guid; $event_container = $vars['event']->container_guid; // get the list of all groups: if (elgg_is_admin_logged_in()) { $groups = elgg_get_entities(array( 'type' => 'group', 'limit' => 5000, )); } else { $groups = elgg_get_entities(array( 'type' => 'group', 'owner_guid' => elgg_get_logged_in_user_guid(), 'limit' => 5000, )); } // split the group list into two lists $add_options = array(); $remove_options = array(); $remove_group = elgg_get_entities_from_relationship(array( 'relationship' => 'display_on_group', 'relationship_guid' => $event_id, 'inverse_relationship' => FALSE, 'limit' => 5000, )); $remove_group_ids = array(); foreach ($remove_group as $group) { $remove_group_ids[] = $group->guid; if ($group->guid != $event_container && $group->canEdit()) { $remove_options[$group->guid] = $group->name; } } if ($remove_group) { foreach($groups as $group) { if (($group->guid != $event_container) && !in_array($group->guid,$remove_group_ids)) { $add_options[$group->guid] = $group->name; } } } else { foreach($groups as $group) { if ($group->guid != $event_container && $group->canEdit()) { $add_options[$group->guid] = $group->name; } } } if ($add_options || $remove_options) { echo '
'; $event_bit = elgg_view('input/hidden', array("internalname" => "event_id","value" => $event_id)); if ($add_options) { echo "


"; $add_pulldown = elgg_view("input/dropdown",array("internalname" => "group_id","options_values" => $add_options)); $submit_button = "


"; echo elgg_view ('input/form',array("body" => $event_bit.$add_pulldown.$submit_button,"action" => $vars['url']."action/event_calendar/add_to_group")); } if ($remove_options) { echo "


"; $remove_pulldown = elgg_view("input/dropdown",array("internalname" => "group_id","options_values" => $remove_options)); $submit_button = "


"; echo elgg_view ('input/form',array("body" => $event_bit.$remove_pulldown.$submit_button,"action" => $vars['url']."action/event_calendar/remove_from_group")); } echo '
'; } ?>