guid, "flickr_username" ); if( empty( $flickr_username )) { register_error( "No Flickr username set"); echo "
No flickr username set: $temp_user->guid"; die;
	forward( "/" );
$flickr_user = $f->people_findByUsername( $flickr_username->value );

// Get the friendly URL of the user's photos
$photos_url = $f->urls_getUserPhotos( $flickr_user["id"] );

if( !empty( $flickr_user )) {
	$recent = $f->people_getPublicPhotos( $flickr_user['id'], NULL, NULL, 5 );
} else {
	echo "user not found"; die;
//echo "
"; var_dump( $recent ); echo "
"; //echo "
"; var_dump( $user ); echo "
"; $body = elgg_view_title( "Flickr photos for $flickr_user[username]" ); $count = 0; foreach ($recent['photos']['photo'] as $photo) { $photo_info = $f->photos_getInfo( $photo["id"], $photo["secret"] ); $body .= "
"; $body .= "$photo_info[title]
Views: $photo_info[views]
"; $body .= ""; $body .= "$photo[title]"; $body .= ""; $tag_count = 0; $body .= "
"; foreach( $photo_info["tags"]["tag"] as $tag ) { if( $tag_count ) $body .= ", "; $body .= "$tag[_content]"; $tag_count++; } $body .= "
"; $count++; } page_draw( "Flickr photos for $flickr_user[username]", elgg_view_layout("two_column_left_sidebar", '', $body)); ?>