<?php /** * Tidypics Upload Images Page * */ include_once dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))) . "/engine/start.php"; // must be logged in to upload images gatekeeper(); $album_guid = (int) get_input('container_guid'); if (!$album_guid) forward(); $album = get_entity($album_guid); //if album does not exist or user does not have access if (!$album || !$album->canEdit()) { // throw warning and forward to previous page forward($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } // set page owner based on container (user or group) $container = $album->container_guid; set_page_owner($container); $page_owner = page_owner_entity(); if ($page_owner instanceof ElggGroup) { add_submenu_item( sprintf(elgg_echo('album:group'),$page_owner->name), $CONFIG->wwwroot . "pg/photos/owned/" . $page_owner->username); } set_context('photos'); $title = elgg_echo('album:addpix') . ': ' . $album->title; $area2 .= elgg_view_title($title); $area2 .= elgg_view("tidypics/forms/upload", array('album' => $album_guid ) ); $body = elgg_view_layout('two_column_left_sidebar', '', $area2); page_draw($title, $body); ?>