dbprefix}entities where subtype={$img_type}"; $total = get_data_row($query); $num_images = $total->total; $stats['images'] = $total->total; // number of albums $img_type = get_subtype_id('object', 'album'); $query = "SELECT count(guid) as total from {$CONFIG->dbprefix}entities where subtype={$img_type}"; $total = get_data_row($query); $num_albums = $total->total; $stats['albums'] = $total->total; $options = array( 'count' => true, 'type' => 'object', 'subtype' => 'image', 'annotation_name' => 'generic_comment' ); // number of comments on photos $stats['photo_comments'] = elgg_get_annotations($options); // number of comments on albums $options['subtype'] = 'album'; $stats['album_comments'] = elgg_get_annotations($options); // number of views on images $options['subtype'] = 'image'; $options['annotation_name'] = 'tp_view'; $stats['views'] = elgg_get_annotations($options); // number of photo tags on images if (elgg_get_plugin_setting('tagging', 'tidypics') != 'disabled') { $options['annotation_name'] = 'phototag'; $stats['tags'] = elgg_get_annotations($options); } $content = ''; foreach ($stats as $str => $value) { $str = elgg_echo("tidypics:stats:$str"); $value = (int)$value; $content .= << HTML; } $content .= '
$str: $value
'; echo elgg_view_module('inline', elgg_echo('tidypics:stats'), $content);