Parse($string = "") The basic function of kses. Give it a $string, and it will strip out the unwanted HTML and attributes. AddProtocols() Add a protocol or list of protocols to the kses object to be considered valid during a Parse(). The parameter can be a string containing a single protocol, or an array of strings, each containing a single protocol. Protocols() Deprecated. Use AddProtocols() AddProtocol($protocol = "") Adds a single protocol to the kses object that will be considered valid during a Parse(). SetProtocols() This is a straight setting/overwrite of existing protocols in the kses object. All existing protocols are removed, and the parameter is used to determine what protocol(s) the kses object will consider valid. The parameter can be a string containing a single protocol, or an array of strings, each constaining a single protocol. DumpProtocols() This returns an indexed array of the valid protocols contained in the kses object. DumpElements() This returns an associative array of the valid (X)HTML elements in the kses object along with attributes for each element, and tests that will be performed on each attribute. AddHTML($tag = "", $attribs = array()) This allows the end user to add a single (X)HTML element to the kses object along with the (if any) attributes that the specific (X)HTML element is allowed to have. See the file 'attribute-value-checks' for more information as to the format of the data to be provided to this method. RemoveProtocol($protocol = "") This allows for the removal of a single protocol from the list of valid protocols in the kses object. RemoveProtocols() This allows for the single or batch removal of protocols from the kses object. The parameter is either a string containing a protocol to be removed, or an array of strings that each contain a protocol. filterKsesTextHook($string) For the OOP version of kses, this is an additional hook that allows the end user to perform additional postprocessing of a string that's being run through Parse(). _hook() Deprecated. Use filterKsesTextHook().