* @copyright Prateek Choudhary */ // Make sure we're logged in (send us to the front page if not) gatekeeper(); $page_owner = page_owner_entity(); $error = array( 'no-video' => 1 ); $error_msg = array( 'no-video' => "Please enter a valid video url" ); $container_guid = get_input("container_guid"); set_page_owner($container_guid); $confirm_action = get_input('video_action'); $guid = get_input('guid'); if(page_owner_entity() instanceof ElggGroup){ //if in a group, set the access level to default to the group $access_id = page_owner_entity()->group_acl; }else{ $access_id = get_default_access(get_loggedin_user()); } $title_videourl = get_input('title_videourl'); $Pagecontainer = get_input('page'); $get_addvideourl = get_input('add_videourl'); $timestamp = time(); $token = generate_action_token(time()); if (!empty($get_addvideourl) && ($Pagecontainer == "youtube")) { $title_add_videourl = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=".$get_addvideourl; } else if(!empty($get_addvideourl) && ($Pagecontainer == "metacafe")) { $title_add_videourl = "http://www.metacafe.com/api/item/".$get_addvideourl; } else if(!empty($get_addvideourl) && ($Pagecontainer == "vimeo")) { $title_add_videourl = "http://vimeo.com/".$get_addvideourl; } else { $title_add_videourl = ""; } $tags = get_input('videolisttags'); function video_youtube_parse_url($url) { if (!preg_match('/(http:\/\/)([a-zA-Z]{2,3}\.)(youtube\.com\/)(.*)/', $url, $matches)) { return false; } $domain = $matches[2] . $matches[3]; $path = $matches[4]; if (!preg_match('/^(watch\?v=)([a-zA-Z0-9_-]*)(&.*)?$/',$path, $matches)) { return false; } $hash = $matches[2]; return $domain . 'v/' . $hash; } function video_vimeo_parse_url($url) { if (!preg_match('/(http:\/\/)([a-zA-Z]{2,3}\.)(vimeo\.com\/)(.*)/', $url, $matches)) { return false; } $domain = $matches[2] . $matches[3]; $path = $matches[4]; $hash = $matches[2]; return $domain . '/' . $hash; } function video_metacafe_parse_url($url) { if (!preg_match('/(http:\/\/)([a-zA-Z]{2,3}\.)(metacafe\.com\/)(.*)/', $url, $matches)) { return false; } $domain = $matches[2] . $matches[3]; $path = $matches[4]; $hash = $matches[2]; return $domain . '/' . $hash; } if(isset($confirm_action) && ($confirm_action == 'add_video')) { if(isset($title_videourl) && ($title_videourl != '')) { if($Pagecontainer != "youtube" || $Pagecontainer != "vimeo" || $Pagecontainer != "metacafe"){ if(preg_match("/youtube/i", $title_videourl)) { $Pagecontainer = "youtube"; } if(preg_match("/vimeo/i", $title_videourl)) { $Pagecontainer = "vimeo"; } if(preg_match("/metacafe/i", $title_videourl)) { $Pagecontainer = "metacafe"; } } if($Pagecontainer == "youtube") { $is_valid_video = video_youtube_parse_url($title_videourl); } else if($Pagecontainer == "vimeo") { $is_valid_video = video_vimeo_parse_url($title_videourl); $is_valid_video = $get_addvideourl; } else if($Pagecontainer == "metacafe"){ $is_valid_video = video_metacafe_parse_url($title_videourl); $is_valid_video = $get_addvideourl; } if($is_valid_video) { $error['no-video'] = 1; $_SESSION['candidate_profile_video'] = $is_valid_video; $_SESSION['candidate_profile_video_access_id'] = $access_id; $_SESSION['videolisttags'] = $tags; $_SESSION['Pagecontainer'] = $Pagecontainer; $_SESSION['container_guid'] = $container_guid; $url = "action/videolist/add?__elgg_ts={$timestamp}&__elgg_token={$token}"; forward($url); } else $error['no-video'] = 0; } else { $error['no-video'] = 0; } } $body = '
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