<?php /** * Class to encapsulate access to dokuwiki plugins * * @license GPL 2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html) * @author Christopher Smith <chris@jalakai.co.uk> */ // plugin related constants if(!defined('DOKU_PLUGIN')) define('DOKU_PLUGIN',DOKU_INC.'lib/plugins/'); class Doku_Plugin_Controller { var $list_enabled = array(); var $list_disabled = array(); var $list_bytype = array(); function Doku_Plugin_Controller() { $this->_populateMasterList(); } /** * Returns a list of available plugins of given type * * @param $type string, plugin_type name; * the type of plugin to return, * use empty string for all types * @param $all bool; * false to only return enabled plugins, * true to return both enabled and disabled plugins * * @return array of plugin names * * @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org> */ function getList($type='',$all=false){ // request the complete list if (!$type) { return $all ? array_merge($this->list_enabled,$this->list_disabled) : $this->list_enabled; } if (!isset($this->list_bytype[$type]['enabled'])) { $this->list_bytype[$type]['enabled'] = $this->_getListByType($type,true); } if ($all && !isset($this->list_bytype[$type]['disabled'])) { $this->list_bytype[$type]['disabled'] = $this->_getListByType($type,false); } return $all ? array_merge($this->list_bytype[$type]['enabled'],$this->list_bytype[$type]['disabled']) : $this->list_bytype[$type]['enabled']; } /** * Loads the given plugin and creates an object of it * * @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org> * * @param $type string type of plugin to load * @param $name string name of the plugin to load * @param $new bool true to return a new instance of the plugin, false to use an already loaded instance * @return objectreference the plugin object or null on failure */ function &load($type,$name,$new=false){ //we keep all loaded plugins available in global scope for reuse global $DOKU_PLUGINS; //plugin already loaded? if(!empty($DOKU_PLUGINS[$type][$name])){ if ($new && !$DOKU_PLUGINS[$type][$name]->isSingleton()) { $class = $type.'_plugin_'.$name; return class_exists($class) ? new $class : null; } else { return $DOKU_PLUGINS[$type][$name]; } } //try to load the wanted plugin file list($plugin,$component) = $this->_splitName($name); $dir = $this->get_directory($plugin); $file = $component ? "$type/$component.php" : "$type.php"; if(!is_file(DOKU_PLUGIN."$dir/$file")){ return null; } if (!include_once(DOKU_PLUGIN."$dir/$file")) { return null; } //construct class and instantiate $class = $type.'_plugin_'.$name; if (!class_exists($class)) return null; $DOKU_PLUGINS[$type][$name] = new $class; return $DOKU_PLUGINS[$type][$name]; } function isdisabled($plugin) { return (array_search($plugin, $this->list_enabled) === false); } function enable($plugin) { if (array_search($plugin, $this->list_disabled) !== false) { return @unlink(DOKU_PLUGIN.$plugin.'/disabled'); } return false; } function disable($plugin) { if (array_search($plugin, $this->list_enabled) !== false) { return @touch(DOKU_PLUGIN.$plugin.'/disabled'); } return false; } function get_directory($plugin) { return $plugin; } function _populateMasterList() { if ($dh = opendir(DOKU_PLUGIN)) { while (false !== ($plugin = readdir($dh))) { if ($plugin == '.' || $plugin == '..' || $plugin == 'tmp') continue; if (is_file(DOKU_PLUGIN.$plugin)) continue; if (substr($plugin,-9) == '.disabled') { // the plugin was disabled by rc2009-01-26 // disabling mechanism was changed back very soon again // to keep everything simple we just skip the plugin completely }elseif(@file_exists(DOKU_PLUGIN.$plugin.'/disabled')){ $this->list_disabled[] = $plugin; } else { $this->list_enabled[] = $plugin; } } } } function _getListByType($type, $enabled) { $master_list = $enabled ? $this->list_enabled : $this->list_disabled; $plugins = array(); foreach ($master_list as $plugin) { $dir = $this->get_directory($plugin); if (@file_exists(DOKU_PLUGIN."$dir/$type.php")){ $plugins[] = $plugin; } else { if ($dp = @opendir(DOKU_PLUGIN."$dir/$type/")) { while (false !== ($component = readdir($dp))) { if (substr($component,0,1) == '.' || strtolower(substr($component, -4)) != ".php") continue; if (is_file(DOKU_PLUGIN."$dir/$type/$component")) { $plugins[] = $plugin.'_'.substr($component, 0, -4); } } closedir($dp); } } } return $plugins; } function _splitName($name) { if (array_search($name, $this->list_enabled + $this->list_disabled) === false) { return explode('_',$name,2); } return array($name,''); } }