dbprefix}locked'")); // Invalidate query cache if ($DB_QUERY_CACHE) { $DB_QUERY_CACHE->clear(); elgg_log("Query cache invalidated", 'NOTICE'); } if (!$is_locked) { // lock it insert_data("create table {$CONFIG->dbprefix}locked (id INT)"); error_log('Upgrade continue running'); return true; } error_log('Upgrade is locked'); return false; } // @todo Move to ElggUpgradeManager::unlock() when #4682 fixed. function upgrade_unlock() { global $CONFIG; delete_data("drop table {$CONFIG->dbprefix}locked"); error_log('Upgrade unlocks itself'); } // we want to know if an error occurs ini_set('display_errors', 1); define('UPGRADING', 'upgrading'); require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/engine/start.php"); if (get_input('upgrade') == 'upgrade') { // prevent someone from running the upgrade script in parallel (see #4643) if (!upgrade_lock()) { forward(); } // disable the system log for upgrades to avoid exceptions when the schema changes. elgg_unregister_event_handler('log', 'systemlog', 'system_log_default_logger'); elgg_unregister_event_handler('all', 'all', 'system_log_listener'); if (elgg_get_unprocessed_upgrades()) { version_upgrade(); } // turn off time limit so plugins that have upgrade scripts aren't interrupted set_time_limit(0); elgg_trigger_event('upgrade', 'system', null); elgg_invalidate_simplecache(); elgg_reset_system_cache(); // critical region has past upgrade_unlock(); } else { // if upgrading from < 1.8.0, check for the core view 'welcome' and bail if it's found. // see http://trac.elgg.org/ticket/3064 // we're not checking the view itself because it's likely themes will override this view. // we're only concerned with core files. $welcome = dirname(__FILE__) . '/views/default/welcome.php'; if (file_exists($welcome)) { elgg_set_viewtype('failsafe'); // can't have pretty messages because we don't know the state of the views. $content = elgg_echo('upgrade:unable_to_upgrade_info'); $title = elgg_echo('upgrade:unable_to_upgrade'); echo elgg_view_page($title, $content); exit; } echo elgg_view_page(elgg_echo('upgrading'), '', 'upgrade'); exit; } forward();