<?php /** * Brutally chopped and modified from http://pear.php.net/package/Console_Getopts */ // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | PHP Version 4 | // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Copyright (c) 1997-2003 The PHP Group | // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license, | // | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | // | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | // | http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt. | // | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | // | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | // | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately. | // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Author: Andrei Zmievski <andrei@php.net> | // | Modified: Harry Fuecks hfuecks gmail.com | // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Sets up CLI environment based on SAPI and PHP version * Helps resolve some issues between the CGI and CLI SAPIs * as well is inconsistencies between PHP 4.3+ and older versions */ if (version_compare(phpversion(), '4.3.0', '<') || php_sapi_name() == 'cgi') { // Handle output buffering @ob_end_flush(); ob_implicit_flush(true); // PHP ini settings set_time_limit(0); ini_set('track_errors', true); ini_set('html_errors', false); ini_set('magic_quotes_runtime', false); // Define stream constants define('STDIN', fopen('php://stdin', 'r')); define('STDOUT', fopen('php://stdout', 'w')); define('STDERR', fopen('php://stderr', 'w')); // Close the streams on script termination register_shutdown_function( create_function('', 'fclose(STDIN); fclose(STDOUT); fclose(STDERR); return true;') ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Error codes */ define('DOKU_CLI_OPTS_UNKNOWN_OPT',1); //Unrecognized option define('DOKU_CLI_OPTS_OPT_ARG_REQUIRED',2); //Option requires argument define('DOKU_CLI_OPTS_OPT_ARG_DENIED',3); //Option not allowed argument define('DOKU_CLI_OPTS_OPT_ABIGUOUS',4);//Option abiguous define('DOKU_CLI_OPTS_ARG_READ',5);//Could not read argv //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Command-line options parsing class. * * @author Andrei Zmievski <andrei@php.net> * */ class Doku_Cli_Opts { /** * <?php ?> * @see http://www.sitepoint.com/article/php-command-line-1/3 * @param string executing file name - this MUST be passed the __FILE__ constant * @param string short options * @param array (optional) long options * @return Doku_Cli_Opts_Container or Doku_Cli_Opts_Error */ function & getOptions($bin_file, $short_options, $long_options = null) { $args = Doku_Cli_Opts::readPHPArgv(); if ( Doku_Cli_Opts::isError($args) ) { return $args; } // Compatibility between "php extensions.php" and "./extensions.php" if ( realpath($_SERVER['argv'][0]) == $bin_file ) { $options = Doku_Cli_Opts::getOpt($args,$short_options,$long_options); } else { $options = Doku_Cli_Opts::getOpt2($args,$short_options,$long_options); } if ( Doku_Cli_Opts::isError($options) ) { return $options; } $container = new Doku_Cli_Opts_Container($options); return $container; } function getopt2($args, $short_options, $long_options = null) { return Doku_Cli_Opts::doGetopt( 2, $args, $short_options, $long_options ); } function getopt($args, $short_options, $long_options = null) { return Doku_Cli_Opts::doGetopt( 1, $args, $short_options, $long_options ); } function doGetopt($version, $args, $short_options, $long_options = null) { // in case you pass directly readPHPArgv() as the first arg if (Doku_Cli_Opts::isError($args)) { return $args; } if (empty($args)) { return array(array(), array()); } $opts = array(); $non_opts = array(); settype($args, 'array'); if ($long_options && is_array($long_options)) { sort($long_options); } /* * Preserve backwards compatibility with callers that relied on * erroneous POSIX fix. */ if ($version < 2) { if (isset($args[0]{0}) && $args[0]{0} != '-') { array_shift($args); } } reset($args); while (list($i, $arg) = each($args)) { /* The special element '--' means explicit end of options. Treat the rest of the arguments as non-options and end the loop. */ if ($arg == '--') { $non_opts = array_merge($non_opts, array_slice($args, $i + 1)); break; } if ($arg{0} != '-' || (strlen($arg) > 1 && $arg{1} == '-' && !$long_options)) { $non_opts = array_merge($non_opts, array_slice($args, $i)); break; } elseif (strlen($arg) > 1 && $arg{1} == '-') { $error = Doku_Cli_Opts::_parseLongOption(substr($arg, 2), $long_options, $opts, $args); if (Doku_Cli_Opts::isError($error)) return $error; } else { $error = Doku_Cli_Opts::_parseShortOption(substr($arg, 1), $short_options, $opts, $args); if (Doku_Cli_Opts::isError($error)) return $error; } } return array($opts, $non_opts); } function _parseShortOption($arg, $short_options, &$opts, &$args) { for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($arg); $i++) { $opt = $arg{$i}; $opt_arg = null; /* Try to find the short option in the specifier string. */ if (($spec = strstr($short_options, $opt)) === false || $arg{$i} == ':') { return Doku_Cli_Opts::raiseError( DOKU_CLI_OPTS_UNKNOWN_OPT, "Unrecognized option -- $opt" ); } if (strlen($spec) > 1 && $spec{1} == ':') { if (strlen($spec) > 2 && $spec{2} == ':') { if ($i + 1 < strlen($arg)) { /* Option takes an optional argument. Use the remainder of the arg string if there is anything left. */ $opts[] = array($opt, substr($arg, $i + 1)); break; } } else { /* Option requires an argument. Use the remainder of the arg string if there is anything left. */ if ($i + 1 < strlen($arg)) { $opts[] = array($opt, substr($arg, $i + 1)); break; } else if (list(, $opt_arg) = each($args)) /* Else use the next argument. */; else return Doku_Cli_Opts::raiseError( DOKU_CLI_OPTS_OPT_ARG_REQUIRED, "Option requires an argument -- $opt" ); } } $opts[] = array($opt, $opt_arg); } } function _parseLongOption($arg, $long_options, &$opts, &$args) { @list($opt, $opt_arg) = explode('=', $arg); $opt_len = strlen($opt); for ($i = 0; $i < count($long_options); $i++) { $long_opt = $long_options[$i]; $opt_start = substr($long_opt, 0, $opt_len); /* Option doesn't match. Go on to the next one. */ if ($opt_start != $opt) continue; $opt_rest = substr($long_opt, $opt_len); /* Check that the options uniquely matches one of the allowed options. */ if ($opt_rest != '' && $opt{0} != '=' && $i + 1 < count($long_options) && $opt == substr($long_options[$i+1], 0, $opt_len)) { return Doku_Cli_Opts::raiseError( DOKU_CLI_OPTS_OPT_ABIGUOUS, "Option --$opt is ambiguous" ); } if (substr($long_opt, -1) == '=') { if (substr($long_opt, -2) != '==') { /* Long option requires an argument. Take the next argument if one wasn't specified. */; if (!strlen($opt_arg) && !(list(, $opt_arg) = each($args))) { return Doku_Cli_Opts::raiseError( DOKU_CLI_OPTS_OPT_ARG_REQUIRED, "Option --$opt requires an argument" ); } } } else if ($opt_arg) { return Doku_Cli_Opts::raiseError( DOKU_CLI_OPTS_OPT_ARG_DENIED, "Option --$opt doesn't allow an argument" ); } $opts[] = array('--' . $opt, $opt_arg); return; } return Doku_Cli_Opts::raiseError( DOKU_CLI_OPTS_UNKNOWN_OPT, "Unrecognized option --$opt" ); } function readPHPArgv() { global $argv; if (!is_array($argv)) { if (!@is_array($_SERVER['argv'])) { if (!@is_array($GLOBALS['HTTP_SERVER_VARS']['argv'])) { return Doku_Cli_Opts::raiseError( DOKU_CLI_OPTS_ARG_READ, "Could not read cmd args (register_argc_argv=Off?)" ); } return $GLOBALS['HTTP_SERVER_VARS']['argv']; } return $_SERVER['argv']; } return $argv; } function raiseError($code, $msg) { return new Doku_Cli_Opts_Error($code, $msg); } function isError($obj) { return is_a($obj, 'Doku_Cli_Opts_Error'); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Doku_Cli_Opts_Error { var $code; var $msg; function Doku_Cli_Opts_Error($code, $msg) { $this->code = $code; $this->msg = $msg; } function getMessage() { return $this->msg; } function isError() { return true; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Doku_Cli_Opts_Container { var $options = array(); var $args = array(); function Doku_Cli_Opts_Container($options) { foreach ( $options[0] as $option ) { if ( false !== ( strpos($option[0], '--') ) ) { $opt_name = substr($option[0], 2); } else { $opt_name = $option[0]; } $this->options[$opt_name] = $option[1]; } $this->args = $options[1]; } function has($option) { return array_key_exists($option, $this->options); } function get($option) { if ( isset($this->options[$option]) ) { return ( $this->options[$option] ) ; } } function arg($index) { if ( isset($this->args[$index]) ) { return $this->args[$index]; } } function numArgs() { return count($this->args); } function hasArgs() { return count($this->args) !== 0; } function isError() { return false; } }