* @copyright 2005-2008 Janrain, Inc. * @license http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Apache */ $path_extra = dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))); $path = ini_get('include_path'); $path = $path_extra . PATH_SEPARATOR . $path; ini_set('include_path', $path); require_once "Auth/OpenID.php"; /** * Data. */ $store_types = array("Filesystem" => "Auth_OpenID_FileStore", "MySQL" => "Auth_OpenID_MySQLStore", "PostgreSQL" => "Auth_OpenID_PostgreSQLStore", "SQLite" => "Auth_OpenID_SQLiteStore"); /** * Main. */ $messages = array(); session_start(); init_session(); if (!check_session() || isset($_GET['add_openid'])) { render_form(); } else { print generate_config(isset($_GET['download'])); } /** * Functions. */ function check_url($url) { return (Auth_OpenID::normalizeUrl($url) !== null); } function build_url() { $port = (($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 80) ? null : $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']); $parts = explode("/", $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL']); $scheme = strtolower($parts[0]); if ($port) { return sprintf("%s://%s:%s%s/server.php", $scheme, $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], $port, dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])); } else { return sprintf("%s://%s%s/server.php", $scheme, $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])); } } function check_open_basedir($path) { if (ini_get('open_basedir')) { $parts = explode(PATH_SEPARATOR, ini_get('open_basedir')); $found = false; foreach ($parts as $p) { if (strpos($path, $p) === 0) { $found = true; break; } } return $found; } else { return true; } } function check_session() { global $messages; if ($_GET && isset($_GET['clear'])) { session_destroy(); $_SESSION = array(); init_session(); return false; } $bad_path = false; if (isset($_GET['generate'])) { if (!$_SESSION['server_url']) { $messages[] = "Please enter a server URL."; } if (!isset($_SESSION['store_type'])) { $messages[] = "No store type chosen."; } else { switch ($_SESSION['store_type']) { case "Filesystem": if (!@$_SESSION['store_data']['fs_path']) { $messages[] = "Please specify a filesystem store path."; } else { if (!check_open_basedir($_SESSION['store_data']['fs_path'])) { $messages[] = "The filesystem store path violates PHP's open_basedir setting."; $bad_path = true; } } break; case "SQLite": if (!@$_SESSION['store_data']['sqlite_path']) { $messages[] = "Please specify a SQLite database path."; } else { if (!check_open_basedir($_SESSION['store_data']['sqlite_path'])) { $messages[] = "The SQLite store path violates PHP's open_basedir setting."; $bad_path = true; } } break; default: if (!($_SESSION['store_data']['host'] && $_SESSION['store_data']['database'] && $_SESSION['store_data']['username'] && $_SESSION['store_data']['password'])) { $messages[] = "Please specify database connection details."; } } } } if ($_SESSION['store_type'] && $_SESSION['server_url'] && (parse_url($_SESSION['server_url']) !== false) && ((($_SESSION['store_type'] == 'Filesystem') && $_SESSION['store_data']['fs_path']) || (($_SESSION['store_type'] == 'SQLite') && $_SESSION['store_data']['sqlite_path']) || ($_SESSION['store_data']['host'] && $_SESSION['store_data']['username'] && $_SESSION['store_data']['database'] && $_SESSION['store_data']['password'])) && !$bad_path) { return true; } return false; } function render_form() { global $store_types, $fields, $messages; $basedir_msg = ""; if (ini_get('open_basedir')) { $basedir_msg = "
Note: Due to the ". "open_basedir php.ini setting, be sure to ". "choose a path in one of the following directories:"; } $sqlite_found = false; if (extension_loaded('sqlite') || @dl('sqlite.' . PHP_SHLIB_SUFFIX)) { $sqlite_found = true; } $mysql_found = false; if (extension_loaded('mysql') || @dl('mysql.' . PHP_SHLIB_SUFFIX)) { $mysql_found = true; } $pgsql_found = false; if (extension_loaded('pgsql') || @dl('pgsql.' . PHP_SHLIB_SUFFIX)) { $pgsql_found = true; } ?>

OpenID Example Server Configuration

"; foreach ($messages as $m) { print "
"; } print ""; } ?>

Your browser has been redirected to this page so you can configure the server example. This form will auto-generate an OpenID example server configuration for use with the OpenID server example.

The server URL is the URL that points to the "server.php" file. It looks like your server URL should be .

If this package isn't installed in the PHP include path, the package's directory should be added. For example, if the package is in /home/me/PHP-OpenID/, you should enter that directory here.

The server needs to store OpenID information in a "store". The following store types are available on your PHP installation:

Store method:
> >

OpenID Example Server Configuration

Put the following text into config.php.

Back to form (resets settings)

Download this configuration

 * Set any extra include paths needed to use the library
set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . "");

 * The URL for the server.
 * This is the location of server.php. For example:
 * $server_url = 'http://example.com/~user/server.php';
 * This must be a full URL.
$server_url = "";

 * Initialize an OpenID store
 * @return object $store an instance of OpenID store (see the
 * documentation for how to create one)
function getOpenIDStore()
    createTables();\n    ";
        print "return \$s;\n";

    case "MySQL":

        ?>require_once 'Auth/OpenID/MySQLStore.php';
    require_once 'DB.php';

    $dsn = array(
                 'phptype'  => 'mysql',
                 'username' => '',
                 'password' => '',
                 'hostspec' => ''

    $db =& DB::connect($dsn);

    if (PEAR::isError($db)) {
        return null;

    $db->query("USE ");
    $s =& new Auth_OpenID_MySQLStore($db);


    return $s;
require_once 'Auth/OpenID/PostgreSQLStore.php';
    require_once 'DB.php';

    $dsn = array(
                 'phptype'  => 'pgsql',
                 'username' => '',
                 'password' => '',
                 'hostspec' => '',
                 'database' => ''

    $db =& DB::connect($dsn);

    if (PEAR::isError($db)) {
        return null;

    $s =& new Auth_OpenID_PostgreSQLStore($db);


    return $s;


    if (!$download) {