/* SWFObject v2.2 is released under the MIT License Express Install Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Adobe Systems Incorporated and its licensors. All Rights Reserved. */ System.security.allowDomain("fpdownload.macromedia.com"); var time = 0; var timeOut = 5; // in seconds var delay = 10; // in milliseconds var int_id = setInterval(checkLoaded, delay); var old_si = null; var loaderClip = this.createEmptyMovieClip("loaderClip", 0); var updateSWF = "http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/flashplayer/update/current/swf/autoUpdater.swf?" + Math.random(); loaderClip.loadMovie(updateSWF); function checkLoaded(){ time += delay / 1000; if (time > timeOut) { // updater did not load in time, abort load and force alternative content clearInterval(int_id); loaderClip.unloadMovie(); loadTimeOut(); } else if (loaderClip.startInstall.toString() == "[type Function]") { // updater has loaded successfully AND has determined that it can do the express install if (old_si == null) { old_si = loaderClip.startInstall; loaderClip.startInstall = function() { clearInterval(int_id); old_si(); } loadComplete(); } } } function loadTimeOut() { callbackSWFObject(); } function callbackSWFObject() { getURL("javascript:swfobject.expressInstallCallback();"); } function loadComplete() { loaderClip.redirectURL = _level0.MMredirectURL; loaderClip.MMplayerType = _level0.MMplayerType; loaderClip.MMdoctitle = _level0.MMdoctitle; loaderClip.startUpdate(); } function installStatus(statusValue) { switch (statusValue) { case "Download.Complete": // Installation is complete. // In most cases the browser window that this SWF is hosted in will be closed by the installer or otherwise it has to be closed manually by the end user. // The Adobe Flash installer will attempt to reopen the browser window and reload the page containing the SWF. break; case "Download.Cancelled": // The end user chose "NO" when prompted to install the new player. // By default the SWFObject callback function is called to force alternative content. callbackSWFObject(); break; case "Download.Failed": // The end user failed to download the installer due to a network failure. // By default the SWFObject callback function is called to force alternative content. callbackSWFObject(); break; } }