* @copyright Radagast Solutions 2008-2011 * @link http://radagast.biz/ * */ function event_calendar_get_event_for_edit($event_id) { if ($event_id && $event = get_entity($event_id)) { if ($event->canEdit()) { return $event; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } // converts to time in minutes since midnight function event_calendar_convert_to_time($hour,$minute,$meridian) { if ($meridian) { if ($meridian == 'am') { if ($hour == 12) { $hour = 0; } } else { if ($hour < 12) { $hour += 12; } } } return 60*$hour+$minute; } // returns the event or FALSE function event_calendar_set_event_from_form($event_guid,$group_guid) { $event_calendar_times = elgg_get_plugin_setting('times', 'event_calendar'); $event_calendar_region_display = elgg_get_plugin_setting('region_display', 'event_calendar'); $event_calendar_type_display = elgg_get_plugin_setting('type_display', 'event_calendar'); $event_calendar_spots_display = elgg_get_plugin_setting('spots_display', 'event_calendar'); $event_calendar_hide_end = elgg_get_plugin_setting('hide_end', 'event_calendar'); $event_calendar_more_required = elgg_get_plugin_setting('more_required', 'event_calendar'); $event_calendar_personal_manage = elgg_get_plugin_setting('personal_manage', 'event_calendar'); $event_calendar_repeating_events = elgg_get_plugin_setting('repeating_events', 'event_calendar'); $schedule_type = get_input('schedule_type'); if ($event_calendar_more_required == 'yes') { $required_fields = array('title','venue','start_date', 'brief_description','fees','contact','organiser', 'tags'); if ($event_calendar_times != 'no') { $required_fields[] = 'start_time'; if ($event_calendar_hide_end != 'yes') { $required_fields[] = 'end_time'; } } if ($event_calendar_region_display == 'yes') { $required_fields[] = 'region'; } if ($event_calendar_type_display == 'yes') { $required_fields[] = 'event_type'; } if ($event_calendar_spots_display == 'yes') { $required_fields[] = 'spots'; } } else { $required_fields = array('title'); } if ($event_guid) { $event = get_entity($event_guid); if (!elgg_instanceof($event, 'object', 'event_calendar')) { // do nothing because this is a bad event guid return FALSE; } } else { $user_guid = elgg_get_logged_in_user_guid(); $event = new ElggObject(); $event->subtype = 'event_calendar'; $event->owner_guid = $user_guid; if ($group_guid) { $event->container_guid = $group_guid; } else { $event->container_guid = $event->owner_guid; } } $event->access_id = get_input('access_id'); $event->title = get_input('title'); $event->description = get_input('description'); $event->venue = get_input('venue'); if ($schedule_type != 'poll') { $start_date_text = trim(get_input('start_date')); /*$event->original_start_date = get_input('start_date'); //$end_date = trim(get_input('end_date','')); // convert start date from current server time to GMT $start_date_text = gmdate("Y-m-d",$start_date); //$event->munged_start_date_string = $start_date_text." ".date_default_timezone_get();*/ // TODO: is the timezone bit necessary? $event->start_date = strtotime($start_date_text." ".date_default_timezone_get()); $end_date_text = trim(get_input('end_date','')); //$event->original_end_date = get_input('end_date'); if ($end_date_text) { $event->end_date = strtotime($end_date_text." ".date_default_timezone_get()); //$event->munged_end_date_string = $end_date_text." ".date_default_timezone_get(); } else { $event->end_date = ''; } if ($event_calendar_times != 'no') { $hour = get_input('start_time_hour',''); $minute = get_input('start_time_minute',''); $meridian = get_input('start_time_meridian',''); if (is_numeric($hour) && is_numeric($minute)) { $event->start_time = event_calendar_convert_to_time($hour,$minute,$meridian); } else { $event->start_time = ''; } $hour = get_input('end_time_hour',''); $minute = get_input('end_time_minute',''); $meridian = get_input('end_time_meridian',''); if (is_numeric($hour) && is_numeric($minute)) { $event->end_time = event_calendar_convert_to_time($hour,$minute,$meridian); } else { $event->end_time = ''; } if (is_numeric($event->start_date) && is_numeric($event->start_time)) { // Set start date to the Unix start time, if set. // This allows sorting by date *and* time. $event->start_date += $event->start_time*60; } } } if ($event_calendar_spots_display == 'yes') { $event->spots = trim(get_input('spots')); } if ($event_calendar_region_display == 'yes') { $event->region = get_input('region'); } if ($event_calendar_type_display == 'yes') { $event->event_type = get_input('event_type'); } if ($event_calendar_personal_manage == 'by_event') { $event->personal_manage = get_input('personal_manage'); } if ($event_calendar_repeating_events != 'no') { $repeats = get_input('repeats'); $event->repeats = $repeats; if ($repeats == 'yes') { $event->repeat_interval = get_input('repeat_interval'); $dow = array('monday','tuesday','wednesday','thursday','friday','saturday','sunday'); foreach ($dow as $w) { $v = 'event-calendar-repeating-'.$w.'-value'; $event->$v = get_input($v); } } } $event->fees = get_input('fees'); $event->contact = get_input('contact'); $event->organiser = get_input('organiser'); $event->tags = string_to_tag_array(get_input('tags')); $event->long_description = get_input('long_description'); $event->schedule_type = $schedule_type; $event->send_reminder = get_input('send_reminder'); $event->reminder_number = get_input('reminder_number'); $event->reminder_interval = get_input('reminder_interval'); $event->web_conference = get_input('web_conference'); $event->real_end_time = event_calendar_get_end_time($event); foreach ($required_fields as $fn) { if (!trim($event->$fn)) { return FALSE; break; } } if ($event->save()) { if (!$event_guid && $event->web_conference) { event_calendar_create_bbb_conf($event); } if ($group_guid && (elgg_get_plugin_setting('autogroup', 'event_calendar') == 'yes')) { event_calendar_add_personal_events_from_group($event->guid,$group_guid); } if (elgg_get_plugin_setting('add_users', 'event_calendar') == 'yes') { if (function_exists('autocomplete_member_to_user')) { $addusers = get_input('adduser',array()); foreach($addusers as $adduser) { if ($adduser) { $user = autocomplete_member_to_user($adduser); $user_id = $user->guid; event_calendar_add_personal_event($event->guid,$user_id); if (elgg_get_plugin_setting('add_users_notify', 'event_calendar') == 'yes') { notify_user($user_id, $CONFIG->site->guid, elgg_echo('event_calendar:add_users_notify:subject'), sprintf( elgg_echo('event_calendar:add_users_notify:body'), $user->name, $event->title, $event->getURL() ) ); } } } } } } return $event; } function event_calendar_get_events_between($start_date,$end_date,$is_count=FALSE,$limit=10,$offset=0,$container_guid=0,$region='-') { $polls_supported = elgg_is_active_plugin('event_poll'); if ($is_count) { $count = event_calendar_get_entities_from_metadata_between2('start_date','end_date', $start_date, $end_date, "object", "event_calendar", 0, $container_guid, $limit,$offset,"",0,false,true,$region); return $count; } else { $events = event_calendar_get_entities_from_metadata_between2('start_date','end_date', $start_date, $end_date, "object", "event_calendar", 0, $container_guid, $limit,$offset,"",0,false,false,$region); $repeating_events = event_calendar_get_repeating_events_between($start_date,$end_date,$container_guid,$region); $all_events = event_calendar_merge_repeating_events($events, $repeating_events); if ($polls_supported) { elgg_load_library('elgg:event_poll'); $all_events = event_poll_merge_poll_events($all_events,$start_date,$end_date); } return $all_events; } } function event_calendar_merge_repeating_events($events, $repeating_events) { $non_repeating_events = array(); foreach($events as $e) { if ($e->repeats != 'yes') { $non_repeating_events[] = array('event' => $e,'data' => array(array('start_time' => $e->start_date, 'end_time' => $e->real_end_time))); } } return array_merge($non_repeating_events, $repeating_events); } function event_calendar_get_repeating_events_between($start_date,$end_date,$container_guid,$region) { // game plan: get all repeating events with start date <= $end_date and then generate all possible events // sanity check if ($start_date <= $end_date) { $options = array( 'type' => 'object', 'subtype' => 'event_calendar', 'limit' => 0, 'metadata_name_value_pairs' => array( array( 'name' => 'start_date', 'value' => $end_date, 'operand' => '<=' ), array( 'name' => 'repeats', 'value' => 'yes' ), ) ); if ($container_guid) { if (is_array($container_guid)) { $options['container_guids'] = $container_guid; } else { $options['container_guid'] = $container_guid; } } if ($region && $region != '-') { $options['metadata_name_value_pairs'][] = array( 'name' => 'region', 'value' => $region ); } $events = elgg_get_entities_from_metadata($options); } return event_calendar_get_repeating_event_structure($events, $start_date, $end_date); } function event_calendar_get_repeating_event_structure($events, $start_date, $end_date) { $dow = array('monday','tuesday','wednesday','thursday','friday','saturday','sunday'); $repeating_events = array(); if ($events) { $incs = array(); foreach($events as $e) { $repeat_data = array(); $day_num = date('N',$e->start_date)-1; for($d=0;$d<7;$d++) { $fn = 'event-calendar-repeating-'.$dow[$d].'-value'; if ($e->$fn) { $increment = $d - $day_num; $incs[] = $increment; } } if ($incs) { sort($incs); $repeat_interval = $e->repeat_interval; $event_start_time = $e->start_date; $event_end_time = $e->real_end_time; $week = 0; if ($event_start_time <= $event_end_time) { $more_to_do = TRUE; $cur_start_time = $event_start_time; $cur_end_time = $event_end_time; // keep generating events until after $end_date // repeat_times is a sanity check to prevent infinite loops in case of bad data $repeat_times = 0; do { foreach($incs as $inc) { //$seconds = $inc*60*60*24; if ($inc >=0) { $tinc = "+ " . $inc; } else { $tinc = $inc; } $this_start_time = strtotime($tinc . " day", $cur_start_time); $this_end_time = strtotime($tinc . " day", $cur_end_time); if ($this_start_time > $end_date) { $more_to_do = FALSE; break; } if ($this_start_time >= $event_start_time) { $repeat_data[] = array ( 'start_time' => $this_start_time, 'end_time' => $this_end_time, ); } } // repeat_interval weeks later $week += $repeat_interval; $cur_start_time = strtotime("+" . $week . " week", $event_start_time); $cur_end_time = strtotime("+" . $week ." week", $event_end_time); $repeat_times += 1; } while ($repeat_times < 1000 && $more_to_do); } } $repeating_events[] = array('event'=>$e,'data'=>$repeat_data); } } return $repeating_events; } function event_calendar_get_open_events_between($start_date,$end_date, $is_count,$limit=10,$offset=0,$container_guid=0,$region='-', $meta_max = 'spots', $annotation_name = 'personal_event') { if ($is_count) { $count = event_calendar_get_entities_from_metadata_between2('start_date','end_date', $start_date, $end_date, "object", "event_calendar", 0, $container_guid, $limit,$offset,"",0,false,true,$region,$meta_max,$annotation_name); return $count; } else { $events = event_calendar_get_entities_from_metadata_between2('start_date','end_date', $start_date, $end_date, "object", "event_calendar", 0, $container_guid, $limit,$offset,"",0,false,false,$region,$meta_max,$annotation_name); //return event_calendar_vsort($events,'start_date'); $repeating_events = event_calendar_get_open_repeating_events_between($start_date,$end_date,$container_guid,$region); $all_events = event_calendar_merge_repeating_events($events, $repeating_events); return $all_events; } } function event_calendar_get_open_repeating_events_between($start_date,$end_date,$container_guid,$region) { $db_prefix = elgg_get_config('dbprefix'); $meta_max = 'spots'; $annotation_name = 'personal_event'; $joins = array(); $wheres = array(); $meta_max_n = get_metastring_id($meta_max); $ann_n = get_metastring_id($annotation_name); if (!$meta_max_n || !$ann_n) { if ($count) { return 0; } else { return false; } } $joins[] = "LEFT JOIN {$dbprefix}metadata m4 ON (e.guid = m4.entity_guid AND m4.name_id=$meta_max_n) "; $joins[] = "LEFT JOIN {$dbprefix}metastrings ms4 ON (m4.value_id = ms4.id) "; $wheres[] = "((ms4.string is null) OR (ms4.string = \"\") OR (CONVERT(ms4.string,SIGNED) > (SELECT count(id) FROM {$dbprefix}annotations ann WHERE ann.entity_guid = e.guid AND name_id = $ann_n GROUP BY entity_guid)))"; // sanity check if ($start_date <= $end_date) { $options = array( 'type' => 'object', 'subtype' => 'event_calendar', 'limit' => 0, 'metadata_name_value_pairs' => array( array( 'name' => 'start_date', 'value' => $end_date, 'operand' => '<=' ), array( 'name' => 'repeats', 'value' => 'yes' ), ), 'joins' => $joins, 'wheres' => $wheres, ); if ($container_guid) { if (is_array($container_guid)) { $options['container_guids'] = $container_guid; } else { $options['container_guid'] = $container_guid; } } if ($region && $region != '-') { $options['metadata_name_value_pairs'][] = array( 'name' => 'region', 'value' => $region ); } $events = elgg_get_entities_from_metadata($options); } return event_calendar_get_repeating_event_structure($events, $start_date, $end_date); } function event_calendar_get_events_for_user_between($start_date,$end_date,$is_count,$limit=10,$offset=0,$user_guid,$container_guid=0,$region='-') { if ($is_count) { // old way $count = event_calendar_get_entities_from_metadata_between('start_date','end_date', $start_date, $end_date, "object", "event_calendar", $user_guid, $container_guid, $limit,$offset,"",0,true,true,$region); return $count; } else { $events = event_calendar_get_entities_from_metadata_between('start_date','end_date', $start_date, $end_date, "object", "event_calendar", $user_guid, $container_guid, $limit,$offset,"",0,true,false,$region); //return event_calendar_vsort($events,'start_date'); return $events; } } function event_calendar_get_events_for_user_between2($start_date,$end_date,$is_count,$limit=10,$offset=0,$user_guid,$container_guid=0,$region='-') { $options_new_way = array( 'type' => 'object', 'subtype' => 'event_calendar', 'relationship' => 'personal_event', 'relationship_guid' => $user_guid, 'metadata_name_value_pairs' => array( array( 'name' => 'start_date', 'value' => $start_date, 'operand' => '>='), array( 'name' => 'real_end_time', 'value' => $end_date, 'operand' => '<=') ), ); if ($container_guid) { $options_new_way['container_guid'] = $container_guid; } if ($region && $region != '-') { $options_new_way['metadata_name_value_pairs'][] = array('name'=>'region','value'=>sanitize_string($region)); } if ($is_count) { // old way $count_old_way = event_calendar_get_entities_from_metadata_between('start_date','real_end_time', $start_date, $end_date, "object", "event_calendar", $user_guid, $container_guid, $limit,$offset,"",0,true,true,$region); // new way $options_new_way['count'] = TRUE; $count_new_way = elgg_get_entities_from_relationship($options_new_way); return $count_old_way+$count_new_way; } else { $events_old_way = event_calendar_get_entities_from_metadata_between('start_date','real_end_time', $start_date, $end_date, "object", "event_calendar", $user_guid, $container_guid, $limit,$offset,"",0,true,false,$region); $options_new_way['limit'] = $limit; $options_new_way['offset'] = $offset; $options_new_way['order_by_metadata'] = array(array('name'=>'start_date','direction'=>'ASC','as'=>'integer')); //print_r($options_new_way); $events_new_way = elgg_get_entities_from_relationship($options_new_way); //return event_calendar_vsort($events,'start_date'); $repeating_events = event_calendar_get_repeating_events_for_user_between($user_guid,$start_date,$end_date,$container_guid,$region); $all_events = event_calendar_merge_repeating_events(array_merge($events_old_way,$events_new_way), $repeating_events); return $all_events; } } function event_calendar_get_repeating_events_for_user_between($user_guid,$start_date,$end_date,$container_guid,$region) { $options = array( 'type' => 'object', 'subtype' => 'event_calendar', 'relationship' => 'personal_event', 'relationship_guid' => $user_guid, 'metadata_name_value_pairs' => array( array( 'name' => 'start_date', 'value' => $end_date, 'operand' => '<=' ), array( 'name' => 'repeats', 'value' => 'yes' ), ) ); if ($container_guid) { if (is_array($container_guid)) { $options['container_guids'] = $container_guid; } else { $options['container_guid'] = $container_guid; } } if ($region && $region != '-') { $options['metadata_name_value_pairs'][] = array( 'name' => 'region', 'value' => $region ); } $events = elgg_get_entities_from_relationship($options); return event_calendar_get_repeating_event_structure($events, $start_date, $end_date); } function event_calendar_get_repeating_events_for_friends_between($user_guid,$friend_list,$start_date,$end_date,$container_guid=0,$region='-') { $db_prefix = elgg_get_config('dbprefix'); $options = array( 'type' => 'object', 'subtype' => 'event_calendar', 'metadata_name_value_pairs' => array( array( 'name' => 'start_date', 'value' => $end_date, 'operand' => '<=' ), array( 'name' => 'repeats', 'value' => 'yes' ) ), 'joins' => array("JOIN {$db_prefix}entity_relationships r ON (r.guid_two = e.guid)"), 'wheres' => array("r.relationship = 'personal_event'","r.guid_one IN ($friend_list)"), ); if ($container_guid) { if (is_array($container_guid)) { $options['container_guids'] = $container_guid; } else { $options['container_guid'] = $container_guid; } } if ($region && $region != '-') { $options['metadata_name_value_pairs'][] = array('name'=>'region','value'=>sanitize_string($region)); } $events = elgg_get_entities_from_relationship($options); return event_calendar_get_repeating_event_structure($events, $start_date, $end_date); } function event_calendar_get_events_for_friends_between($start_date,$end_date,$is_count,$limit=10,$offset=0,$user_guid,$container_guid=0,$region='-') { if ($user_guid) { $friends = get_user_friends($user_guid,"",5000); if ($friends) { $friend_guids = array(); foreach($friends as $friend) { $friend_guids[] = $friend->getGUID(); } $friend_list = implode(",",$friend_guids); // elgg_get_entities_from_relationship does not take multiple relationship guids, so need some custom joins and wheres $db_prefix = elgg_get_config('dbprefix'); $options_new_way = array( 'type' => 'object', 'subtype' => 'event_calendar', 'metadata_name_value_pairs' => array(array( 'name' => 'start_date', 'value' => $start_date, 'operand' => '>='), array( 'name' => 'real_end_time', 'value' => $end_date, 'operand' => '<=') ), 'joins' => array("JOIN {$db_prefix}entity_relationships r ON (r.guid_two = e.guid)"), 'wheres' => array("r.relationship = 'personal_event'","r.guid_one IN ($friend_list)"), ); if ($container_guid) { $options_new_way['container_guid'] = $container_guid; } if ($region && $region != '-') { $options_new_way['metadata_name_value_pairs'][] = array('name'=>'region','value'=>sanitize_string($region)); } if ($is_count) { $count_old_way = event_calendar_get_entities_from_metadata_between('start_date','end_date', $start_date, $end_date, "object", "event_calendar", $friend_guids, $container_guid, $limit,$offset,"",0,true,true,$region); $options_new_way['count'] = TRUE; $count_new_way = elgg_get_entities_from_metadata($options_new_way); return $count_old_way + $count_new_way; } else { $events_old_way = event_calendar_get_entities_from_metadata_between('start_date','end_date', $start_date, $end_date, "object", "event_calendar", $friend_guids, $container_guid, $limit,$offset,"",0,true,false,$region); //return event_calendar_vsort($events,'start_date'); $options_new_way['limit'] = $limit; $options_new_way['offset'] = $offset; $options_new_way['order_by_metadata'] = array(array('name'=>'start_date','direction'=>'ASC','as'=>'integer')); //print_r($options_new_way); $events_new_way = elgg_get_entities_from_metadata($options_new_way); $repeating_events = event_calendar_get_repeating_events_for_friends_between($user_guid,$friend_list,$start_date,$end_date,$container_guid,$region); $all_events = event_calendar_merge_repeating_events(array_merge($events_old_way,$events_new_way), $repeating_events); return $all_events; } } } return array(); } function event_calendar_vsort($original,$field, $descending = false) { if (!$original) { return $original; } $sortArr = array(); foreach ( $original as $key => $item ) { $sortArr[ $key ] = $item->$field; } if ( $descending ) { arsort( $sortArr ); } else { asort( $sortArr ); } $resultArr = array(); foreach ( $sortArr as $key => $value ) { $resultArr[ $key ] = $original[ $key ]; } return $resultArr; } // TODO - replace with Elgg API if possible /** * Return a list of entities based on the given search criteria. * In this case, returns entities with the given metadata between two values inclusive * * @param mixed $meta_start_name * @param mixed $meta_end_name * @param mixed $meta_start_value - start of metadata range, must be numerical value * @param mixed $meta_end_value - end of metadata range, must be numerical value * @param string $entity_type The type of entity to look for, eg 'site' or 'object' * @param string $entity_subtype The subtype of the entity. * @param mixed $owner_guid Either one integer user guid or an array of user guids * @param int $container_guid If supplied, the result is restricted to events associated with a specific container * @param int $limit * @param int $offset * @param string $order_by Optional ordering. * @param int $site_guid The site to get entities for. Leave as 0 (default) for the current site; -1 for all sites. * @param boolean $filter Filter by events in personal calendar if true * @param true|false $count If set to true, returns the total number of entities rather than a list. (Default: false) * * @return int|array A list of entities, or a count if $count is set to true */ function event_calendar_get_entities_from_metadata_between($meta_start_name, $meta_end_name, $meta_start_value, $meta_end_value, $entity_type = "", $entity_subtype = "", $owner_guid = 0, $container_guid = 0, $limit = 10, $offset = 0, $order_by = "", $site_guid = 0, $filter = false, $count = false, $region='-') { global $CONFIG; // This should not be possible, but a sanity check just in case if (!is_numeric($meta_start_value) || !is_numeric($meta_end_value)) { return FALSE; } $meta_start_n = get_metastring_id($meta_start_name); $meta_end_n = get_metastring_id($meta_end_name); if ($region && $region != '-') { $region_n = get_metastring_id('region'); $region_value_n = get_metastring_id($region); if (!$region_n || !$region_value_n) { if ($count) { return 0; } else { return FALSE; } } } $entity_type = sanitise_string($entity_type); $entity_subtype = get_subtype_id($entity_type, $entity_subtype); $limit = (int)$limit; $offset = (int)$offset; //if ($order_by == "") $order_by = "e.time_created desc"; if ($order_by == "") $order_by = "v.string asc"; $order_by = sanitise_string($order_by); $site_guid = (int) $site_guid; if ((is_array($owner_guid) && (count($owner_guid)))) { foreach($owner_guid as $key => $guid) { $owner_guid[$key] = (int) $guid; } } else { $owner_guid = (int) $owner_guid; } if ((is_array($container_guid) && (count($container_guid)))) { foreach($container_guid as $key => $guid) { $container_guid[$key] = (int) $guid; } } else { $container_guid = (int) $container_guid; } if ($site_guid == 0) $site_guid = $CONFIG->site_guid; //$access = get_access_list(); $where = array(); if ($entity_type!="") $where[] = "e.type='$entity_type'"; if ($entity_subtype) $where[] = "e.subtype=$entity_subtype"; $where[] = "m.name_id='$meta_start_n'"; $where[] = "m2.name_id='$meta_end_n'"; $where[] = "((v.string >= $meta_start_value AND v.string <= $meta_end_value) OR ( v2.string >= $meta_start_value AND v2.string <= $meta_end_value) OR (v.string <= $meta_start_value AND v2.string >= $meta_start_value) OR ( v2.string <= $meta_end_value AND v2.string >= $meta_end_value))"; if ($region && $region != '-') { $where[] = "m3.name_id='$region_n'"; $where[] = "m3.value_id='$region_value_n'"; } if ($site_guid > 0) $where[] = "e.site_guid = {$site_guid}"; if ($filter) { if (is_array($owner_guid)) { $where[] = "ms2.string in (".implode(",",$owner_guid).")"; } else if ($owner_guid > 0) { $where[] = "ms2.string = {$owner_guid}"; } $where[] = "ms.string = 'personal_event'"; } else { if (is_array($owner_guid)) { $where[] = "e.owner_guid in (".implode(",",$owner_guid).")"; } else if ($owner_guid > 0) { $where[] = "e.owner_guid = {$owner_guid}"; } } if (is_array($container_guid)) { $where[] = "e.container_guid in (".implode(",",$container_guid).")"; } else if ($container_guid > 0) $where[] = "e.container_guid = {$container_guid}"; if (!$count) { $query = "SELECT distinct e.* "; } else { $query = "SELECT count(distinct e.guid) as total "; } $query .= "from {$CONFIG->dbprefix}entities e JOIN {$CONFIG->dbprefix}metadata m on e.guid = m.entity_guid JOIN {$CONFIG->dbprefix}metadata m2 on e.guid = m2.entity_guid "; if ($filter) { $query .= "JOIN {$CONFIG->dbprefix}annotations a ON (a.entity_guid = e.guid) "; $query .= "JOIN {$CONFIG->dbprefix}metastrings ms ON (a.name_id = ms.id) "; $query .= "JOIN {$CONFIG->dbprefix}metastrings ms2 ON (a.value_id = ms2.id) "; } if ($region && $region != '-') { $query .= "JOIN {$CONFIG->dbprefix}metadata m3 ON (e.guid = m3.entity_guid) "; } $query .= "JOIN {$CONFIG->dbprefix}metastrings v on v.id = m.value_id JOIN {$CONFIG->dbprefix}metastrings v2 on v2.id = m2.value_id where"; foreach ($where as $w) $query .= " $w and "; $query .= get_access_sql_suffix("e"); // Add access controls $query .= ' and ' . get_access_sql_suffix("m"); // Add access controls $query .= ' and ' . get_access_sql_suffix("m2"); // Add access controls if (!$count) { $query .= " order by $order_by"; if ($limit) { $query .= " limit $offset, $limit"; // Add order and limit } $entities = get_data($query, "entity_row_to_elggstar"); if (elgg_get_plugin_setting('add_to_group_calendar', 'event_calendar') == 'yes') { if (get_entity($container_guid) instanceOf ElggGroup) { $entities = event_calendar_get_entities_from_metadata_between_related($meta_start_name, $meta_end_name, $meta_start_value, $meta_end_value, $entity_type, $entity_subtype, $owner_guid, $container_guid, 0, 0, "", 0, false, false, '-',$entities); } } return $entities; } else { if ($row = get_data_row($query)) return $row->total; } return false; } // adds any related events (has the display_on_group relation) // that meet the appropriate criteria function event_calendar_get_entities_from_metadata_between_related($meta_start_name, $meta_end_name, $meta_start_value, $meta_end_value, $entity_type = "", $entity_subtype = "", $owner_guid = 0, $container_guid = 0, $limit = 10, $offset = 0, $order_by = "", $site_guid = 0, $filter = false, $count = false, $region='-',$main_events) { $main_list = array(); if ($main_events) { foreach ($main_events as $event) { $main_list[$event->guid] = $event; } } $related_list = array(); $related_events = elgg_get_entities_from_relationship(array( 'relationship' => 'display_on_group', 'relationship_guid' => $container_guid, 'inverse_relationship' => TRUE, )); if ($related_events) { foreach ($related_events as $event) { $related_list[$event->guid] = $event; } } // get all the events (across all containers) that meet the criteria $all_events = event_calendar_get_entities_from_metadata_between($meta_start_name, $meta_end_name, $meta_start_value, $meta_end_value, $entity_type, $entity_subtype, $owner_guid, 0, $limit, $offset, $order_by, $site_guid, $filter, $count, $region); if ($all_events) { foreach($all_events as $event) { if (array_key_exists($event->guid,$related_list) && !array_key_exists($event->guid,$main_list)) { // add to main events $main_events[] = $event; } } } return event_calendar_vsort($main_events,$meta_start_name); } // TODO: try to replace this with new Elgg 1.7 API /** * Return a list of entities based on the given search criteria. * In this case, returns entities with the given metadata between two values inclusive * * @param mixed $meta_start_name * @param mixed $meta_end_name * @param mixed $meta_start_value - start of metadata range, must be numerical value * @param mixed $meta_end_value - end of metadata range, must be numerical value * @param string $entity_type The type of entity to look for, eg 'site' or 'object' * @param string $entity_subtype The subtype of the entity. * @param mixed $owner_guid Either one integer user guid or an array of user guids * @param int $container_guid If supplied, the result is restricted to events associated with a specific container * @param int $limit * @param int $offset * @param string $order_by Optional ordering. * @param int $site_guid The site to get entities for. Leave as 0 (default) for the current site; -1 for all sites. * @param boolean $filter Filter by events in personal calendar if true * @param true|false $count If set to true, returns the total number of entities rather than a list. (Default: false) * @param string $meta_max metadata name containing maximum annotation count * @param string $annotation_name annotation name to count * * @return int|array A list of entities, or a count if $count is set to true * * TODO: see if the new API is robust enough to avoid this custom query */ function event_calendar_get_entities_from_metadata_between2 ($meta_start_name, $meta_end_name, $meta_start_value, $meta_end_value, $entity_type = "", $entity_subtype = "", $owner_guid = 0, $container_guid = 0, $limit = 10, $offset = 0, $order_by = "", $site_guid = 0, $filter = false, $count = false, $region='-', $meta_max = '', $annotation_name = '') { global $CONFIG; // This should not be possible, but a sanity check just in case if (!is_numeric($meta_start_value) || !is_numeric($meta_end_value)) { return FALSE; } $meta_start_n = get_metastring_id($meta_start_name); $meta_end_n = get_metastring_id($meta_end_name); if ($region && $region != '-') { $region_n = get_metastring_id('region'); $region_value_n = get_metastring_id($region); if (!$region_n || !$region_value_n) { if ($count) { return 0; } else { return false; } } } $entity_type = sanitise_string($entity_type); $entity_subtype = get_subtype_id($entity_type, $entity_subtype); $limit = (int)$limit; $offset = (int)$offset; //if ($order_by == "") $order_by = "e.time_created desc"; if ($order_by == "") $order_by = "v.string asc"; $order_by = sanitise_string($order_by); $site_guid = (int) $site_guid; if ((is_array($owner_guid) && (count($owner_guid)))) { foreach($owner_guid as $key => $guid) { $owner_guid[$key] = (int) $guid; } } else { $owner_guid = (int) $owner_guid; } if ((is_array($container_guid) && (count($container_guid)))) { foreach($container_guid as $key => $guid) { $container_guid[$key] = (int) $guid; } } else { $container_guid = (int) $container_guid; } if ($site_guid == 0) $site_guid = $CONFIG->site_guid; //$access = get_access_list(); $where = array(); if ($entity_type!="") $where[] = "e.type='$entity_type'"; if ($entity_subtype) $where[] = "e.subtype=$entity_subtype"; $where[] = "m.name_id='$meta_start_n'"; $where[] = "m2.name_id='$meta_end_n'"; $where[] = "((v.string >= $meta_start_value AND v.string <= $meta_end_value) OR ( v2.string >= $meta_start_value AND v2.string <= $meta_end_value) OR (v.string <= $meta_start_value AND v2.string >= $meta_start_value) OR ( v2.string <= $meta_end_value AND v2.string >= $meta_end_value))"; if ($region && $region != '-') { $where[] = "m3.name_id='$region_n'"; $where[] = "m3.value_id='$region_value_n'"; } if ($site_guid > 0) $where[] = "e.site_guid = {$site_guid}"; if ($filter) { if (is_array($owner_guid)) { $where[] = "ms2.string in (".implode(",",$owner_guid).")"; } else if ($owner_guid > 0) { $where[] = "ms2.string = {$owner_guid}"; } $where[] = "ms.string = 'personal_event'"; } else { if (is_array($owner_guid)) { $where[] = "e.owner_guid in (".implode(",",$owner_guid).")"; } else if ($owner_guid > 0) { $where[] = "e.owner_guid = {$owner_guid}"; } } if (is_array($container_guid)) { $where[] = "e.container_guid in (".implode(",",$container_guid).")"; } else if ($container_guid > 0) $where[] = "e.container_guid = {$container_guid}"; if (!$count) { $query = "SELECT distinct e.* "; } else { $query = "SELECT count(distinct e.guid) as total "; } $query .= "FROM {$CONFIG->dbprefix}entities e JOIN {$CONFIG->dbprefix}metadata m on e.guid = m.entity_guid JOIN {$CONFIG->dbprefix}metadata m2 on e.guid = m2.entity_guid "; if ($filter) { $query .= "JOIN {$CONFIG->dbprefix}annotations a ON (a.entity_guid = e.guid) "; $query .= "JOIN {$CONFIG->dbprefix}metastrings ms ON (a.name_id = ms.id) "; $query .= "JOIN {$CONFIG->dbprefix}metastrings ms2 ON (a.value_id = ms2.id) "; } if ($region && $region != '-') { $query .= "JOIN {$CONFIG->dbprefix}metadata m3 ON (e.guid = m3.entity_guid) "; } if ($meta_max && $annotation_name) { // This groups events for which the meta max name is defined // perhaps this should be a left join and accept null values? // so it would return groups with no spots defined as well $meta_max_n = get_metastring_id($meta_max); $ann_n = get_metastring_id($annotation_name); if (!$meta_max_n || !$ann_n) { if ($count) { return 0; } else { return false; } } $query .= " LEFT JOIN {$CONFIG->dbprefix}metadata m4 ON (e.guid = m4.entity_guid AND m4.name_id=$meta_max_n) "; $query .= " LEFT JOIN {$CONFIG->dbprefix}metastrings ms4 ON (m4.value_id = ms4.id) "; $where[] = "((ms4.string is null) OR (ms4.string = \"\") OR (CONVERT(ms4.string,SIGNED) > (SELECT count(id) FROM {$CONFIG->dbprefix}annotations ann WHERE ann.entity_guid = e.guid AND name_id = $ann_n GROUP BY entity_guid)))"; } $query .= "JOIN {$CONFIG->dbprefix}metastrings v on v.id = m.value_id JOIN {$CONFIG->dbprefix}metastrings v2 on v2.id = m2.value_id where"; foreach ($where as $w) $query .= " $w AND "; $query .= get_access_sql_suffix("e"); // Add access controls $query .= ' AND ' . get_access_sql_suffix("m"); // Add access controls $query .= ' AND ' . get_access_sql_suffix("m2"); // Add access controls if (!$count) { $query .= " order by $order_by"; if ($limit) { $query .= " limit $offset, $limit"; // Add order and limit } $entities = get_data($query, "entity_row_to_elggstar"); if (elgg_get_plugin_setting('add_to_group_calendar', 'event_calendar') == 'yes') { if (get_entity($container_guid) instanceOf ElggGroup) { $entities = event_calendar_get_entities_from_metadata_between_related($meta_start_name, $meta_end_name, $meta_start_value, $meta_end_value, $entity_type, $entity_subtype, $owner_guid, $container_guid, 0, 0, "", 0, false, false, '-',$entities); } } return $entities; } else { if ($row = get_data_row($query)) return $row->total; } return false; } function event_calendar_has_personal_event($event_guid,$user_guid) { // check legacy implementation and new one if (check_entity_relationship($user_guid,'personal_event',$event_guid)) { return TRUE; } else { // use old method for now $options = array('guid'=>$event_guid,'annotation_name' => 'personal_event', 'annotation_value' => $user_guid,'count'=>TRUE); //$annotations = get_annotations($event_guid, "object", "event_calendar", "personal_event", (int) $user_guid, $user_guid); if (elgg_get_annotations($options)) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } } function event_calendar_add_personal_event($event_guid,$user_guid) { if ($event_guid && $user_guid) { if (!event_calendar_has_personal_event($event_guid,$user_guid) && !event_calendar_has_collision($event_guid,$user_guid)) { if (!event_calendar_is_full($event_guid)) { add_entity_relationship($user_guid,'personal_event',$event_guid); return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; } function event_calendar_add_personal_events_from_group($event_guid,$group_guid) { $members = get_group_members($group_guid, 100000); foreach($members as $member) { $member_id = $member->getGUID(); event_calendar_add_personal_event($event_guid,$member_id); } } function event_calendar_remove_personal_event($event_guid,$user_guid) { remove_entity_relationship($user_guid,'personal_event',$event_guid); // also use old method for now $annotations = get_annotations($event_guid, "object", "event_calendar", "personal_event", (int) $user_guid, $user_guid); if ($annotations) { foreach ($annotations as $annotation) { $annotation->delete(); } } } function event_calendar_get_personal_events_for_user($user_guid,$limit) { $events_old_way = elgg_get_entities_from_annotations(array( 'type' => 'object', 'subtype' => 'event_calendar', 'annotation_names' => 'personal_event', 'annotation_value' => $user_guid, 'limit' => 0, )); $events_new_way = elgg_get_entities_from_relationship(array( 'type' => 'object', 'subtype' => 'event_calendar', 'relationship' => 'personal_event', 'relationship_guid' => $user_guid, 'limit' => 0, )); $events = array_merge($events_old_way,$events_new_way); $final_events = array(); if ($events) { $now = time(); $one_day = 60*60*24; // don't show events that have been over for more than a day foreach($events as $event) { if (($event->start_date > $now-$one_day) || ($event->end_date && ($event->end_date > $now-$one_day))) { $final_events[] = $event; } } } $sorted = event_calendar_vsort($final_events,'start_date'); return array_slice($sorted,0,$limit); } // the old way used annotations, and the new Elgg 1.8 way uses relationships // for now this version attempts to bridge the gap by using both methods for older sites function event_calendar_get_users_for_event($event_guid,$limit,$offset=0,$is_count=FALSE) { $options = array( 'type' => 'user', 'relationship' => 'personal_event', 'relationship_guid' => $event_guid, 'inverse_relationship' => TRUE, 'limit' => 0, ); if ($is_count) { //$count_old_way = count_annotations($event_guid, "object", "event_calendar", "personal_event"); $count_old_way = elgg_get_annotations(array( 'guid'=>$event_guid, 'type'=>"object", 'subtype'=>"event_calendar", 'annotation_name' => "personal_event", 'count'=>TRUE) ); $options ['count'] = TRUE; $count_new_way = elgg_get_entities_from_relationship($options); return $count_old_way + $count_new_way; } else { $users_old_way = array(); //$annotations = get_annotations($event_id, "object", "event_calendar", "personal_event", "", 0, $limit, $offset); $annotations = elgg_get_annotations(array( 'guid'=>$event_guid, 'type'=>"object", 'subtype'=>"event_calendar", 'annotation_name' => "personal_event", 'limit' => $limit, 'offset' => $offset) ); if ($annotations) { foreach($annotations as $annotation) { if (($user = get_entity($annotation->value)) && ($user instanceOf ElggUser)) { $users_old_way[] = $user; } } } $users_new_way = elgg_get_entities_from_relationship($options); return array_merge($users_old_way,$users_new_way); } } function event_calendar_security_fields() { $ts = time(); $token = generate_action_token($ts); return "__elgg_token=$token&__elgg_ts=$ts"; } function event_calendar_get_events_for_group($group_guid, $limit = 0) { $options = array( 'type' => 'object', 'subtype' => 'event_calendar', 'container_guid' => $group_guid, 'limit' => $limit, ); return elgg_get_entities($options); } function event_calendar_convert_time($time) { $event_calendar_time_format = elgg_get_plugin_setting('timeformat','event_calendar'); if ($event_calendar_time_format == '12') { $hour = floor($time/60); $minute = sprintf("%02d",$time-60*$hour); if ($hour < 12) { return "$hour:$minute am"; } else { $hour -= 12; return "$hour:$minute pm"; } } else { $hour = floor($time/60); $minute = sprintf("%02d",$time-60*$hour); return "$hour:$minute"; } } function event_calendar_format_time($date,$time1,$time2='') { if (is_numeric($time1)) { $t = event_calendar_convert_time($time1); if (is_numeric($time2)) { $t .= " - ".event_calendar_convert_time($time2); } return "$t, $date"; } else { return $date; } } function event_calender_get_gmt_from_server_time($server_time) { $gmtime = $server_time - (int)substr(date('O'),0,3)*60*60; } function event_calendar_activated_for_group($group) { $group_calendar = elgg_get_plugin_setting('group_calendar', 'event_calendar'); $group_default = elgg_get_plugin_setting('group_default', 'event_calendar'); if ($group && ($group_calendar != 'no')) { if ( ($group->event_calendar_enable == 'yes') || ((!$group->event_calendar_enable && (!$group_default || $group_default == 'yes')))) { return true; } } return false; } function event_calendar_get_region($event) { $event_calendar_region_list_handles = elgg_get_plugin_setting('region_list_handles', 'event_calendar'); $region = trim($event->region); if ($event_calendar_region_list_handles == 'yes') { $region = elgg_echo('event_calendar:region:'.$region); } return htmlspecialchars($region); } function event_calendar_get_type($event) { $event_calendar_type_list_handles = elgg_get_plugin_setting('type_list_handles', 'event_calendar'); $type = trim($event->event_type); if ($type) { if ($event_calendar_type_list_handles == 'yes') { $type = elgg_echo('event_calendar:type:'.$type); } return htmlspecialchars($type); } else { return $type; } } function event_calendar_get_formatted_full_items($event) { $time_bit = event_calendar_get_formatted_time($event); $event_calendar_region_display = elgg_get_plugin_setting('region_display', 'event_calendar'); $event_calendar_type_display = elgg_get_plugin_setting('type_display', 'event_calendar'); $event_items = array(); if ($time_bit) { $item = new stdClass(); $item->title = elgg_echo('event_calendar:when_label'); $item->value = $time_bit; $event_items[] = $item; } $item = new stdClass(); $item->title = elgg_echo('event_calendar:venue_label'); $item->value = htmlspecialchars($event->venue); $event_items[] = $item; if ($event_calendar_region_display == 'yes') { $item = new stdClass(); $item->title = elgg_echo('event_calendar:region_label'); $item->value = event_calendar_get_region($event); $event_items[] = $item; } if ($event_calendar_type_display == 'yes') { $event_type = event_calendar_get_type($event); if ($event_type) { $item = new stdClass(); $item->title = elgg_echo('event_calendar:type_label'); $item->value = event_calendar_get_type($event); $event_items[] = $item; } } $item = new stdClass(); $item->title = elgg_echo('event_calendar:fees_label'); $item->value = htmlspecialchars($event->fees); $event_items[] = $item; $item = new stdClass(); $item->title = elgg_echo('event_calendar:organiser_label'); $item->value = htmlspecialchars($event->organiser); $event_items[] = $item; $item = new stdClass(); $item->title = elgg_echo('event_calendar:contact_label'); $item->value = htmlspecialchars($event->contact); $event_items[] = $item; return $event_items; } function event_calendar_get_formatted_time($event) { if (!$event->start_date) { return ''; } $date_format = 'j M Y'; $event_calendar_times = elgg_get_plugin_setting('times', 'event_calendar') != 'no'; $start_date = date($date_format,$event->start_date); if ($event->end_date) { $end_date = date($date_format,$event->end_date); } if ((!$event->end_date) || ($end_date == $start_date)) { if (!$event->all_day && $event_calendar_times) { $start_date = event_calendar_format_time($start_date,$event->start_time,$event->end_time); } $time_bit = $start_date; } else { if (!$event->all_day && $event_calendar_times) { $start_date = event_calendar_format_time($start_date,$event->start_time); $end_date = event_calendar_format_time($end_date,$event->end_time); } $time_bit = "$start_date - $end_date"; } if ($event->repeats == 'yes') { $dow = array('monday','tuesday','wednesday','thursday','friday','saturday','sunday'); $r = array(); foreach ($dow as $w) { $fn = 'event-calendar-repeating-'.$w.'-value'; if ($event->$fn) { $r[] = elgg_echo('event_calendar:dow:full:'.$w); } } $week_bit = implode(", ",$r); if ($event->repeat_interval > 1) { $week_bit .= ' '.elgg_echo('event_calendar:repeated_event:week_interval',array($event->repeat_interval)); } else { $week_bit .= ' '.elgg_echo('event_calendar:repeated_event:week_single'); } $time_bit = elgg_echo('event_calendar:repeated_event:format',array($time_bit, $week_bit)); } return $time_bit; } function event_calendar_get_formatted_date($ts) { // TODO: make the date format configurable return date('j/n/Y',$ts); } function event_calendar_is_full($event_id) { $event_calendar_spots_display = elgg_get_plugin_setting('spots_display', 'event_calendar'); if ($event_calendar_spots_display == 'yes') { $count = event_calendar_get_users_for_event($event_id,0,0,TRUE); $event = get_entity($event_id); if ($event) { $spots = $event->spots; if (is_numeric($spots)) { if ($count >= $spots) { return TRUE; } } } } return FALSE; } function event_calendar_has_collision($event_id, $user_id) { $no_collisions = elgg_get_plugin_setting('no_collisions', 'event_calendar'); if ($no_collisions == 'yes') { $event = get_entity($event_id); if ($event) { $start_time = $event->start_date; $end_time = event_calendar_get_end_time($event); // look to see if the user already has events within this period $count = event_calendar_get_events_for_user_between2($start_time,$end_time,TRUE,10,0,$user_id); if ($count > 0) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } } return FALSE; } // this complicated bit of code determines the event end time function event_calendar_get_end_time($event) { $default_length = elgg_get_plugin_setting('collision_length', 'event_calendar'); $start_time = $event->start_date; $end_time = $event->end_time; $end_date = $event->end_date; if($end_date) { if ($end_time) { $end_time = $end_date+$end_time*60; } else if ($start_time == $end_date) { if (is_numeric($default_length)) { $end_time = $end_date + $default_length; } else { // default to an hour length $end_time = $start_time + 3600; } } else { $end_time = $end_date; } } else { if ($end_time) { if ($event->start_time) { $end_time = $start_time + ($end_time*60 - $event->start_time*60); } else { $end_time = $start_time + $end_time*60; } } else { if (is_numeric($default_length)) { $end_time = $start_time + $default_length; } else { // default to an hour length $end_time = $start_time + 3600; } } } return $end_time; } // a version to allow for some customised options function event_calendar_view_entity_list($entities, $count, $offset, $limit, $fullview = true, $viewtypetoggle = true, $pagination = true) { $count = (int) $count; $limit = (int) $limit; // do not require views to explicitly pass in the offset if (!$offset = (int) $offset) { $offset = sanitise_int(get_input('offset', 0)); } $context = elgg_get_context(); $html = elgg_view('event_calendar/entities/entity_list',array( 'entities' => $entities, 'count' => $count, 'offset' => $offset, 'limit' => $limit, 'baseurl' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'fullview' => $fullview, 'context' => $context, 'viewtypetoggle' => $viewtypetoggle, 'viewtype' => get_input('search_viewtype','list'), 'pagination' => $pagination )); return $html; } // returns open, closed or private for the given event and user function event_calendar_personal_can_manage($event,$user_id) { $status = 'private'; $event_calendar_personal_manage = elgg_get_plugin_setting('personal_manage', 'event_calendar'); if (!$event_calendar_personal_manage || $event_calendar_personal_manage == 'open' || $event_calendar_personal_manage == 'yes' || (($event_calendar_personal_manage == 'by_event' && (!$event->personal_manage || ($event->personal_manage == 'open'))))) { $status = 'open'; } else { // in this case only admins or event owners can manage events on their personal calendars if(elgg_is_admin_logged_in()) { $status = 'open'; } else if ($event && ($event->owner_guid == $user_id)) { $status = 'open'; } else if (($event_calendar_personal_manage == 'closed') || ($event_calendar_personal_manage == 'no') || (($event_calendar_personal_manage == 'by_event') && ($event->personal_manage == 'closed'))) { $status = 'closed'; } } return $status; } function event_calendar_send_event_request($event,$user_guid) { $result = FALSE; if(add_entity_relationship($user_guid, 'event_calendar_request', $event->guid)) { $subject = elgg_echo('event_calendar:request_subject'); $name = get_entity($user_guid)->name; $title = $event->title; $url = $event->getUrl(); $link = elgg_get_site_url().'event_calendar/review_requests/'.$event->guid; $message = sprintf(elgg_echo('event_calendar:request_message'),$name,$title,$url,$link); notify_user($event->owner_guid,elgg_get_site_entity()->guid,$subject,$message); $result = TRUE; } return $result; } // pages function event_calendar_get_page_content_list($page_type,$container_guid,$start_date,$display_mode,$filter,$region='-') { elgg_load_js('elgg.event_calendar'); global $autofeed; $autofeed = true; if ($page_type == 'group') { if (!event_calendar_activated_for_group($container_guid)) { forward(); } elgg_push_breadcrumb(elgg_echo('event_calendar:group_breadcrumb')); elgg_push_context('groups'); elgg_set_page_owner_guid($container_guid); $user_guid = elgg_get_logged_in_user_guid(); if(event_calendar_can_add($container_guid)) { elgg_register_menu_item('title', array( 'name' => 'add', 'href' => "event_calendar/add/".$container_guid, 'text' => elgg_echo('event_calendar:add'), 'class' => 'elgg-button elgg-button-action event-calendar-button-add', )); } } else { elgg_push_breadcrumb(elgg_echo('item:object:event_calendar')); $user_guid = elgg_get_logged_in_user_guid(); if(event_calendar_can_add($container_guid)) { elgg_register_menu_item('title', array( 'name' => 'add', 'href' => "event_calendar/add", 'text' => elgg_echo('event_calendar:add'), 'class' => 'elgg-button elgg-button-action event-calendar-button-add', )); } } $params = event_calendar_generate_listing_params($page_type,$container_guid,$start_date,$display_mode,$filter,$region); $url = full_url(); if (substr_count($url, '?')) { $url .= "&view=ical"; } else { $url .= "?view=ical"; } $url = elgg_format_url($url); $menu_options = array( 'name' => 'ical', 'id' => 'event-calendar-ical-link', 'text' => '', 'href' => $url, 'title' => elgg_echo('feed:ical'), 'priority' => 800, ); $menu_item = ElggMenuItem::factory($menu_options); elgg_register_menu_item('extras', $menu_item); $body = elgg_view_layout("content", $params); return elgg_view_page($title,$body); } function event_calendar_get_page_content_edit($page_type,$guid,$start_date='') { elgg_load_js('elgg.event_calendar'); $vars = array(); $vars['id'] = 'event-calendar-edit'; $vars['name'] = 'event_calendar_edit'; // just in case a feature adds an image upload $vars['enctype'] = 'multipart/form-data'; $body_vars = array(); if ($page_type == 'edit') { $title = elgg_echo('event_calendar:manage_event_title'); $event = get_entity((int)$guid); if (elgg_instanceof($event, 'object', 'event_calendar') && $event->canEdit()) { $body_vars['event'] = $event; $body_vars['form_data'] = event_calendar_prepare_edit_form_vars($event,$page_type); $event_container = get_entity($event->container_guid); if (elgg_instanceof($event_container, 'group')) { elgg_push_breadcrumb(elgg_echo('event_calendar:group_breadcrumb'), 'event_calendar/group/'.$event->container_guid); $body_vars['group_guid'] = $event_container->guid; } else { elgg_push_breadcrumb(elgg_echo('event_calendar:show_events_title'),'event_calendar/list'); $body_vars['group_guid'] = 0; } elgg_push_breadcrumb($event->title,$event->getURL()); elgg_push_breadcrumb(elgg_echo('event_calendar:manage_event_title')); $content = elgg_view_form('event_calendar/edit', $vars,$body_vars); } else { $content = elgg_echo('event_calendar:error_event_edit'); } } else { $title = elgg_echo('event_calendar:add_event_title'); if ($guid) { // add to group $group = get_entity($guid); if (elgg_instanceof($group, 'group')) { $body_vars['group_guid'] = $guid; elgg_push_breadcrumb(elgg_echo('event_calendar:group_breadcrumb'), 'event_calendar/group/'.$guid); elgg_push_breadcrumb(elgg_echo('event_calendar:add_event_title')); $body_vars['form_data'] = event_calendar_prepare_edit_form_vars(NULL,$page_type,$start_date); $content = elgg_view_form('event_calendar/edit', $vars, $body_vars); } else { $content = elgg_echo('event_calendar:no_group'); } } else { $body_vars['group_guid'] = 0; elgg_push_breadcrumb(elgg_echo('event_calendar:show_events_title'),'event_calendar/list'); elgg_push_breadcrumb(elgg_echo('event_calendar:add_event_title')); $body_vars['form_data'] = event_calendar_prepare_edit_form_vars(NULL,$page_type,$start_date); $content = elgg_view_form('event_calendar/edit', $vars, $body_vars); } } $params = array('title' => $title, 'content' => $content,'filter' => ''); $body = elgg_view_layout("content", $params); return elgg_view_page($title,$body); } /** * Pull together variables for the edit form * * @param ElggObject $event * @return array */ function event_calendar_prepare_edit_form_vars($event = NULL, $page_type = '', $start_date = '') { // input names => defaults $now = time(); $iso_date = date('Y-m-d',$now); $now_midnight = strtotime($iso_date); if ($start_date) { $start_date = strtotime($start_date); } else { $start_date = $now+60*60; } $start_time = floor(($now-$now_midnight)/60) + 60; $start_time = floor($start_time/5)*5; $values = array( 'title' => NULL, 'description' => NULL, 'venue' => NULL, 'start_date' => $start_date, 'end_date' => $start_date+60*60, 'start_time' => $start_time, 'end_time' => $start_time + 60, 'spots' => NULL, 'region' => '-', 'event_type' => '-', 'fees' => NULL, 'contact' => NULL, 'organiser' => NULL, 'tags' => NULL, 'send_reminder' => NULL, 'reminder_number' => 1, 'reminder_interval' => 60, 'repeats' => NULL, 'repeat_interval' => 1, 'event-calendar-repeating-monday-value' => 0, 'event-calendar-repeating-tuesday-value' => 0, 'event-calendar-repeating-wednesday-value' => 0, 'event-calendar-repeating-thursday-value' => 0, 'event-calendar-repeating-friday-value' => 0, 'event-calendar-repeating-saturday-value' => 0, 'event-calendar-repeating-sunday-value' => 0, 'personal_manage' => 'open', 'web_conference' => NULL, 'long_description' => NULL, 'access_id' => ACCESS_DEFAULT, 'group_guid' => NULL, ); if ($page_type == 'schedule') { $values['schedule_type'] = 'poll'; } else { $values['schedule_type'] = 'fixed'; } if ($event) { foreach (array_keys($values) as $field) { if (isset($event->$field)) { $values[$field] = $event->$field; } } } if (elgg_is_sticky_form('event_calendar')) { $sticky_values = elgg_get_sticky_values('event_calendar'); foreach ($sticky_values as $key => $value) { $values[$key] = $value; } } elgg_clear_sticky_form('event_calendar'); return $values; } function event_calendar_generate_listing_params($page_type,$container_guid,$original_start_date,$display_mode,$filter,$region='-') { $event_calendar_listing_format = elgg_get_plugin_setting('listing_format', 'event_calendar'); $event_calendar_spots_display = trim(elgg_get_plugin_setting('spots_display', 'event_calendar')); $event_calendar_first_date = trim(elgg_get_plugin_setting('first_date', 'event_calendar')); $event_calendar_last_date = trim(elgg_get_plugin_setting('last_date', 'event_calendar')); if (!$original_start_date) { $original_start_date = date('Y-m-d'); } if ( $event_calendar_first_date && ($original_start_date < $event_calendar_first_date) ) { $original_start_date = $event_calendar_first_date; } if ( $event_calendar_last_date && ($original_start_date > $event_calendar_last_date) ) { $original_start_date = $event_calendar_first_date; } if ($event_calendar_listing_format == 'paged') { $start_ts = strtotime($original_start_date); $start_date = $original_start_date; if ($event_calendar_last_date) { $end_ts = strtotime($event_calendar_last_date); } else { // set to a large number $end_ts = 2000000000; } $mode = 'paged'; } else { // the default interval is one month $day = 60*60*24; $week = 7*$day; $month = 31*$day; $mode = trim($display_mode); if (!$mode) { $mode = 'month'; } if ($mode == "day") { $start_date = $original_start_date; $end_date = $start_date; $start_ts = strtotime($start_date); $end_ts = strtotime($end_date)+$day-1; } else if ($mode == "week") { // need to adjust start_date to be the beginning of the week $start_ts = strtotime($original_start_date); $start_ts -= date("w",$start_ts)*$day; $end_ts = $start_ts + 6*$day; $start_date = date('Y-m-d',$start_ts); $end_date = date('Y-m-d',$end_ts); } else { $start_ts = strtotime($original_start_date); $month = date('m',$start_ts); $year = date('Y',$start_ts); $start_date = $year.'-'.$month.'-1'; $end_date = $year.'-'.$month.'-'.getLastDayOfMonth($month,$year); } if ($event_calendar_first_date && ($start_date < $event_calendar_first_date)) { $start_date = $event_calendar_first_date; } if ($event_calendar_last_date && ($end_date > $event_calendar_last_date)) { $end_date = $event_calendar_last_date; } $start_ts = strtotime($start_date); if ($mode == "day") { $end_ts = strtotime($end_date)+$day-1; $subtitle = elgg_echo('event_calendar:day_label').': '.date('j F Y',strtotime($start_date)); } else if ($mode == "week") { // KJ - fix for end date bug //$end_ts = $start_ts + 6*$day; $end_ts = $start_ts + 7*$day; $subtitle = elgg_echo('event_calendar:week_label').': '.date('j F',$start_ts) . ' - '.date('j F Y',$end_ts); } else { // KJ - fix for end date bug //$end_ts = strtotime($end_date); $end_ts = strtotime($end_date)+24*60*60-1; $subtitle = date('F Y',$start_ts); } } $current_user_guid = elgg_get_logged_in_user_guid(); $access_status = elgg_get_ignore_access(); if ($page_type == 'owner') { $container = get_entity($container_guid); if (elgg_instanceof($container, 'user')) { $auth_token = get_input('auth_token'); if ($auth_token) { $secret_key = event_calendar_get_secret_key(); if ($secret_key && ($auth_token === sha1($container->username . $secret_key))) { elgg_set_ignore_access(TRUE); } } if ($container->canEdit()) { $user_guid = $container_guid; $group_guid = 0; } else { register_error('event_calendar:owner:permissions_error'); forward(); exit; } } else { register_error('event_calendar:owner:permissions_error'); forward(); exit; } } else { $user_guid = $current_user_guid; $group_guid = $container_guid; } $offset = get_input('offset'); $limit = get_input('limit',15); if ($event_calendar_spots_display == 'yes') { if (!$filter) { $filter = 'open'; } } else { if (!$filter) { $filter = 'all'; } } if ($filter == 'all') { $count = event_calendar_get_events_between($start_ts,$end_ts,true,$limit,$offset,$container_guid,$region); $events = event_calendar_get_events_between($start_ts,$end_ts,false,$limit,$offset,$container_guid,$region); } else if ($filter == 'open') { $count = event_calendar_get_open_events_between($start_ts,$end_ts,true,$limit,$offset,$container_guid,$region); $events = event_calendar_get_open_events_between($start_ts,$end_ts,false,$limit,$offset,$container_guid,$region); } else if ($filter == 'friends') { $count = event_calendar_get_events_for_friends_between($start_ts,$end_ts,true,$limit,$offset,$user_guid,$container_guid,$region); $events = event_calendar_get_events_for_friends_between($start_ts,$end_ts,false,$limit,$offset,$user_guid,$container_guid,$region); } else if ($filter == 'mine') { $count = event_calendar_get_events_for_user_between2($start_ts,$end_ts,true,$limit,$offset,$user_guid,$container_guid,$region); $events = event_calendar_get_events_for_user_between2($start_ts,$end_ts,false,$limit,$offset,$user_guid,$container_guid,$region); } $vars = array( 'original_start_date' => $original_start_date, 'start_date' => $start_date, 'end_date' => $end_date, 'first_date' => $event_calendar_first_date, 'last_date' => $event_calendar_last_date, 'mode' => $mode, 'events' => $events, 'count' => $count, 'offset' => $offset, 'limit' => $limit, 'group_guid' => $group_guid, 'filter' => $filter, 'region' => $region, 'listing_format' => $event_calendar_listing_format, ); $content = elgg_view('event_calendar/show_events', $vars); if ($page_type == 'owner') { $filter_override = ''; } else { $filter_override = elgg_view('event_calendar/filter_menu',$vars); } if ($event_calendar_listing_format == 'paged') { $title = elgg_echo('event_calendar:upcoming_events_title'); } else if ($event_calendar_listing_format == 'full') { $title = elgg_echo('event_calendar:show_events_title'); } else if ($page_type == 'group') { $title = elgg_echo('event_calendar:group'). ' ('.$subtitle.')'; } else { $title = elgg_echo('event_calendar:listing_title:'.$filter). ' ('.$subtitle.')'; } $params = array('title' => $title, 'content' => $content, 'filter_override'=>$filter_override); elgg_set_ignore_access($access_status); return $params; } function event_calendar_get_page_content_view($event_guid,$light_box = FALSE) { // add personal calendar button and links elgg_push_context('event_calendar:view'); $event = get_entity($event_guid); if (!elgg_instanceof($event, 'object', 'event_calendar')) { $content = elgg_echo('event_calendar:error_nosuchevent'); $title = elgg_echo('event_calendar:generic_error_title'); } else { $title = htmlspecialchars($event->title); $event_container = get_entity($event->container_guid); if (elgg_instanceof($event_container, 'group')) { if ($event_container->canEdit()) { event_calendar_handle_menu($event_guid); } elgg_push_breadcrumb(elgg_echo('event_calendar:group_breadcrumb'), 'event_calendar/group/'.$event->container_guid); } else { if ($event->canEdit()) { event_calendar_handle_menu($event_guid); } elgg_push_breadcrumb(elgg_echo('event_calendar:show_events_title'),'event_calendar/list'); } elgg_push_breadcrumb($event->title); $content = elgg_view_entity($event, array('full_view' => true)); //check to see if comment are on - TODO - add this feature to all events if ($event->comments_on != 'Off') { $content .= elgg_view_comments($event); } } if ($light_box) { return '
'; $content .= elgg_view_form('event_calendar/manage_subscribers',array(),array('event'=>$event)); } elgg_push_breadcrumb($event->title,$event->getURL()); elgg_push_breadcrumb(elgg_echo('event_calendar:manage_users:breadcrumb')); } else { $content = elgg_echo('event_calendar:manage_users:unauthorized'); } } $params = array('title' => $title, 'content' => $content,'filter' => ''); $body = elgg_view_layout("content", $params); return elgg_view_page($title,$body); } function event_calendar_get_page_content_review_requests($event_guid) { $event = get_entity($event_guid); if (!elgg_instanceof($event, 'object', 'event_calendar')) { $content = elgg_echo('event_calendar:error_nosuchevent'); $title = elgg_echo('event_calendar:generic_error_title'); } else { event_calendar_handle_menu($event_guid); $title = elgg_echo('event_calendar:review_requests_title',array(htmlspecialchars($event->title))); $event_container = get_entity($event->container_guid); if (elgg_instanceof($event_container, 'group')) { elgg_push_context('groups'); elgg_set_page_owner_guid($event->container_guid); elgg_push_breadcrumb(elgg_echo('event_calendar:group_breadcrumb'), 'event_calendar/group/'.$event->container_guid); } else { elgg_push_breadcrumb(elgg_echo('event_calendar:show_events_title'),'event_calendar/list'); } elgg_push_breadcrumb($event->title,$event->getURL()); elgg_push_breadcrumb(elgg_echo('event_calendar:review_requests_menu_title')); if ($event->canEdit()) { $requests = elgg_get_entities_from_relationship( array( 'relationship' => 'event_calendar_request', 'relationship_guid' => $event_guid, 'inverse_relationship' => TRUE, 'limit' => 0) ); if ($requests) { $content = elgg_view('event_calendar/review_requests',array('requests' => $requests, 'entity' => $event)); } else { $content = elgg_echo('event_calendar:review_requests_request_none'); } } else { $content = elgg_echo('event_calendar:review_requests_error'); } } $params = array('title' => $title, 'content' => $content,'filter' => ''); $body = elgg_view_layout("content", $params); return elgg_view_page($title,$body); } function event_calendar_handle_menu($event_guid) { $event = get_entity($event_guid); $event_calendar_personal_manage = elgg_get_plugin_setting('personal_manage', 'event_calendar'); if ((($event_calendar_personal_manage == 'by_event') && ($event->personal_manage == 'closed')) || (($event_calendar_personal_manage == 'closed') || ($event_calendar_personal_manage == 'no'))) { $url = "event_calendar/review_requests/$event_guid"; $item = new ElggMenuItem('event-calendar-0review_requests', elgg_echo('event_calendar:review_requests_menu_title'), $url); $item->setSection('event_calendar'); elgg_register_menu_item('page', $item); //add_submenu_item(elgg_echo('event_calendar:review_requests_title'), $CONFIG->wwwroot . "pg/event_calendar/review_requests/".$event_id, '0eventcalendaradmin'); } $event_calendar_add_users = elgg_get_plugin_setting('add_users', 'event_calendar'); if ($event_calendar_add_users == 'yes') { $url = "event_calendar/manage_users/$event_guid"; $item = new ElggMenuItem('event-calendar-1manage_users', elgg_echo('event_calendar:manage_users:breadcrumb'), $url); $item->setSection('event_calendar'); elgg_register_menu_item('page', $item); } } function event_calendar_get_secret_key() { $key_file_name = elgg_get_plugin_setting('ical_auth_file_name','event_calendar'); if ($key_file_name && file_exists($key_file_name)) { $key = (require($key_file_name)); return $key['tokenSecretKey']; } else { return FALSE; } } function getLastDayOfMonth($month,$year) { return idate('d', mktime(0, 0, 0, ($month + 1), 0, $year)); } function event_calendar_modify_full_calendar($event_guid,$day_delta,$minute_delta,$start_time,$resend,$minutes,$iso_date) { $event = get_entity($event_guid); if (elgg_instanceof($event,'object','event_calendar') && $event->canEdit()) { if ($event->is_event_poll) { if (elgg_is_active_plugin('event_poll')) { elgg_load_library('elgg:event_poll'); return event_poll_change($event_guid,$day_delta,$minute_delta,$start_time,$resend,$minutes,$iso_date); } else { return FALSE; } } else { $event->start_date = strtotime("$day_delta days",$event->start_date)+60*$minute_delta; if ($event->end_date) { $event->end_date = strtotime("$day_delta days",$event->end_date); } $times = elgg_get_plugin_setting('times','event_calendar'); //$inc = 24*60*60*$day_delta+60*$minute_delta; //$event->real_end_time += $inc; $event->real_end_time = strtotime("$day_delta days",$event->real_end_time)+60*$minute_delta; if ($times != 'no') { $event->start_time += $minute_delta; if ($event->end_time) { $event->end_time += $minute_delta; } } return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } function event_calendar_get_page_content_fullcalendar_events($start_date,$end_date,$filter='all',$container_guid=0,$region='-') { //print "$start_date - $end_date"; $start_ts = strtotime($start_date); $end_ts = strtotime($end_date); if ($filter == 'all') { $events = event_calendar_get_events_between($start_ts,$end_ts,false,0,0,$container_guid,$region); } else if ($filter == 'open') { $events = event_calendar_get_open_events_between($start_ts,$end_ts,false,0,0,$container_guid,$region); } else if ($filter == 'friends') { $user_guid = elgg_get_logged_in_user_guid(); $events = event_calendar_get_events_for_friends_between($start_ts,$end_ts,false,0,0,$user_guid,$container_guid,$region); } else if ($filter == 'mine') { $user_guid = elgg_get_logged_in_user_guid(); $events = event_calendar_get_events_for_user_between2($start_ts,$end_ts,false,0,0,$user_guid,$container_guid,$region); } $event_array = array(); $times_supported = elgg_get_plugin_setting('times','event_calendar') != 'no'; $polls_supported = elgg_is_active_plugin('event_poll'); foreach($events as $e) { $event = $e['event']; $event_data = $e['data']; $c = count($event_data); foreach($event_data as $ed) { $event_item = array( 'guid' => $event->guid, 'title' => $event->title, 'start' => date('c',$ed['start_time']), 'end' => date('c',$ed['end_time']), ); if (!$times_supported || ($event->schedule_type == 'all_day')) { $event_item['allDay'] = TRUE; } else { $event_item['allDay'] = FALSE; } if ($polls_supported && isset($e['is_event_poll']) && $e['is_event_poll']) { $event_item['className'] = 'event-poll-class'; $event_item['title'] .= ' '.elgg_echo('event_calendar:poll_suffix'); $event_item['is_event_poll'] = TRUE; $event_item['url'] = elgg_get_site_url().'event_poll/vote/'.$event->guid; $event_item['minutes'] = $ed['minutes']; $event_item['iso_date'] = $ed['iso_date']; } else { $event_item['id'] = $event->guid; $event_item['is_event_poll'] = FALSE; $event_item['url'] = elgg_get_site_url().'event_calendar/view_light_box/'.$event->guid; } $event_array[] = $event_item; } } $json_events_string = json_encode($event_array); return $json_events_string; } // right now this does not return repeated events in sorted order, so repeated events only really work properly for the full calendar // TODO: find another solution for displaying repeated events function event_calendar_flatten_event_structure($events) { $flattened = array(); $guids = array(); foreach($events as $e) { $this_event = $e['event']; $guid = $this_event->guid; if (!in_array($guid,$guids)) { $guids[] = $guid; $flattened[] = $this_event; } } return $flattened; } function event_calendar_queue_reminders() { // game plan - get all events up to 60 days ahead // with no reminder sent // compute reminder period // if <= current time, set reminder_queued flag and queue the // notification message using the message_queue plugin if (elgg_plugin_exists('message_queue')) { $now = time(); // oops - this does not work for repeated events // need extra stuff for that /*$options = array( 'type' => 'object', 'subtype' => 'event_calendar', 'metadata_name_value_pairs' => array( array('name' => 'reminder_queued', 'value' => 'no'), array('name' => 'send_reminder', 'value' => 1), array('name' => 'start_date', 'value' => $now + 60*24*60*60, 'operand' => '>='), ), 'limit' => 0, ); $events = elgg_get_entities_from_metadata($options); */ $event_list = event_calendar_get_events_between($now,$now + 60*24*60*60,FALSE,0); foreach($event_list as $es) { $e = $es['event']; if ($e->send_reminder) { $reminder_period = 60*$e->reminder_interval*$e->reminder_number; if ($e->repeats) { // repeated events require more complex handing foreach($es['data'] as $d) { // if event falls in the reminder period if ($d->start_time - $reminder_period >= $now) { // and the reminder has not already been queued if (!event_calendar_repeat_reminder_logged($e,$d->start_time)) { // set the reminder queued flag event_calendar_repeat_reminder_log($e,$d->start_time); // queue the reminder for sending event_calendar_queue_reminder($e); } break; } } } else { // if this is just a normal non-repeated event, then we just need to set a flag and queue the reminder if (($e->reminder_queued != 'yes') && ($e->start_date - $now <= $reminder_period)) { $e->reminder_queued = 'yes'; event_calendar_queue_reminder($e); } } } } } } function event_calendar_repeat_reminder_log($e,$start) { // this simple log just uses annotations on the event // TODO - remove log entries for past events create_annotation($e->guid, 'repeat_reminder_log_item', $start, '',0,ACCESS_PUBLIC); } function event_calendar_repeat_reminder_logged($e,$start) { $options = array( 'guid' => $e->guid, 'annotation_name' => 'repeat_reminder_log_item', 'annotation_value' => $start, 'limit' => 1 ); if (elgg_get_annotations($options)) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } function event_calendar_queue_reminder($e) { elgg_load_library('elgg:message_queue'); $subject = elgg_echo('event_calendar:reminder:subject',array($e->title)); $time_string = event_calendar_get_formatted_time($e); $body = elgg_echo('event_calendar:reminder:body',array($e->title,$time_string,$e->getURL())); $m = message_queue_create_message($subject,$body); if ($m) { $users = event_calendar_get_users_for_event($e->guid,0); foreach($users as $u) { message_queue_add($m->guid,$u->guid); } message_queue_set_for_sending($m->guid); } } function event_calendar_create_bbb_conf($event) { $bbb_security_salt = elgg_get_plugin_setting('bbb_security_salt','event_calendar'); $bbb_server_url = rtrim(elgg_get_plugin_setting('bbb_server_url','event_calendar'), '/') . '/'; if ($bbb_security_salt) { $day_in_minutes = 60*24; $duration = (int)(($event->real_end_time-$event->start_date)/60)+$day_in_minutes; $title = urlencode($event->title); $params = "name=$title&meetingID={$event->guid}&duration=$duration"; $checksum = sha1('create'.$params.$bbb_security_salt); $params .= "&checksum=$checksum"; // create curl resource $ch = curl_init(); // set url curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $bbb_server_url.'api/create?'.$params); //return the transfer as a string curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); // $output contains the output string $output = curl_exec($ch); // close curl resource to free up system resources curl_close($ch); /*error_log("BBB create request:"); error_log($bbb_server_url.'api/create?'.$params); error_log("BBB create response:"); error_log($output);*/ $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($output); if ($xml->returncode == 'SUCCESS') { $event->bbb_attendee_password = (string) $xml->attendeePW; $event->bbb_moderator_password = (string) $xml->moderatorPW; } else { register_error(elgg_echo('event_calendar:bbb_create_error',array($xml->message))); } } else { register_error(elgg_echo('event_calendar:bbb_settings_error')); } } function event_calendar_get_join_bbb_url($event) { $bbb_security_salt = elgg_get_plugin_setting('bbb_security_salt','event_calendar'); $bbb_server_url = rtrim(elgg_get_plugin_setting('bbb_server_url','event_calendar'), '/') . '/'; $user = elgg_get_logged_in_user_entity(); $full_name = urlencode($user->name); if ($event->canEdit()) { $password = urlencode($event->bbb_moderator_password); } else { $password = urlencode($event->bbb_attendee_password); } $params = "fullName=$full_name&meetingID={$event->guid}&userID={$user->username}&password=$password"; $checksum = sha1('join'.$params.$bbb_security_salt); $params .= "&checksum=$checksum"; $url = $bbb_server_url.'api/join?'.$params; return $url; } // returns TRUE if the given user can add an event to the given calendar // if group_guid is 0, this is assumed to be the site calendar function event_calendar_can_add($group_guid=0,$user_guid=0) { if (!$user_guid) { if (elgg_is_logged_in()) { $user_guid = elgg_get_logged_in_user_guid(); } else { return FALSE; } } if ($group_guid) { if (!event_calendar_activated_for_group($group_guid)) { return FALSE; } $group = get_entity($group_guid); if (elgg_instanceof($group,'group')) { $group_calendar = elgg_get_plugin_setting('group_calendar', 'event_calendar'); if (!$group_calendar || $group_calendar == 'members') { return $group->canWriteToContainer($user_guid); } else if ($group_calendar == 'admin') { if ($group->canEdit($user_guid)) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } } else { return FALSE; } } else { $site_calendar = elgg_get_plugin_setting('site_calendar', 'event_calendar'); if (!$site_calendar || $site_calendar == 'admin') { // only admins can post directly to the site-wide calendar return elgg_is_admin_user($user_guid); } else if ($site_calendar == 'loggedin') { // any logged-in user can post to the site calendar return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }