset($vars['options']) && is_array($vars['options'])) ? $vars['options'] : array(); $default = (isset($vars['default'])) ? $vars['default'] : 0; $id = (isset($vars['internalid'])) ? $vars['internalid'] : ''; $disabled = (isset($vars['disabled'])) ? $vars['disabled'] : FALSE; $js = (isset($vars['js'])) ? $vars['js'] : ''; if ($options) { // include a default value so if nothing is checked 0 will be passed. if ($internalname) { echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"$internalname\" value=\"$default\">"; } foreach($options as $label => $option) { // @hack - This sorta checks if options is not an assoc array and then // ignores the label (because it's just the index) and sets the value ($option) // as the label. // Wow. // @todo deprecate in Elgg 1.8 if (is_integer($label)) { $label = $option; } if (!in_array(strtolower($option), $value_array)) { $selected = FALSE; } else { $selected = TRUE; } $attr = array( 'type="checkbox"', 'value="' . htmlentities($option, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '"' ); if ($id) { $attr[] = "id=\"$id\""; } if ($class) { $attr[] = "class=\"$class\""; } if ($disabled) { $attr[] = 'disabled="yes"'; } if ($selected) { $attr[] = 'checked = "checked"'; } if ($js) { $attr[] = $js; } if ($internalname) { // @todo this really, really should only add the []s if there are > 1 element in options. $attr[] = "name=\"{$internalname}[]\""; } $attr_str = implode(' ', $attr); echo "<label><input $attr_str />$label</label><br />"; } }