<?php /** * Elgg administration advanced plugin screen * * Shows a list of all plugins sorted by load order. * * @package Elgg.Core * @subpackage Admin.Plugins */ elgg_generate_plugin_entities(); $installed_plugins = elgg_get_plugins('any'); $show_category = get_input('category', null); // Get a list of the all categories // and trim down the plugin list if we're not viewing all categories. // @todo this could be cached somewhere after have the manifest loaded $categories = array(); foreach ($installed_plugins as $plugin) { if (!$plugin->isValid()) { continue; } $plugin_categories = $plugin->manifest->getCategories(); // handle plugins that don't declare categories // unset them here because this is the list we foreach if ($show_category && !in_array($show_category, $plugin_categories)) { unset($installed_plugins[$id]); } if (isset($plugin_categories)) { foreach ($plugin_categories as $category) { if (!array_key_exists($category, $categories)) { $categories[$category] = elgg_echo("admin:plugins:label:moreinfo:categories:$category"); } } } } $ts = time(); $token = generate_action_token($ts); $categories = array_merge(array('' => elgg_echo('admin:plugins:categories:all')), $categories); $category_pulldown = elgg_view('input/pulldown', array( 'internalname' => 'category', 'options_values' => $categories, 'value' => $show_category )); $category_button = elgg_view('input/submit', array( 'value' => elgg_echo('filter'), 'class' => 'elgg-action-button' )); $category_form = elgg_view('input/form', array( 'body' => $category_pulldown . $category_button )); // @todo Until "en/deactivate all" means "All plugins on this page" hide when not looking at all. if (!isset($show_category) || empty($show_category)) { $activate_url = "{$CONFIG->url}action/admin/plugins/activate_all?__elgg_token=$token&__elgg_ts=$ts"; $deactivate_url = "{$CONFIG->url}action/admin/plugins/deactivate_all?__elgg_token=$token&__elgg_ts=$ts"; $buttons = "<a class='elgg-action-button' href=\"$activate_url\">" . elgg_echo('admin:plugins:activate_all') . '</a> '; $buttons .= "<a class='elgg-action-button disabled' href=\"$deactivate_url\">" . elgg_echo('admin:plugins:deactivate_all') . '</a> '; $buttons .= "<br /><br />"; } else { $buttons = ''; } $buttons .= $category_form; // construct page header ?> <div id="content_header" class="clearfix"> <div class="content-header-options"><?php echo $buttons ?></div> </div> <br /> <?php // Display list of plugins foreach ($installed_plugins as $plugin) { $view = ($plugin->isValid()) ? 'admin/components/plugin' : 'admin/components/invalid_plugin'; echo elgg_view($view, array( 'plugin' => $plugin )); } ?> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $('a.manifest_details.link').click(function() { elgg_slide_toggle($(this), '.plugin_details', '.manifest_file'); }); }); </script>