 * Elgg statistics screen
 * @package Elgg
 * @subpackage Core

// Work out number of users
$users_stats = get_number_users();
$total_users = get_number_users(true);

// Get version information
$version = get_version();
$release = get_version(true);

echo elgg_view_title(elgg_echo('admin:overview'));
<div class="admin_settings site_stats">
	<?php echo elgg_view('overview/extend'); ?>
	<h3><?php echo elgg_echo('admin:statistics:label:basic'); ?></h3>
	<table class="styled">
		<tr class="odd">
			<td class="column-one"><b><?php echo elgg_echo('admin:statistics:label:version'); ?> :</b></td>
			<td><?php echo elgg_echo('admin:statistics:label:version:release'); ?> - <?php echo $release; ?>, <?php echo elgg_echo('admin:statistics:label:version:version'); ?> - <?php echo $version; ?></td>
		<tr class="even">
			<td class="column-one"><b><?php echo elgg_echo('admin:statistics:label:numusers'); ?> :</b></td>
			<td><?php echo $users_stats; ?> <?php echo elgg_echo('active'); ?> / <?php echo $total_users; ?> <?php echo elgg_echo('total') ?></td>



// Get entity statistics
$entity_stats = get_entity_statistics();
$even_odd = "";
<div class="admin_settings site_entities">
	<h3><?php echo elgg_echo('admin:statistics:label:numentities'); ?></h3>
	<table class="styled">
			foreach ($entity_stats as $k => $entry) {
				foreach ($entry as $a => $b) {

					//This function controls the alternating class
					$even_odd = ( 'odd' != $even_odd ) ? 'odd' : 'even';

					if ($a == "__base__") {
						$a = elgg_echo("item:{$k}");
						if (empty($a))
							$a = $k;
					} else {
							if (empty($a)) {
								$a = elgg_echo("item:{$k}");
							} else {
								$a = elgg_echo("item:{$k}:{$a}");

							if (empty($a)) {
								$a = "$k $a";
					echo <<< END
						<tr class="{$even_odd}">
							<td class="column-one">{$a}:</td>