/* *************************************** Core *************************************** */ a:hover, a.selected { text-decoration: underline; } p { margin-bottom:15px; } p:last-child { margin-bottom:0; } small { font-size: 90%; } h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { font-weight: bold; line-height: auto; color:#0054A7; } h1 { font-size: 1.8em; } h2 { font-size: 1.5em; line-height: 1.1em; } h3 { font-size: 1.2em; } h4 { font-size: 1.0em; } h5 { font-size: 0.9em; } h6 { font-size: 0.8em; } dt { font-weight: bold; } dd { margin: 0 0 1em 1em; } pre, code { background:#EBF5FF; color:#000000; overflow:auto; overflow-x: auto; /* Use horizontal scroller if needed; for Firefox 2, not needed in Firefox 3 */ white-space: pre-wrap; /* css-3 */ white-space: -moz-pre-wrap !important; /* Mozilla, since 1999 */ white-space: -pre-wrap; /* Opera 4-6 */ white-space: -o-pre-wrap; /* Opera 7 */ word-wrap: break-word; /* Internet Explorer 5.5+ */ } code { padding:2px 3px; } pre { padding:3px 15px; margin:0px 0 15px 0; line-height:1.3em; } blockquote { padding:3px 15px; margin:0px 0 15px 0; background:#EBF5FF; border:none; -webkit-border-radius: 4px; -moz-border-radius: 4px; } /* *************************************** GENERIC SELECTORS *************************************** */ h2 { /* border-bottom:1px solid #CCCCCC; */ padding-bottom:5px; } .clearfloat { clear:both; } /* Clearfix! */ .clearfix:after, .listing:after, .listing .info:after { content:"."; display:block; height:0; clear:both; visibility:hidden; } .listing .icon { float: left; margin-right: 10px; } .listing .icon img { width: auto } .listing .info { display: table-cell; } .link { cursor:pointer; } .small { font-size: 90%; } .divider { border-top:1px solid #cccccc; } .hidden { display:none; } .radius8 { -webkit-border-radius: 8px; -moz-border-radius: 8px; } .margin-none { margin:0; } .margin-top { margin-top:10px; } .rss-link { margin-top:-10px; margin-bottom:10px; } .rss-link a { display:block; width:14px; height:14px; float:right; background-image:url(_graphics/elgg_sprites.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: -250px top; text-indent: -1000em; } .elgg-tags { background-image:url(_graphics/elgg_sprites.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: left -196px; padding:1px 0 0 14px; font-size: 85%; } .elgg-tagcloud { text-align:justify; } .right { float: right; } .left { float: left; } .elgg_hrt { border-top: 1px solid #CCCCCC; } .elgg_hrb { border-bottom: 1px solid #CCCCCC; } /* *************************************** CSS LAYOUT OBJECTS *************************************** */ /** * elgg-body fills the space available to it. * It uses hidden text to expand itself. The combination of auto width, overflow * hidden, and the hidden text creates this effect. * * This allows us to float fixed width divs to either side of an .elgg-body div * without having to specify the body div's width. * * @todo check what happens with long
tags or large images */ .elgg-body { width: auto; word-wrap: break-word; overflow: hidden; } .elgg-body:after { display: block; visibility: hidden; height: 0 !important; line-height: 0; font-size: xx-large; content: " x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x "; } .elgg_inner { } .elgg-footer { } .elgg-image-block { padding: 3px 0; } .elgg-image-block .elgg-image { float: left; margin-right: 5px; } .elgg-image-block .elgg-image.elgg-alt { float: right; margin-left: 5px; } .elgg-list { border-top: 1px dotted #CCCCCC; margin: 5px 0; clear: both; } .elgg-list li { border-bottom: 1px dotted #CCCCCC; } .elgg-center { margin: 0 auto; } .elgg-width-classic { width: 990px; }