* SimpleVimeo
* API Framework for vimeo.com
* @package      SimpleVimeo
* @author       Adrian Rudnik <adrian@periocode.de>
* @link         http://code.google.com/p/php5-simplevimeo/

* Enable debug to output raw request and response information

define('VIMEO_DEBUG_REQUEST', true);
define('VIMEO_DEBUG_RESPONSE', true);

* Vimeo base class
* Provides vital functions to API (access, permission and object handling)
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  Base

class VimeoBase {

	const PROJECT_NAME      = 'php5-simplevimeo';

	* Currently logged in user object
	* @var  VimeoUserEntity
	private static $oUser = false;

	* Currently logged in user permission
	* @var  string
	private static $ePermission = false;

	* Currently logged in user token
	* @var  string
	private static $sToken = false;

	* Vimeo Application API key
	* @var  string
	private static $sApiKey = '7a223534b3c1d0979a954f93cb746173  ';

	* Vimeo Application API secret key
	* @var  string
	private static $sApiSecret = 'b11e83370';

	const VIMEO_REST_URL    = 'http://vimeo.com/api/rest/';
	const VIMEO_AUTH_URL    = 'http://vimeo.com/services/auth/';
	const VIMEO_UPLOAD_URL  = 'http://vimeo.com/services/upload/';
	const VIMEO_LOGIN_URL   = 'http://vimeo.com/log_in';

	* You can choose between the following engines:
	* executeRemoteCall_FSOCK = PHP5 file_get_content and stream_contexts (bad error handling)
	* executeRemoteCall_CURL = CURL is used for file transfer (better error handling)
	const REQUEST_ENGINE_CURL           = 'executeRemoteCall_CURL';
	const VIDEOPOST_ENGINE_FSOCK        = 'executeVideopostCall_CURL';

	const PERMISSION_NONE               = false;
	const PERMISSION_READ               = 'read';
	const PERMISSION_WRITE              = 'write';
	const PERMISSION_DELETE             = 'delete';

	const COOKIE_FILE                   = '/tmp/simplevimeo.cookies';

	const DEBUG_ENABLE					= false;
	const DEBUG_LOGFILE					= '/tmp/simplevimeo.debug';

	* Debug output function
	public static function debug($sTitle, $sContent) {
		if(self::DEBUG_ENABLE) {
			$sMessage = 'DEBUG ' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()) . "\n";
			$sMessage .= 'CONTENT: ' . $sContent . "\n";
			$sMesasge .= $sContent . "\n\n";

			$fhLog = fopen(self::DEBUG_LOGFILE, 'a+');

			if(!$fhLog) {
				throw new VimeoBaseException('Debug Logfile "' . self::DEBUG_LOGFILE . '" could not be found or written');
			} else {
				fputs($fhLog, $sMessage);

	* Update Authentication
	* Initializes user and permission information if a token is present.
	* You can alter this method or skip it if you store user information
	* and permission in an external database. Then i would recommend a
	* VimeoAuthRequest::checkLoogin for confirmation.
	* @access   private
	* @return   void
	private function updateAuthentication() {
		if(self::$sToken && (!self::$ePermission || !self::$oUser)) {
			$oResponse = VimeoAuthRequest::checkToken(self::$sToken);

			// Parse user
			self::$oUser = $oResponse->getUser();

			// Parse permission
			self::$ePermission = $oResponse->getPermission();

	* Check permission
	* Checks the current user permission with the given one. This will be
	* heavily used by the executeRemoteCall method to ensure the user
	* will not run into trouble.
	* @access   public
	* @param    string      Needed Permission
	* @return   boolean     TRUE if access can be granted, FALSE if permission denied
	public function checkPermission($ePermissionNeeded) {
		// Update authentication data before permission check

		// Permission DELETE check
		if($ePermissionNeeded == self::PERMISSION_DELETE && self::$ePermission == self::PERMISSION_DELETE) {
			return true;

		// Permission WRITE check
		if($ePermissionNeeded == self::PERMISSION_WRITE && (self::$ePermission == self::PERMISSION_DELETE || self::$ePermission == self::PERMISSION_WRITE)) {
			return true;

		// Permission READ check
		if($ePermissionNeeded == self::PERMISSION_READ && (self::$ePermission == self::PERMISSION_DELETE || self::$ePermission == self::PERMISSION_WRITE || self::$ePermission == self::PERMISSION_READ)) {
			return true;

		return false;

	* Proxy for API queries
	* Will check permission for the requested API method as well as type
	* of the object result response or exception. Will call the given
	* API query handler method (default: executeRemoteCall_CURL) for
	* the raw connection stuff
	* @access   public
	* @param    string          API method name
	* @param    array           Additional arguments that need to be passed to the API
	* @return   VimeoResponse   Response object of API corresponding query (for vimeo.test.login you will get VimeoTestLoginResponse object)
	public function executeRemoteCall($sMethod, $aArgs = array()) {
		// Get exception handler
		$sExceptionClass = VimeoMethod::getExceptionObjectForMethod($sMethod);

		// Check for errors in parameters
		$sTargetClass = VimeoMethod::getTargetObjectForMethod($sMethod);

		// Get the permission needed to run this method
		$ePermissionNeeded = VimeoMethod::getPermissionRequirementForMethod($sMethod);

		// If permission requirement is not met refuse to even call the API, safes bandwith for both ends
		if($ePermissionNeeded != VimeoBase::PERMISSION_NONE && !self::checkPermission($ePermissionNeeded)) {
			throw new $sExceptionClass('Permission error: "' . VimeoMethod::getPermissionRequirementForMethod($sMethod) . '" needed, "' . self::$ePermission . '" given');

		// Append method to request arguments
		$aArgs['method'] = $sMethod;

		// Check that the API query handler method exists and can be called
		if(!method_exists(__CLASS__, self::REQUEST_ENGINE_CURL)) {
			throw new VimeoBaseException('Internal error: Request engine handler method not found', 2);

		// Build up the needed API arguments

		// Set API key
		$aArgs['api_key']       = self::$sApiKey;

		// Set request format
		$aArgs['format']        = 'php';

		// Set token
		if(self::$sToken) $aArgs['auth_token'] = self::$sToken;

		// Generate signature
		$aArgs['api_sig']       = self::buildSignature($aArgs);

		// Do the request
		$aResponse = call_user_func(array(__CLASS__, self::REQUEST_ENGINE_CURL), $aArgs);

		// Debug request
			self::debug('API request', print_r($aArgs, true));

		// Debug response
			self::debug('API response', print_r($aResponse, true));

		// Transform the result into a result class
		$oResult = new $sTargetClass($aResponse);

		// Check if request was successfull
		if(!$oResult->getStatus()) {
			// If not, create an given exception class for the given method and pass through error code and message
			throw new $sExceptionClass($oResult->getError()->getMessage(), $oResult->getError()->getCode());

		// Return the base class object instance for the corresponding API query
		return $oResult;

	* Execute raw API query with CURL
	* Implements CURL API queries in php format response
	* @author   Ted Roden
	* @access   private
	* @param    array       Additional arguments for the API query
	* @return   stdClass    Simple PHP object enclosing the API result
	private function executeRemoteCall_CURL($aArgs) {
		$ch = curl_init(self::VIMEO_REST_URL);
		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $aArgs);
		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, self::PROJECT_NAME);

		$data = curl_exec($ch);
			throw new VimeoRequestException('executeRemoteCall_CURL error: ' . curl_error($ch), curl_errno($ch));
		else {

			if(!$data || strlen(trim($data)) < 2) {
				throw new VimeoRequestException('API request error: No result returned.', 1);
			return unserialize($data);

	* Execute raw API query with FSOCK
	* Implements FSOCK API queries in php format response
	* @access   private
	* @param    array       Additional arguemnts for the API query
	* @return   stdClass    Simple PHP object enclosing the API result
	private function executeRemoteCall_FSOCK($aArgs) {
		$sResponse = file_get_contents(self::VIMEO_REST_URL, NULL, stream_context_create(array('http' => array('method' => 'POST', 'header'=> 'Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'content' => http_build_query($aArgs)))));
		if(!$sResponse || strlen(trim($sResponse)) < 2) {
			throw new VimeoRequestException('API request error: No result returned.', 1);
		} else {
			return unserialize($sResponse);

	* Proxy for video uploads
	* Will call the given video upload handler method (default: executeVideopostCall_FSOCK)
	* for the raw connection and send stuff
	* @access   public
	* @param    string          Local filename to be transfered
	* @param    string          Ticket
	* @return   string          VimeoVideosCheckUploadStatusResponse
	public function executeVideopostCall($sFilename, $sTicket = false) {
		// Check that the upload query handler method exists and can be called
		if(!method_exists(__CLASS__, self::VIDEOPOST_ENGINE_FSOCK)) {
			throw new VimeoUploadException('Upload error: Videopost engine handler method not found', 1);

		// If permission requirement is not met refuse to even call the API, safes bandwith for both ends
		if(!self::checkPermission(VimeoBase::PERMISSION_WRITE)) {
			throw new VimeoUploadException('Upload error: Missing "write" permission for current user', 2);

		// Check that the file exists
		if(!file_exists($sFilename)) {
			throw new VimeoUploadException('Upload error: Local file does not exists', 3);

		// Check that the file is readable
		if(!is_readable($sFilename)) {
			throw new VimeoUploadException('Upload error: Local file is not readable', 4);

		// Check that the file size is not larger then the allowed size you can upload
		$oResponse = VimeoPeopleRequest::getUploadStatus();
		if(filesize($sFilename) > $oResponse->getRemainingBytes()) {
			throw new VimeoUploadException('Upload error: Videosize exceeds remaining bytes', 5);

		// Try to get a upload ticket
		if(!$sTicket) {
			$oResponse = VimeoVideosRequest::getUploadTicket();
			$sTicket = $oResponse->getTicket();

		// Build up the needed API arguments

		// Set API key
		$aArgs['api_key']       = self::$sApiKey;

		// Set request format
		$aArgs['format']        = 'php';

		// Set token
		if(self::$sToken) $aArgs['auth_token'] = self::$sToken;

		// Set ticket
		$aArgs['ticket_id']     = $sTicket;

		// Generate signature
		$aArgs['api_sig']       = self::buildSignature($aArgs);

		// Set file
		$aArgs['file']          = "@$sFilename";

		// Do the upload
		$sResponse = call_user_func(array(__CLASS__, self::VIDEOPOST_ENGINE_FSOCK), $aArgs);

		// Call vimeo.videos.checkUploadStatus to prevent abandoned status
		return VimeoVideosRequest::checkUploadStatus($sTicket);

	private function executeVideopostCall_CURL($aArgs) {
		// Disable time limit

		$ch = curl_init(self::VIMEO_UPLOAD_URL);
		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $aArgs);
		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, self::PROJECT_NAME);

		$data = curl_exec($ch);
			throw new VimeoRequestException('executeRemoteCall_CURL error: ' . curl_error($ch), curl_errno($ch));
		else {
			return unserialize($data);

	* Build API query signature
	* Composes the signature needed to verify its really us doing the query
	* @author   Ted Roden
	* @access   private
	* @param    array       Additional arguments for the API query
	* @return   string      MD5 signature
	private static function buildSignature($aArgs) {
		$s = '';

		// sort by name

		foreach($aArgs as $k => $v)
			$s .= $k . $v;

		return(md5(self::$sApiSecret . $s));

	* Build authentication URL
	* Easy way to build a correct authentication url. You can use this
	* to link the user directly to the correct vimeo authentication page.
	* @access   public
	* @param    string      Permission level you need the user to give you (i.e. VimeoBase::PERMISSION_READ)
	* @return   string      URL you can use to directly link the user to the vimeo authentication page
	public static function buildAuthenticationUrl($ePermission) {

		$aArgs = array(
			'api_key' => self::$sApiKey,
			'perms' => $ePermission

		return self::VIMEO_AUTH_URL . '?api_key=' . self::$sApiKey . '&perms=' . $ePermission . '&api_sig=' . self::buildSignature($aArgs);

	* Get current logged in user token
	* @access   public
	* @return   string      Token or FALSE if not logged in
	public static function getToken() {
		return self::$sToken;

	* Set current logged in user token
	* @access   public
	* @param    string      Authentication token
	* @return   void
	public static function setToken($sToken) {
		self::$sToken = $sToken;

	* Clear current logged in user token
	* Removes the current logged in user from the cache. Next API query
	* will be made as clean, not logged in, request.
	* @access   public
	* @return   void
	public static function clearToken() {
		self::$sToken = false;

	* Execute a permit request
	* ONLY USED IN SITE-MODE, see howto.autologin.php
	* Permits the current CURL cached user with your vimeo API application
	* @access   public
	* @param    string      Permission
	* @return   string      Vimeo Token
	public function permit($ePermission) {
		// Disable time limit

		// Construct login data
		$aArgs = array(
			'api_key' => VimeoBase::$sApiKey,
			'perms' => $ePermission,
			'accept' => 'yes'
		$ch = curl_init(VimeoBase::buildAuthenticationUrl($ePermission));
		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $aArgs);
		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, self::PROJECT_NAME);
		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, VimeoBase::COOKIE_FILE);
		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, VimeoBase::COOKIE_FILE);

		$sPageContent = curl_exec($ch);
		if(curl_errno($ch)) {
			throw new VimeoRequestException('Error: Tried to login failed ' . curl_error($ch), curl_errno($ch));
			return false;
		} else {
			$sResponseUrl = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL);

		return $sPageContent;

	* Ensures that the user is logged in
	* ONLY USED IN SITE-MODE, see howto.autologin.php
	* Ensures the site-account is logged in
	* @access   public
	* @param    string          Username
	* @param    string          Password
	* @return   boolean         TRUE if user could be logged in, FALSE if an error occured (try manually to see error)
	public function login($sUsername, $sPassword) {
		// Disable time limit

		// Construct login data
		$aArgs = array(
			'sign_in[email]' => $sUsername,
			'sign_in[password]' => $sPassword,
			'redirect' => ''

		$ch = curl_init(VimeoBase::VIMEO_LOGIN_URL);
		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $aArgs);
		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, self::PROJECT_NAME);
		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, VimeoBase::COOKIE_FILE);
		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, VimeoBase::COOKIE_FILE);

		$sPageContent = curl_exec($ch);

		if(curl_errno($ch)) {
			throw new VimeoRequestException('Error: Tried to login failed ' . curl_error($ch), curl_errno($ch));
			return false;
		} else {
			$sResponseUrl = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL);

		if(stristr($sResponseUrl, 'log_in') !== false) {
			// Login failed
			return false;
		} else {
			return true;

* Vimeo base exception class
* Every exception caused by VimeoBase class will be of this type
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  Exceptions

class VimeoBaseException extends VimeoException {}

* Vimeo request exception class
* Exception thrown when requesting the API failed
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  Exceptions

class VimeoRequestException extends VimeoException {}

* Vimeo upload exception class
* Exception thrown when uploading a video failed
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  Exceptions

class VimeoUploadException extends VimeoException {}

* Vimeo API method handler class
* This class will ensure that only functions can be called if the method is implemented
* and the permission is right (p). It also states what the source (s), result (t) and
* exception (e) object will be.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  Base

class VimeoMethod {

	private static $aMethods = array(
		// Vimeo Test methods
		'vimeo.test.login'                  => array(       's' => 'VimeoTestRequest',
															't' => 'VimeoTestLoginResponse',
															'e' => 'VimeoTestLoginException',
															'p' => VimeoBase::PERMISSION_READ),

		'vimeo.test.echo'                   => array(       's' => 'VimeoTestRequest',
															't' => 'VimeoTestEchoResponse',
															'e' => 'VimeoTestEchoException',
															'p' => VimeoBase::PERMISSION_NONE),

		'vimeo.test.null'                   => array(       's' => 'VimeoTestRequest',
															't' => 'VimeoTestNullResponse',
															'e' => 'VimeoTestNullException',
															'p' => VimeoBase::PERMISSION_READ),

		// Vimeo Auth methods
		'vimeo.auth.getToken'               => array(       's' => 'VimeoAuthRequest',
															't' => 'VimeoAuthGetTokenResponse',
															'e' => 'VimeoAuthGetTokenException',
															'p' => VimeoBase::PERMISSION_NONE),

		'vimeo.auth.getFrob'                => array(       's' => 'VimeoAuthRequest',
															't' => 'VimeoAuthGetFrobResponse',
															'e' => 'VimeoAuthGetFrobException',
															'p' => VimeoBase::PERMISSION_NONE),

		'vimeo.auth.checkToken'             => array(       's' => 'VimeoAuthRequest',
															't' => 'VimeoAuthCheckTokenResponse',
															'e' => 'VimeoAuthCheckTokenException',
															'p' => VimeoBase::PERMISSION_NONE),

		// Vimeo Videos methods
		'vimeo.videos.getList'              => array(       's' => 'VimeoVideosRequest',
															't' => 'VimeoVideosGetListResponse',
															'e' => 'VimeoVideosGetListException',
															'p' => VimeoBase::PERMISSION_NONE),

		'vimeo.videos.getUploadedList'      => array(       's' => 'VimeoVideosRequest',
															't' => 'VimeoVideosGetUploadedListResponse',
															'e' => 'VimeoVideosGetUploadedListException',
															'p' => VimeoBase::PERMISSION_NONE),

		'vimeo.videos.getAppearsInList'     => array(       's' => 'VimeoVideosRequest',
															't' => 'VimeoVideosGetAppearsInListResponse',
															'e' => 'VimeoVideosGetAppearsInListException',
															'p' => VimeoBase::PERMISSION_NONE),

		'vimeo.videos.getSubscriptionsList' => array(       's' => 'VimeoVideosRequest',
															't' => 'VimeoVideosGetSubscriptionsListResponse',
															'e' => 'VimeoVideosGetSubscriptionsListException',
															'p' => VimeoBase::PERMISSION_NONE),

		'vimeo.videos.getListByTag'         => array(       's' => 'VimeoVideosRequest',
															't' => 'VimeoVideosGetListByTagResponse',
															'e' => 'VimeoVideosGetListByTagException',
															'p' => VimeoBase::PERMISSION_NONE),

		'vimeo.videos.getLikeList'          => array(       's' => 'VimeoVideosRequest',
															't' => 'VimeoVideosGetLikeListResponse',
															'e' => 'VimeoVideosGetLikeListException',
															'p' => VimeoBase::PERMISSION_NONE),

		'vimeo.videos.getContactsList'      => array(       's' => 'VimeoVideosRequest',
															't' => 'VimeoVideosGetContactsListResponse',
															'e' => 'VimeoVideosGetContactsListException',
															'p' => VimeoBase::PERMISSION_NONE),

		'vimeo.videos.getContactsLikeList'  => array(       's' => 'VimeoVideosRequest',
															't' => 'VimeoVideosGetContactsLikeListResponse',
															'e' => 'VimeoVideosGetContactsLikeListException',
															'p' => VimeoBase::PERMISSION_NONE),

		'vimeo.videos.search'               => array(       's' => 'VimeoVideosRequest',
															't' => 'VimeoVideosSearchResponse',
															'e' => 'VimeoVideosSearchException',
															'p' => VimeoBase::PERMISSION_NONE),

		'vimeo.videos.getInfo'              => array(       's' => 'VimeoVideosRequest',
															't' => 'VimeoVideosGetInfoResponse',
															'e' => 'VimeoVideosGetInfoException',
															'p' => VimeoBase::PERMISSION_NONE),

		'vimeo.videos.getUploadTicket'      => array(       's' => 'VimeoVideosRequest',
															't' => 'VimeoVideosGetUploadTicketResponse',
															'e' => 'VimeoVideosGetUploadTicketException',
															'p' => VimeoBase::PERMISSION_WRITE),

		'vimeo.videos.checkUploadStatus'    => array(       's' => 'VimeoVideosRequest',
															't' => 'VimeoVideosCheckUploadStatusResponse',
															'e' => 'VimeoVideosCheckUploadStatusException',
															'p' => VimeoBase::PERMISSION_WRITE),

		'vimeo.videos.delete'               => array(       's' => 'VimeoVideosRequest',
															't' => 'VimeoVideosDeleteResponse',
															'e' => 'VimeoVideosDeleteException',
															'p' => VimeoBase::PERMISSION_DELETE),

		'vimeo.videos.setTitle'             => array(       's' => 'VimeoVideosRequest',
															't' => 'VimeoVideosSetTitleResponse',
															'e' => 'VimeoVideosSetTitleException',
															'p' => VimeoBase::PERMISSION_WRITE),

		'vimeo.videos.setCaption'           => array(       's' => 'VimeoVideosRequest',
															't' => 'VimeoVideosSetCaptionResponse',
															'e' => 'VimeoVideosSetCaptionException',
															'p' => VimeoBase::PERMISSION_WRITE),

		'vimeo.videos.setFavorite'          => array(       's' => 'VimeoVideosRequest',
															't' => 'VimeoVideosSetFavoriteResponse',
															'e' => 'VimeoVideosSetFavoriteException',
															'p' => VimeoBase::PERMISSION_WRITE),

		'vimeo.videos.addTags'              => array(       's' => 'VimeoVideosRequest',
															't' => 'VimeoVideosAddTagsResponse',
															'e' => 'VimeoVideosAddTagsException',
															'p' => VimeoBase::PERMISSION_WRITE),

		'vimeo.videos.removeTag'            => array(       's' => 'VimeoVideosRequest',
															't' => 'VimeoVideosRemoveTagResponse',
															'e' => 'VimeoVideosRemoveTagException',
															'p' => VimeoBase::PERMISSION_WRITE),

		'vimeo.videos.clearTags'            => array(       's' => 'VimeoVideosRequest',
															't' => 'VimeoVideosClearTagsResponse',
															'e' => 'VimeoVideosClearTagsException',
															'p' => VimeoBase::PERMISSION_WRITE),

		'vimeo.videos.setPrivacy'           => array(       's' => 'VimeoVideosRequest',
															't' => 'VimeoVideosSetPrivacyResponse',
															'e' => 'VimeoVideosSetPrivacyException',
															'p' => VimeoBase::PERMISSION_WRITE),

		// Vimeo People methods
		'vimeo.people.findByUserName'       => array(       's' => 'VimeoPeopleRequest',
															't' => 'VimeoPeopleFindByUsernameResponse',
															'e' => 'VimeoPeopleFindByUsernameException',
															'p' => VimeoBase::PERMISSION_NONE),

		'vimeo.people.findByEmail'          => array(       's' => 'VimeoPeopleRequest',
															't' => 'VimeoPeopleFindByEmailResponse',
															'e' => 'VimeoPeopleFindByEmailException',
															'p' => VimeoBase::PERMISSION_NONE),

		'vimeo.people.getInfo'              => array(       's' => 'VimeoPeopleRequest',
															't' => 'VimeoPeopleGetInfoResponse',
															'e' => 'VimeoPeopleGetInfoException',
															'p' => VimeoBase::PERMISSION_NONE),

		'vimeo.people.getPortraitUrl'       => array(       's' => 'VimeoPeopleRequest',
															't' => 'VimeoPeopleGetPortraitUrlResponse',
															'e' => 'VimeoPeopleGetPortraitUrlException',
															'p' => VimeoBase::PERMISSION_NONE),

		'vimeo.people.addContact'           => array(       's' => 'VimeoPeopleRequest',
															't' => 'VimeoPeopleAddContactResponse',
															'e' => 'VimeoPeopleAddContactException',
															'p' => VimeoBase::PERMISSION_WRITE),

		'vimeo.people.removeContact'        => array(       's' => 'VimeoPeopleRequest',
															't' => 'VimeoPeopleRemoveContactResponse',
															'e' => 'VimeoPeopleRemoveContactException',
															'p' => VimeoBase::PERMISSION_WRITE),

		'vimeo.people.getUploadStatus'      => array(       's' => 'VimeoPeopleRequest',
															't' => 'VimeoPeopleGetUploadStatusResponse',
															'e' => 'VimeoPeopleGetUploadStatusException',
															'p' => VimeoBase::PERMISSION_READ),

		'vimeo.people.addSubscription'      => array(       's' => 'VimeoPeopleRequest',
															't' => 'VimeoPeopleAddSubscriptionResponse',
															'e' => 'VimeoPeopleAddSubscriptionException',
															'p' => VimeoBase::PERMISSION_WRITE),

		'vimeo.people.removeSubscription'   => array(       's' => 'VimeoPeopleRequest',
															't' => 'VimeoPeopleRemoveSubscriptionResponse',
															'e' => 'VimeoPeopleRemoveSubscriptionException',
															'p' => VimeoBase::PERMISSION_WRITE)

	public static function getSourceObjectForMethod($sMethod) {
		// Check if the method can be handled

		return self::$aMethods[$sMethod]['s'];

	public static function getTargetObjectForMethod($sMethod) {
		// Check if the method can be handled

		return self::$aMethods[$sMethod]['t'];

	public static function getExceptionObjectForMethod($sMethod) {
		// Check if the method can be handled

		return self::$aMethods[$sMethod]['e'];

	public static function getPermissionRequirementForMethod($sMethod) {
		// Check if the method can be handled

		return self::$aMethods[$sMethod]['p'];

	public static function checkMethod($sMethod) {
		// Check if the method can be handled
		if(!isset(self::$aMethods[$sMethod])) {
			throw new VimeoMethodException('Unhandled vimeo method "' . $sMethod . '" given', 2);

* Vimeo method exception class
* Every exception caused by VimeoMethod class will be of this type
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  Exceptions

class VimeoMethodException extends Exception {}

* Abstract class constructs that the whole api stuff will be based on

* Vimeo exception class
* Every exception the whole SimpleVimeo throws will be extended of this base
* class. You can extend this one to alter all exceptions.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  Exceptions
* @abstract

abstract class VimeoException extends Exception {}

* Vimeo array of object handler class
* This class is for array of object handling. i.e.: An array of video objects.
* It ensures that you can work with foreach and count without getting into a hassle.
* @package      SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage   Base
* @abstract

abstract class VimeoObjectList implements Iterator, Countable {
	* Array for instanced objects
	* @var  array
	private $aInstances = array();

	* Integer how many results
	* @var  integer
	private $iCount = 0;

	* Class name
	* @var  string
	private $sClassName;

	private $aIDs = array();

	* Constructor
	* @access   public
	* @return   void
	public function __construct() {
		// Parse class name
		$this->sClassName = str_replace('List', '', get_class($this));

	* Add object to array
	* @access   public
	* @param    object      Object to be added to array
	* @param    integer     Array index to be used for the given object
	* @return   void
	public function add($oObject, $iID = false) {
		if($iID !== false) {
			$this->aInstances[$iID] = $oObject;
		} else {
			$this->aInstances[] = $oObject;

		$this->aIDs[] = $iID;


	* Returns all array indexes for further parsing
	* @access   public
	* @return   array       Array with object array indexes
	public function getAllUniqueIDs() {
		return $this->getIDs();

	* @ignore
	public function rewind() {

	* @ignore
	public function current() {
		return current($this->aInstances);

	* @ignore
	public function key() {
		return key($this->aInstances);

	* @ignore
	public function next() {
		return next($this->aInstances);

	* @ignore
	public function valid() {
		return $this->current() !== FALSE;

	* @ignore
	public function count() {
		return $this->iCount;

* Vimeo request class
* Every API query collection class will be based on this.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  ApiRequest
* @abstract

abstract class VimeoRequest {}

* Vimeo response class
* Every API response class will be based on this. It also handles
* everytime response variables like if the query was successfull and
* the generation time.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  ApiResponse
* @abstract

abstract class VimeoResponse {
	private $bStatus = false;
	private $fPerformance = false;
	private $iErrorCode = false;
	private $oError = false;

	* Constructor
	* Parses the API response
	* You dont need to pass a response if you need to give a hint your coding tool for code completion
	* @access   public
	* @param    stdClass    API response
	* @return   void
	public function __construct($aResponse = false) {
		if($aResponse) {
			// Parse status

			// Parse performance
			$this->fPerformance = (float) $aResponse->generated_in;

			// Parse error information
			if(!$this->bStatus) {
				$this->oError = new VimeoErrorEntity($aResponse->err->code, $aResponse->err->msg);

	private function setStatus($sStatus) {
		if($sStatus === 'ok') {
			$this->bStatus = true;

	public function getStatus() {
		return $this->bStatus;

	public function getPerformance() {
		return $this->fPerformance;

	public function getError() {
		return $this->oError;

* Entity classes for default instances of users etc. they are always the same
* and their array of object handlers

* Vimeo API error entity class
* Implements API delivered error entities into an PHP 5 object with given result parameters.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  Entities

class VimeoErrorEntity {
	private $iErrorCode = false;
	private $sErrorMessage = false;

	public function __construct($iErrorCode, $sErrorMessage) {
		$this->iErrorCode = $iErrorCode;
		$this->sErrorMessage = $sErrorMessage;

	public function getCode() {
		return $this->iErrorCode;

	public function getMessage() {
		return $this->sErrorMessage;

* Vimeo API user entity class
* Implements API delivered user entities into an PHP 5 object with given result parameters.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  Entities

class VimeoUserEntity {
	private $iUserNsId = false;
	private $iUserId = false;
	private $sUsername = false;
	private $sFullname = false;

	// Optional information when vimeo.person.getInfo is called
	private $sLocation = false;
	private $sUrl = false;
	private $iNumberOfContacts = false;
	private $iNumberOfUploads = false;
	private $iNumberOfLikes = false;
	private $iNumberOfVideos = false;
	private $iNumberOfVideosAppearsIn = false;
	private $sProfileUrl = false;
	private $sVideosUrl = false;

	public function __construct($aResponseSnippet) {
		if(isset($aResponseSnippet->id)) {
			$this->iUserId = $aResponseSnippet->id;

		if(isset($aResponseSnippet->nsid)) {
			$this->iUserNsId = $aResponseSnippet->nsid;

		if(isset($aResponseSnippet->username)) {
			$this->sUsername = $aResponseSnippet->username;

		if(isset($aResponseSnippet->fullname)) {
			$this->sFullname = $aResponseSnippet->fullname;

		if(isset($aResponseSnippet->display_name)) {
			$this->sFullname = $aResponseSnippet->display_name;

		// Optional stuff
		if(isset($aResponseSnippet->location)) {
			$this->sLocation = $aResponseSnippet->location;

		if(isset($aResponseSnippet->url)) {
			$this->sUrl = $aResponseSnippet->url;

		if(isset($aResponseSnippet->number_of_contacts)) {
			$this->iNumberOfContacts = $aResponseSnippet->number_of_contacts;

		if(isset($aResponseSnippet->number_of_uploads)) {
			$this->iNumberOfUploads = $aResponseSnippet->number_of_uploads;

		if(isset($aResponseSnippet->number_of_likes)) {
			$this->iNumberOfLikes = $aResponseSnippet->number_of_likes;

		if(isset($aResponseSnippet->number_of_videos)) {
			$this->iNumberOfVideos = $aResponseSnippet->number_of_videos;

		if(isset($aResponseSnippet->number_of_videos_appears_in)) {
			$this->iNumberOfVideosAppearsIn = $aResponseSnippet->number_of_videos_appears_in;

		if(isset($aResponseSnippet->profileurl)) {
			$this->sProfileUrl = $aResponseSnippet->profileurl;

		if(isset($aResponseSnippet->videosurl)) {
			$this->sVideosUrl = $aResponseSnippet->videosurl;

	public function getNsID() {
		return $this->iUserNsId;

	public function getID() {
		return $this->iUserId;

	public function getUsername() {
		return $this->sUsername;

	public function getFullname() {
		return $this->sFullname;

	public function getLocation() {
		return $this->sLocation;

	public function getUrl() {
		return $this->sUrl;

	public function getNumberOfContacts() {
		return $this->iNumberOfContacts;

	public function getNumberOfUploads() {
		return $this->iNumberOfUploads;

	public function getNumberOfLikes() {
		return $this->iNumberOfLikes;

	public function getNumberOfVideos() {
		return $this->iNumberOfVideos;

	public function getNumberOfVideosAppearsIn() {
		return $this->iNumberOfVideosAppearsIn;

	public function getProfileUrl() {
		return $this->sProfileUrl;

	public function getVideosUrl() {
		return $this->sVideosUrl;

* Vimeo API video entity class
* Implements API delivered video into an PHP 5 object with given result parameters.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  Entities

class VimeoVideoEntity {
	private $iID = false;
	private $ePrivacy = false;
	private $bIsUploading = false;
	private $bIsTranscoding = false;
	private $bIsHD = false;

	private $sTitle = false;
	private $sCaption = false;
	private $iUploadTime = false;
	private $iNumberOfLikes = false;
	private $iNumberOfPlays = false;
	private $iNumberOfComments = false;

	private $sUrl = false;

	private $iWidth = false;
	private $iHeight = false;
	private $oOwner = false;

	private $oTagList = false;

	private $oThumbnailList = false;

	public function __construct($aResponseSnippet = false) {
		if($aResponseSnippet) {
			// Set basic information
			$this->iID = $aResponseSnippet->id;
			$this->ePrivacy = $aResponseSnippet->privacy;
			$this->bIsUploading = $aResponseSnippet->is_uploading;
			$this->bIsTranscoding = $aResponseSnippet->is_transcoding;
			$this->bIsHD = $aResponseSnippet->is_hd;

			$this->sTitle = $aResponseSnippet->title;
			$this->sCaption = $aResponseSnippet->caption;
			$this->iUploadTime = strtotime($aResponseSnippet->upload_date);
			$this->iNumberOfLikes = (int) $aResponseSnippet->number_of_likes;
			$this->iNumberOfPlays = (int) $aResponseSnippet->number_of_plays;
			$this->iNumberOfComments = (int) $aResponseSnippet->number_of_comments;

			$this->sUrl = $aResponseSnippet->urls->url->_content;

			$this->iWidth = (int) $aResponseSnippet->width;
			$this->iHeight = (int) $aResponseSnippet->height;

			$this->oOwner = new VimeoUserEntity($aResponseSnippet->owner);

			// Parse Tags
			$this->oTagList = new VimeoTagList();
			if(isset($aResponseSnippet->tags->tag)) {
				foreach($aResponseSnippet->tags->tag as $aTagInformation) {
					$oTag = new VimeoTagEntity($aTagInformation);
					$this->oTagList->add($oTag, $oTag->getID());

			// Parse Thumbnails
			$this->oThumbnailList = new VimeoThumbnailList();
			if(isset($aResponseSnippet->thumbnails->thumbnail)) {
				foreach($aResponseSnippet->thumbnails->thumbnail as $aThumbnailInformation) {
					$oThumbnail = new VimeoThumbnailEntity($aThumbnailInformation);
					$this->oThumbnailList->add($oThumbnail, ($oThumbnail->getWidth() * $oThumbnail->getHeight()));

	public function getID() {
		return $this->iID;

	public function getPrivacy() {
		return $this->ePrivacy;

	public function isUploading() {
		return $this->bIsUploading;

	public function isTranscoding() {
		return $this->bIsTranscoding;

	public function isHD() {
		return $this->bIsHD;

	public function getTitle() {
		return $this->sTitle;

	public function getCaption() {
		return $this->sCaption;

	public function getUploadTimestamp() {
		return $this->iUploadTime;

	public function getNumberOfLikes() {
		return (int) $this->iNumberOfLikes;

	public function getNumberOfPlays() {
		return (int) $this->iNumberOfPlays;

	public function getNumberOfComments() {
		return (int) $this->iNumberOfComments;

	public function getWidth() {
		return (int) $this->iWidth;

	public function getHeight() {
		return (int) $this->iHeight;

	public function getOwner() {
		return $this->oOwner;

	public function getTags() {
		return $this->oTagList;

	public function getUrl() {
		return $this->sUrl;

	public function getThumbnails() {
		return $this->oThumbnailList;

* Vimeo API video list class
* Implements API delivered video list entities into an PHP 5 array of objects.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  Lists

class VimeoVideoList extends VimeoObjectList {}

* Vimeo API tag entity class
* Implements API delivered tag entities into an PHP 5 object with given result parameters.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  Entities

class VimeoTagEntity {
	private $iID = false;
	private $sContent = false;

	public function __construct($aResponseSnippet = false) {
		if($aResponseSnippet) {
			$this->iID = $aResponseSnippet->id;
			$this->sContent = $aResponseSnippet->_content;

	public function getID() {
		return $this->iID;

	public function getTag() {
		return $this->sContent;

* Vimeo API tag list class
* Implements API delivered tag list entities into an PHP 5 array of objects.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  Lists

class VimeoTagList extends VimeoObjectList {}

* Vimeo API thumbnail entity class
* Implements API delivered thumbnail entities into an PHP 5 object with given result parameters.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  Entities

class VimeoThumbnailEntity {
	private $iWidth = false;
	private $iHeight = false;
	private $sContent = false;

	public function __construct($aResponseSnippet = false) {
		if($aResponseSnippet) {
			$this->iWidth = (int) $aResponseSnippet->width;
			$this->iHeight = (int) $aResponseSnippet->height;
			$this->sContent = $aResponseSnippet->_content;

	public function getWidth() {
		return (int) $this->iWidth;

	public function getHeight() {
		return (int) $this->iHeight;

	public function getImageContent() {
		return $this->sContent;

* Vimeo API thumbnail list class
* Implements API delivered thumbnail list entities into an PHP 5 array of objects.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  Lists

class VimeoThumbnailList extends VimeoObjectList {
	public function getByWidth($iWidth, $bAlsoLower = false) {
		* @todo

	public function getByHeight($iHeight, $bAlsoLower = false) {
		* @todo

	public function getByWidthAndHeight($iWidth, $iHeight, $bAlsoLower = false) {
		* @todo

* vimeo.test.* methods

* Vimeo Test request handler class
* Implements all API queries in the vimeo.test.* category
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  ApiRequest

class VimeoTestRequest extends VimeoRequest {

	* Is the user logged in?
	* @access   public
	* @return   VimeoTestLoginResponse

	public function login() {
		return VimeoBase::executeRemoteCall('vimeo.test.login');

	* This will just repeat back any parameters that you send.
	* @access   public
	* @param    array       Additional arguments that need to be passed to the API
	* @return   VimeoTestEchoResponse

	public function echoback($aArgs) {
		return VimeoBase::executeRemoteCall('vimeo.test.echo', $aArgs);

	* This is just a simple null/ping test...
	* @access   public
	* @return   VimeoTestNullResponse

	public function ping() {
		return VimeoBase::executeRemoteCall('vimeo.test.null');

* Vimeo Test Login response handler class
* Handles the API response for vimeo.test.login queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  ApiResponse

class VimeoTestLoginResponse extends VimeoResponse {}

* Vimeo Test Login exception handler class
* Handles exceptions caused by API response for vimeo.test.login queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  Exceptions

class VimeoTestLoginException extends VimeoException {}

* Vimeo Test Echo response handler class
* Handles the API response for vimeo.test.echo queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  ApiResponse

class VimeoTestEchoResponse extends VimeoResponse {
	private $aArgs = false;

	* Constructor
	* Parses the API response
	* @access   public
	* @param    stdClass    API response
	* @return   void
	public function __construct($aResponse = false) {

		$this->aArgs = get_object_vars($aResponse);

		// Unset default response stuff
		if(isset($this->aArgs['stat'])) unset($this->aArgs['stat']);
		if(isset($this->aArgs['generated_in'])) unset($this->aArgs['generated_in']);

	* Returns an array of variables the request bounced back
	* @access   public
	* @return   array       Echoed variables
	public function getResponseArray() {
		return $this->aArgs;

* Vimeo Test Echo exception handler class
* Handles exceptions caused by API response for vimeo.test.echo queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  Exceptions

class VimeoTestEchoException extends VimeoException {}

* Vimeo Test Null response handler class
* Handles the API response for vimeo.test.null queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  ApiResponse

class VimeoTestNullResponse extends VimeoResponse {}

* Vimeo Test Null exception handler class
* Handles exceptions caused by API response for vimeo.test.null queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  Exceptions

class VimeoTestNullException extends VimeoException {}

* vimeo.auth.* methods

* Vimeo Auth request handler class
* Implements all API queries in the vimeo.auth.* category
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  ApiRequest

class VimeoAuthRequest extends VimeoRequest {

	* Get Token
	* @access   public
	* @param    string      Frob taken from the vimeo authentication
	* @return   VimeoAuthGetTokenResponse
	public function getToken($sFrob) {
		$aArgs = array(
			'frob' => $sFrob

		return VimeoBase::executeRemoteCall('vimeo.auth.getToken', $aArgs);

	* Check Token
	* Checks the validity of the token. Returns the user associated with it.
	* Returns the same as vimeo.auth.getToken
	* @access   public
	* @param    string      Authentication token
	* @return   VimeoAuthCheckTokenResponse
	public function checkToken($sToken = false) {
		if(!$sToken) $sToken = VimeoBase::getToken();

		$aArgs = array(
			'auth_token' => $sToken

		return VimeoBase::executeRemoteCall('vimeo.auth.checkToken', $aArgs);

	* Get Frob
	* This is generally used by desktop applications. If the user doesn't already have
	* a token, you'll need to get the frob, send it to us at /services/auth. Then,
	* after the user, clicks continue on your app, you call vimeo.auth.getToken($frob)
	* and we give you the actual token.
	* @access   public
	* @return   VimeoAuthGetFrobResponse
	public function getFrob() {
		return VimeoBase::executeRemoteCall('vimeo.auth.getFrob');

* Vimeo Auth GetToken response handler class
* Handles the API response for vimeo.auth.getToken queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  ApiResponse

class VimeoAuthGetTokenResponse extends VimeoResponse {

	private $sToken = false;
	private $ePermission = false;
	private $oUser = false;

	* Constructor
	* Parses the API response
	* @access   public
	* @param    stdClass    API response
	* @return   void
	public function __construct($aResponse) {

		$this->sToken = $aResponse->auth->token;
		$this->ePermission = $aResponse->auth->perms;

		$this->oUser = new VimeoUserEntity($aResponse->auth->user);

	* Get token value
	* @access   public
	* @return   token
	public function getToken() {
		return $this->sToken;

	* Get permission value
	* @access   public
	* @return   permission

	public function getPermission() {
		return $this->ePermission;

	* Get user information object
	* @access   public
	* @return VimeoUserEntity
	public function getUser() {
		return $this->oUser;

* Vimeo Auth GetToken exception handler class
* Handles exceptions caused by API response for vimeo.auth.getToken queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  Exceptions

class VimeoAuthGetTokenException extends Exception {}

* Vimeo Auth CheckToken response handler class
* Handles the API response for vimeo.auth.checkToken queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  ApiResponse

class VimeoAuthCheckTokenResponse extends VimeoAuthGetTokenResponse {}

* Vimeo Auth CheckToken exception handler class
* Handles exceptions caused by API response for vimeo.auth.checkToken queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  Exceptions

class VimeoAuthCheckTokenException extends VimeoAuthGetTokenException {}

* Vimeo Auth GetFrob response handler class
* Handles the API response for vimeo.auth.getFrob queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  ApiResponse

class VimeoAuthGetFrobResponse extends VimeoResponse {
	private $sFrob = false;

	* Constructor
	* Parses the API response
	* @access   public
	* @param    stdClass    API response
	* @return   void
	public function __construct($aResponse) {

		$this->sFrob = $aResponse->frob;

	* Get Frob value
	* @access   public
	* @return   frob
	public function getFrob() {
		return $this->sFrob;

* Vimeo Auth GetFrob exception handler class
* Handles exceptions caused by API response for vimeo.auth.getFrob queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  Exceptions

class VimeoAuthGetFrobException extends VimeoException {}

* vimeo.videos.* methods

* Vimeo Videos request handler class
* Implements all API queries in the vimeo.videos.* category
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  ApiRequest

class VimeoVideosRequest extends VimeoRequest {

	const PRIVACY_ANYBODY = 'anybody';
	const PRIVACY_CONTACTS = 'contacts';
	const PRIVACY_NOBODY = 'nobody';
	const PRIVACY_USERS = 'users';

	* Search videos!
	* If the calling user is logged in, this will return information that calling user
	* has access to (including private videos). If the calling user is not authenticated,
	* this will only return public information, or a permission denied error if none is available.
	* @access   public
	* @param    string      Search query
	* @param    integer     User ID, this can be the ID number (151542) or the username (ted)
	* @param    boolean     If TRUE, we'll only search the users contacts. If this is set, you must specifiy a User ID. Otherwise it will be ignored without error.
	* @param    integer     ow many results per page?
	* @return VimeoVideosSearchResponse
	public function search($sQuery, $iUserID = false, $bContactsOnly = false, $iItemsPerPage = false) {

		// Pass query (required)
		$aArgs = array(
			'query' => $sQuery

		// Pass user
		if($iUserID) {
			$aArgs['user_id'] = $iUserID;

		// Pass contacts
		if($bContactsOnly) {
			$aArgs['contacts_only'] = $bContactsOnly;

		// Pass items
		if($iItemsPerPage) {
			$aArgs['per_page'] = $iItemsPerPage;

		// Please deliver full response so we can handle videos with unified classes
		$aArgs['fullResponse'] = 1;

		return VimeoBase::executeRemoteCall('vimeo.videos.search', $aArgs);

	* This gets a list of videos for the specified user.
	* This is the functionality of "My Videos" or "Ted's Videos." At the moment, this is the same list
	* as vimeo.videos.getAppearsInList. If you need uploaded or appears in, those are available too.
	* @access   public
	* @param    integer     User ID, this can be the ID number (151542) or the username (ted)
	* @param    integer     Which page to show.
	* @param    integer     How many results per page?
	* @return   VimeoVideosGetListResponse
	public function getList($iUserID, $iPage = false, $iItemsPerPage = false) {
		// Extend query
		$aArgs = array(
			'user_id'       => $iUserID

		if($iPage) {
			$aArgs['page'] =    $iPage;

		if($iItemsPerPage) {
			$aArgs['per_page'] = $iItemsPerPage;

		// Please deliver full response so we can handle videos with unified classes
		$aArgs['fullResponse'] = 1;

		return VimeoBase::executeRemoteCall('vimeo.videos.getList', $aArgs);

	* This gets a list of videos uploaded by the specified user.
	* If the calling user is logged in, this will return information that calling user has access to
	* (including private videos). If the calling user is not authenticated, this will only return
	* public information, or a permission denied error if none is available.
	* @access   public
	* @param    integer     User ID, this can be the ID number (151542) or the username (ted)
	* @param    integer     Which page to show.
	* @param    integer     How many results per page?
	* @return   VimeoVideosGetUploadedListResponse
	public function getUploadedList($iUserID, $iPage = false, $iItemsPerPage = false) {
		// Extend query
		$aArgs = array(
			'user_id'       => $iUserID

		if($iPage) {
			$aArgs['page'] =    $iPage;

		if($iItemsPerPage) {
			$aArgs['per_page'] = $iItemsPerPage;

		// Please deliver full response so we can handle videos with unified classes
		$aArgs['fullResponse'] = 1;

		return VimeoBase::executeRemoteCall('vimeo.videos.getUploadedList', $aArgs);

	* This gets a list of videos that the specified user appears in.
	* If the calling user is logged in, this will return information that calling user has access
	* to (including private videos). If the calling user is not authenticated, this will only return
	* public information, or a permission denied error if none is available.
	* @access   public
	* @param    integer     User ID, this can be the ID number (151542) or the username (ted)
	* @param    integer     Which page to show.
	* @param    integer     How many results per page?
	* @return   VimeoVideosGetAppearsInListResponse
	public function getAppearsInList($iUserID, $iPage = false, $iItemsPerPage = false) {
		// Extend query
		$aArgs = array(
			'user_id'       => $iUserID

		if($iPage) {
			$aArgs['page'] =    $iPage;

		if($iItemsPerPage) {
			$aArgs['per_page'] = $iItemsPerPage;

		// Please deliver full response so we can handle videos with unified classes
		$aArgs['fullResponse'] = 1;

		return VimeoBase::executeRemoteCall('vimeo.videos.getAppearsInList', $aArgs);

	* This gets a list of subscribed videos for a particular user.
	* If the calling user is logged in, this will return information that calling user
	* has access to (including private videos). If the calling user is not authenticated,
	* this will only return public information, or a permission denied error if none is available.
	* @access   public
	* @param    integer     User ID, this can be the ID number (151542) or the username (ted)
	* @param    integer     Which page to show.
	* @param    integer     How many results per page?
	* @return   VimeoVideosGetSubscriptionsListResponse
	public function getSubscriptionsList($iUserID, $iPage = false, $iItemsPerPage = false) {
		// Extend query
		$aArgs = array(
			'user_id'       => $iUserID

		if($iPage) {
			$aArgs['page'] =    $iPage;

		if($iItemsPerPage) {
			$aArgs['per_page'] = $iItemsPerPage;

		// Please deliver full response so we can handle videos with unified classes
		$aArgs['fullResponse'] = 1;

		return VimeoBase::executeRemoteCall('vimeo.videos.getSubscriptionsList', $aArgs);

	* This gets a list of videos by tag
	* If you specify a user_id, we'll only get video uploaded by that user with the specified tag.
	* If the calling user is logged in, this will return information that calling user has access
	* to (including private videos). If the calling user is not authenticated, this will only
	* return public information, or a permission denied error if none is available.
	* @access   public
	* @param    string      A single tag: "cat" "new york" "cheese"
	* @param    integer     User ID, this can be the ID number (151542) or the username (ted)
	* @param    integer     Which page to show.
	* @param    integer     How many results per page?
	* @return   VimeoVideosGetListByTagResponse
	public function getListByTag($sTag, $iUserID = false, $iPage = false, $iItemsPerPage = false) {
		// Extend query
		$aArgs = array(
			'tag'       => $sTag

		if($iUserID) {
			$aArgs['user_id'] = $iUserID;

		if($iPage) {
			$aArgs['page'] =    $iPage;

		if($iItemsPerPage) {
			$aArgs['per_page'] = $iItemsPerPage;

		// Please deliver full response so we can handle videos with unified classes
		$aArgs['fullResponse'] = 1;

		return VimeoBase::executeRemoteCall('vimeo.videos.getListByTag', $aArgs);

	* Get a list of videos that the specified user likes.
	* If the calling user is logged in, this will return information that calling user has
	* access to (including private videos). If the calling user is not authenticated, this will
	* only return public information, or a permission denied error if none is available.
	* @access   public
	* @param    integer     User ID, this can be the ID number (151542) or the username (ted)
	* @param    integer     Which page to show.
	* @param    integer     How many results per page?
	* @return   VimeoVideosGetLikeListResponse
	public function getLikeList($iUserID, $iPage = false, $iItemsPerPage = false) {
		// Extend query
		$aArgs = array(
			'user_id'       => $iUserID

		if($iPage) {
			$aArgs['page'] =    $iPage;

		if($iItemsPerPage) {
			$aArgs['per_page'] = $iItemsPerPage;

		// Please deliver full response so we can handle videos with unified classes
		$aArgs['fullResponse'] = 1;

		return VimeoBase::executeRemoteCall('vimeo.videos.getLikeList', $aArgs);

	* Get a list of videos made by the contacts of a specific user.
	* If the calling user is logged in, this will return information that calling user has
	* access to (including private videos). If the calling user is not authenticated, this will
	* only return public information, or a permission denied error if none is available.
	* @access   public
	* @param    integer     User ID, this can be the ID number (151542) or the username (ted)
	* @param    integer     Which page to show.
	* @param    integer     How many results per page?
	* @return   VimeoVideosGetContactsListResponse
	public function getContactsList($iUserID, $iPage = false, $iItemsPerPage = false) {
		// Extend query
		$aArgs = array(
			'user_id'       => $iUserID

		if($iPage) {
			$aArgs['page'] =    $iPage;

		if($iItemsPerPage) {
			$aArgs['per_page'] = $iItemsPerPage;

		// Please deliver full response so we can handle videos with unified classes
		$aArgs['fullResponse'] = 1;

		return VimeoBase::executeRemoteCall('vimeo.videos.getContactsList', $aArgs);

	* Get a list of videos that the specified users contacts like.
	* If the calling user is logged in, this will return information that calling user has
	* access to (including private videos). If the calling user is not authenticated, this will
	* only return public information, or a permission denied error if none is available.
	* @access   public
	* @param    integer     User ID, this can be the ID number (151542) or the username (ted)
	* @param    integer     Which page to show.
	* @param    integer     How many results per page?
	* @return   VimeoVideosGetContactsLikeListResponse
	public function getContactsLikeList($iUserID, $iPage = false, $iItemsPerPage = false) {
		// Extend query
		$aArgs = array(
			'user_id'       => $iUserID

		if($iPage) {
			$aArgs['page'] =    $iPage;

		if($iItemsPerPage) {
			$aArgs['per_page'] = $iItemsPerPage;

		// Please deliver full response so we can handle videos with unified classes
		$aArgs['fullResponse'] = 1;

		return VimeoBase::executeRemoteCall('vimeo.videos.getContactsLikeList', $aArgs);

	* Get all kinds of information about a photo.
	* If the calling user is logged in, this will return information that calling user has
	* access to (including private videos). If the calling user is not authenticated, this will
	* only return public information, or a permission denied error if none is available.
	* @access   public
	* @param    integer     Video ID
	* @return   VimeoVideosGetInfoResponse
	public function getInfo($iVideoID) {
		// Extend query
		$aArgs = array(
			'video_id'      => $iVideoID

		return VimeoBase::executeRemoteCall('vimeo.videos.getInfo', $aArgs);

	* Generate a new upload Ticket.
	* You'll need to pass this to the uploader. It's only good for one upload, only good for one user.
	* @access   public
	* @return   VimeoVideosGetUploadTicketResponse
	public function getUploadTicket() {
		return VimeoBase::executeRemoteCall('vimeo.videos.getUploadTicket');

	* Check the status of an upload started via the API
	* This is how you get the video_id of a clip uploaded from the API
	* If you never call this to check in, we assume it was abandoned and don't process it
	* @access   public
	* @param    string      The ticket number of the upload
	* @return   VimeoVideosCheckUploadStatusResponse
	public function checkUploadStatus($sTicket) {
		$aArgs = array(
			'ticket_id' => $sTicket

		return VimeoBase::executeRemoteCall('vimeo.videos.checkUploadStatus', $aArgs);

	* Simple video upload
	* @access   public
	* @param    string      Absolute path to file
	* @param    string      Existing ticket or false to generate a new one
	* @return   VimeoVideosCheckUploadStatusResponse
	public function doUpload($sFilename, $sTicket = false) {
		return VimeoBase::executeVideopostCall($sFilename, $sTicket);

	* Delete a video
	* The authenticated user must own the video and have granted delete permission
	* @access   public
	* @param    integer     Video ID
	* @return   VimeoVideosDeleteResponse
	public function delete($iVideoID) {
		$aArgs = array(
			'video_id' => $iVideoID

		return VimeoBase::executeRemoteCall('vimeo.videos.delete', $aArgs);

	* Set the title of a video (overwrites previous title)
	* @access   public
	* @param    integer     Video ID
	* @param    string      Title
	* @return   VimeoVideosSetTitleResponse
	public function setTitle($iVideoID, $sVideoTitle) {
		$aArgs = array(
			'video_id' => $iVideoID,
			'title' => $sVideoTitle

		return VimeoBase::executeRemoteCall('vimeo.videos.setTitle', $aArgs);

	* Set a new caption for a video (overwrites previous caption)
	* @access   public
	* @param    integer     Video ID
	* @param    string      Caption
	* @return   VimeoVideosSetCaptionResponse
	public function setCaption($iVideoID, $sVideoCaption) {
		$aArgs = array(
			'video_id' => $iVideoID,
			'caption' => $sVideoCaption

		return VimeoBase::executeRemoteCall('vimeo.videos.setCaption', $aArgs);

	* Set a video as a favorite.
	* @access   public
	* @param    integer     Video ID
	* @param    boolean     TRUE to favorite, FALSE to return to normal
	* @return   VimeoVideosSetFavoriteResponse
	public function setFavorite($iVideoID, $bFavorite = true) {
		$aArgs = array(
			'video_id' => $iVideoID,
			'favorite' => (int) $bFavorite

		return VimeoBase::executeRemoteCall('vimeo.videos.setFavorite', $aArgs);

	* Add specified tags to the video, this does not replace any tags.
	* Tags should be comma separated lists.
	* If the calling user is logged in, this will return information that calling
	* user has access to (including private videos). If the calling user is not authenticated,
	* this will only return public information, or a permission denied error if none is available.
	* @access   public
	* @param    integer     Video ID
	* @param    mixed       Array with tags or Comma separated list of tags ("lions, tigers, bears")
	* @return   VimeoVideosAddTagsResponse
	public function addTags($iVideoID, $mTags) {
		// Catch array of tags
		if(is_array($mTags)) {
			$mTags = implode(',', $mTags);

		// Prepare arguments
		$aArgs = array(
			'video_id' => $iVideoID,
			'tags' => $mTags

		return VimeoBase::executeRemoteCall('vimeo.videos.addTags', $aArgs);

	* Remove specified tag from the video.
	* @access   public
	* @param    integer     Video ID
	* @param    integer     Tag ID, this should be a tag id returned by vimeo.videos.getInfo
	* @return   VimeoVideosRemoveTagResponse
	public function removeTag($iVideoID, $iTagID) {
		$aArgs = array(
			'video_id' => $iVideoID,
			'tag_id' => $iTagID

		return VimeoBase::executeRemoteCall('vimeo.videos.removeTag', $aArgs);

	* Remove ALL of the tags from the video
	* @access   public
	* @param    integer     Video ID
	* @return   VimeoVideosClearTags
	public function clearTags($iVideoID) {
		$aArgs = array(
			'video_id' => $iVideoID

		return VimeoBase::executeRemoteCall('vimeo.videos.clearTags', $aArgs);

	* Set the privacy of the video
	* @access   public
	* @param    integer     Video ID
	* @param    integer     Privacy enum see VimeoVideosRequest::PRIVACY_*
	* @param    mixed       Array or comma separated list of users who can view the video. PRIVACY_USERS must be set.
	public function setPrivacy($iVideoID, $ePrivacy, $mUsers = array()) {
		// Catch array of users
		if(is_array($mUsers)) {
			$mUsers = implode(', ', $mUsers);

		$aArgs = array(
			'video_id' => $iVideoID,
			'privacy' => $ePrivacy,
			'users' => $mUsers

		return VimeoBase::executeRemoteCall('vimeo.videos.setPrivacy', $aArgs);

* Vimeo Videos Search response handler class
* Handles the API response for vimeo.videos.search queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  ApiResponse

class VimeoVideosSearchResponse extends VimeoResponse {
	private $iPage = false;
	private $iItemsPerPage = false;
	private $iOnThisPage = false;

	private $aoVideos = array();

	* Constructor
	* Parses the API response
	* @access   public
	* @param    stdClass    API response
	* @return   void
	public function __construct($aResponse) {

		// Parse information
		if($aResponse && isset($aResponse->videos) && $this->getStatus()) {
			// Create an video list instance
			$this->aoVideos = new VimeoVideoList();

			// Page information
			$this->iPage = $aResponse->videos->page;
			$this->iItemsPerPage = $aResponse->videos->perpage;
			$this->iOnThisPage = $aResponse->videos->on_this_page;

			// Parse videos
			if(isset($aResponse->videos->video)) {
				// We should check if the subelement is an object (single hit) or an result array (multiple hits)
				if(is_array($aResponse->videos->video)) {
					// We got a couple of results
					$aParseableData = $aResponse->videos->video;
				} else {
					// We only got one result
					$aParseableData = array(
						0 => $aResponse->videos->video

				// Parse the results
				foreach($aParseableData as $aVideoInformation) {
					$oVideo = new VimeoVideoEntity($aVideoInformation);

					$this->aoVideos->add($oVideo, $oVideo->getID());

	* Current page
	* @access   public
	* @return   integer     Page number
	public function getPage() {
		return $this->iPage;

	* Items per page
	* @access   public
	* @return   integer     Items per page

	public function getItemsPerPage() {
		return $this->iItemsPerPage;

	* Items on the current page
	* @access   public
	* @return   integer     Items on the current page

	public function getOnThisPage() {
		return $this->iOnThisPage;

	* Get array of video objects
	* @access   public
	* @return   array       Video objects

	public function getVideos() {
		return $this->aoVideos;

* Vimeo Videos Search exception handler class
* Handles exceptions caused by API response for vimeo.videos.search queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  Exceptions

class VimeoVideosSearchException extends VimeoException {}

* Vimeo Videos GetList response handler class
* Handles the API response for vimeo.videos.getList queries.
* Currently the response is exact the same as vimeo.videos.search
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  ApiResponse

class VimeoVideosGetListResponse extends VimeoVideosSearchResponse {}

* Vimeo Videos Search exception handler class
* Handles exceptions caused by API response for vimeo.videos.search queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  Exceptions

class VimeoVideosGetListException extends VimeoException {}

* Vimeo Videos GetUploadedList response handler class
* Handles the API response for vimeo.videos.getUploadedList queries.
* Currently the response is exact the same as vimeo.videos.search
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  ApiResponse

class VimeoVideosGetUploadedListResponse extends VimeoVideosSearchResponse {}

* Vimeo Videos GetUploadedList exception handler class
* Handles exceptions caused by API response for vimeo.videos.getUploadedList queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  Exceptions

class VimeoVideosGetUploadedListException extends VimeoException {}

* Vimeo Videos GetAppearsInList response handler class
* Handles the API response for vimeo.videos.getAppearsInList queries.
* Currently the response is exact the same as vimeo.videos.search
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  ApiResponse

class VimeoVideosGetAppearsInListResponse extends VimeoVideosSearchResponse {}

* Vimeo Videos GetAppearsInList exception handler class
* Handles exceptions caused by API response for vimeo.videos.getAppearsInList queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  Exceptions

class VimeoVideosGetAppearsInListException extends VimeoException {}

* Vimeo Videos GetSubscriptionsList response handler class
* Handles the API response for vimeo.videos.getSubscriptionsList queries.
* Currently the response is exact the same as vimeo.videos.search
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  ApiResponse

class VimeoVideosGetSubscriptionsListResponse extends VimeoVideosSearchResponse {}

* Vimeo Videos GetSubscriptionsList exception handler class
* Handles exceptions caused by API response for vimeo.videos.getSubscriptionsList queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  Exceptions

class VimeoVideosGetSubscriptionsListException extends VimeoException {}

* Vimeo Videos GetListByTag response handler class
* Handles the API response for vimeo.videos.getListByTag queries.
* Currently the response is exact the same as vimeo.videos.search
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  ApiResponse

class VimeoVideosGetListByTagResponse extends VimeoVideosSearchResponse {}

* Vimeo Videos GetListByTag exception handler class
* Handles exceptions caused by API response for vimeo.videos.getListByTag queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  Exceptions

class VimeoVideosGetListByTagException extends VimeoException {}

* Vimeo Videos GetLikeList response handler class
* Handles the API response for vimeo.videos.getLikeList queries.
* Currently the response is exact the same as vimeo.videos.search
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  ApiResponse

class VimeoVideosGetLikeListResponse extends VimeoVideosSearchResponse {}

* Vimeo Videos GetLikeList exception handler class
* Handles exceptions caused by API response for vimeo.videos.getLikeList queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  Exceptions

class VimeoVideosGetLikeListException extends VimeoException {}

* Vimeo Videos GetContactsList response handler class
* Handles the API response for vimeo.videos.getContactsList queries.
* Currently the response is exact the same as vimeo.videos.search
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  ApiResponse

class VimeoVideosGetContactsListResponse extends VimeoVideosSearchResponse {}

* Vimeo Videos GetContactsList exception handler class
* Handles exceptions caused by API response for vimeo.videos.getContactsList queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  Exceptions

class VimeoVideosGetContactsListException extends VimeoException {}

* Vimeo Videos getContactsLikeList response handler class
* Handles the API response for vimeo.videos.getContactsLikeList queries.
* Currently the response is exact the same as vimeo.videos.search
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  ApiResponse

class VimeoVideosgetContactsLikeListResponse extends VimeoVideosSearchResponse {}

* Vimeo Videos getContactsLikeList exception handler class
* Handles exceptions caused by API response for vimeo.videos.getContactsLikeList queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  Exceptions

class VimeoVideosGetContactsLikeListException extends VimeoException {}

* Vimeo Videos GetInfo response handler class
* Handles the API response for vimeo.videos.getInfo queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  ApiResponse

class VimeoVideosGetInfoResponse extends VimeoResponse {
	private $oVideo = false;

	* Constructor
	* Parses the API response
	* @access   public
	* @param    stdClass    API response
	* @return   void
	public function __construct($aResponse) {

		$this->oVideo = new VimeoVideoEntity($aResponse->video);

	* Get video information as object
	* @access   public
	* @return   VimeoVideoEntity
	public function getVideo() {
		return $this->oVideo;

* Vimeo Videos GetInfo exception handler class
* Handles exceptions caused by API response for vimeo.videos.getInfo queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  Exceptions

class VimeoVideosGetInfoException extends VimeoException {}

* Vimeo Videos getUploadTicket response handler class
* Handles the API response for vimeo.videos.getUploadTicket queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  ApiResponse

class VimeoVideosGetUploadTicketResponse extends VimeoResponse {
	private $sTicket = false;

	* Constructor
	* Parses the API response
	* @access   public
	* @param    stdClass    API response
	* @return   void
	public function __construct($aResponse = false) {

		$this->sTicket = $aResponse->ticket->id;

	* Get generated upload ticket
	* @access   public
	* @return   string      The ticket number of the upload
	public function getTicket() {
		return $this->sTicket;

* Vimeo Videos getUploadTicket exception handler class
* Handles exceptions caused by API response for vimeo.videos.getUploadTicket queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  Exceptions

class VimeoVideosGetUploadTicketException extends VimeoException {}

* Vimeo Videos checkUploadStatus response handler class
* Handles the API response for vimeo.videos.checkUploadStatus queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  ApiResponse

class VimeoVideosCheckUploadStatusResponse extends VimeoResponse {
	private $sTicket = false;
	private $iVideoID = false;
	private $bIsUploading = false;
	private $bIsTranscoding = false;
	private $iTranscodingProgress = false;

	* Constructor
	* Parses the API response
	* @access   public
	* @param    stdClass    API response
	* @return   void
	public function __construct($aResponse = false) {

		$this->sTicket = $aResponse->ticket->id;
		$this->iVideoID = $aResponse->ticket->video_id;
		$this->bIsUploading = (bool) $aResponse->ticket->is_uploading;
		$this->bIsTranscoding = (bool) $aResponse->ticket->is_transcoding;
		$this->iTranscodingProgress = $aResponse->ticket->transcoding_progress;

	* Get Ticket
	* @access   public
	* @return   string      Ticket
	public function getTicket() {
		return $this->sTicket;

	* Get Video ID
	* @access   public
	* @return   integer     Video ID
	public function getVideoID() {
		return $this->iVideoID;

	* Is the video uploading?
	* @access   public
	* @return   boolean     TRUE if uploading, FALSE if not
	public function isUploading() {
		return $this->bIsUploading;

	* Is the video transcoding?
	* Also check getTranscodingProgress() for percentage in transcoding
	* @access   public
	* @return   boolean     TRUE if uploading, FALSE if not
	public function isTranscoding() {
		return $this->bIsTranscoding;

	* Get the transcoding progress
	* Should only be called if isTranscoding() returns true
	* @access   public
	* @return   integer     Percentage
	public function getTranscodingProgress() {
		return $this->iTranscodingProgress;

* Vimeo Videos checkUploadStatus exception handler class
* Handles exceptions caused by API response for vimeo.videos.checkUploadStatus queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  Exceptions

class VimeoVideosCheckUploadStatusException extends VimeoException {}

* Vimeo Videos delete response handler class
* Handles the API response for vimeo.videos.delete queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  ApiResponse

class VimeoVideosDeleteResponse extends VimeoResponse {}

* Vimeo Videos delete exception handler class
* Handles exceptions caused by API response for vimeo.videos.delete queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  Exceptions

class VimeoVideosDeleteException extends VimeoException {}

* Vimeo Videos setTitle response handler class
* Handles the API response for vimeo.videos.setTitle queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  ApiResponse

class VimeoVideosSetTitleResponse extends VimeoResponse {}

* Vimeo Videos setTitle exception handler class
* Handles exceptions caused by API response for vimeo.videos.setTitle queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  Exceptions

class VimeoVideosSetTitleException extends VimeoException {}

* Vimeo Videos setCaption response handler class
* Handles the API response for vimeo.videos.setCaption queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  ApiResponse

class VimeoVideosSetCaptionResponse extends VimeoResponse {}

* Vimeo Videos setCaption exception handler class
* Handles exceptions caused by API response for vimeo.videos.setCaption queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  Exceptions

class VimeoVideosSetCaptionException extends VimeoException {}

* Vimeo Videos setFavorite response handler class
* Handles the API response for vimeo.videos.setFavorite queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  ApiResponse

class VimeoVideosSetFavoriteResponse extends VimeoResponse {}

* Vimeo Videos setFavorite exception handler class
* Handles exceptions caused by API response for vimeo.videos.setFavorite queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  Exceptions

class VimeoVideosSetFavoriteException extends VimeoException {}

* Vimeo Videos addTags response handler class
* Handles the API response for vimeo.videos.addTags queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  ApiResponse

class VimeoVideosAddTagsResponse extends VimeoResponse {}

* Vimeo Videos addTags exception handler class
* Handles exceptions caused by API response for vimeo.videos.addTags queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  Exceptions

class VimeoVideosAddTagsException extends VimeoException {}

* Vimeo Videos removeTag response handler class
* Handles the API response for vimeo.videos.removeTag queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  ApiResponse

class VimeoVideosRemoveTagResponse extends VimeoResponse {}

* Vimeo Videos removeTag exception handler class
* Handles exceptions caused by API response for vimeo.videos.removeTag queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  Exceptions

class VimeoVideosRemoveTagException extends VimeoException {}

* Vimeo Videos clearTags response handler class
* Handles the API response for vimeo.videos.clearTags queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  ApiResponse

class VimeoVideosClearTagsResponse extends VimeoResponse {}

* Vimeo Videos clearTags exception handler class
* Handles exceptions caused by API response for vimeo.videos.clearTags queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  Exceptions

class VimeoVideosClearTagsException extends VimeoException {}

* Vimeo Videos setPrivacy response handler class
* Handles the API response for vimeo.videos.setPrivacy queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  ApiResponse

class VimeoVideosSetPrivacyResponse extends VimeoResponse {}

* Vimeo Videos setPrivacy exception handler class
* Handles exceptions caused by API response for vimeo.videos.setPrivacy queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  Exceptions

class VimeoVideosSetPrivacyException extends VimeoException {}

* vimeo.people.* methods

* Vimeo People request handler class
* Implements all API queries in the vimeo.people.* category
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  ApiRequest

class VimeoPeopleRequest extends VimeoRequest {
	const TYPE_LIKES        = 'likes';
	const TYPE_APPEARS      = 'appears';
	const TYPE_BOTH         = 'likes,appears';

	* Get a user id and full/display name with a username.
	* You shouldn't need this to get the User ID, we allow you to use the
	* username instead of User ID everywhere, it's much nicer that way.
	* @access   public
	* @param    string      The username to lookup
	* @return   VimeoPeopleFindByUsernameResponse
	public function findByUsername($sUsername) {
		$aArgs = array(
			'username' => $sUsername

		return VimeoBase::executeRemoteCall('vimeo.people.findByUserName', $aArgs);

	* Get tons of info about a user.
	* @access   public
	* @param    integer     The id of the user we want.
	* @return   VimeoPeopleGetInfoResponse
	public function getInfo($iUserID) {
		$aArgs = array(
			'user_id' => $iUserID

		return VimeoBase::executeRemoteCall('vimeo.people.getInfo', $aArgs);

	* Get a user id and full/display name via an Email Address.
	* You shouldn't need to use this to get the User ID, we allow you
	* to use the username instead of User ID everywhere, it's much nicer that way.
	* @access   public
	* @param    string      Email
	* @return   VimeoPeopleFindByEmailResponse
	public function findByEmail($sEmail) {
		$aArgs = array(
			'find_email' => $sEmail

		return VimeoBase::executeRemoteCall('vimeo.people.findByEmail', $aArgs);

	* Get a portrait URL for a given user/size
	* Portraits are square, so you only need to pass one size parameter.
	* Possible sizes are 20, 24, 28, 30, 40, 50, 60, 75, 100, 140, 278 and 300
	* @access   public
	* @param    string      The username to lookup
	* @param    integer     The size of the portrait you you want. (defaults to 75)
	* @return   VimeoPeopleGetPortraitUrlResponse
	* @todo Check functionality. Did not work, god knows why
	public function getPortraitUrl($sUser, $iSize = false) {
		$aArgs = array(
			'user' => $sUser

		if($iSize) {
			$aArgs['size'] = $iSize;

		return VimeoBase::executeRemoteCall('vimeo.people.getPortraitUrl', $aArgs);

	* Add a user as a contact for the authenticated user.
	* If Jim is authenticated, and the $user is sally. Sally will be Jim's contact.
	* It won't work the other way around. Depending on Sally's settings, this may
	* send her an email notifying her that Jim Added her as a contact.
	* @access   public
	* @param    string      The user to add. User ID, this can be the ID number (151542) or the username (ted)
	* @return   VimeoPeopleAddContactResponse
	public function addContact($sUser) {
		$aArgs = array(
			'user' => $sUser

		return VimeoBase::executeRemoteCall('vimeo.people.addContact', $aArgs);

	* Remove a user as a contact for the authenticated user.
	* @access   public
	* @param    string      The user to remove. User ID, this can be the ID number (151542) or the username (ted)
	* @return   VimeoPeopleRemoveContactResponse
	public function removeContact($sUser) {
		$aArgs = array(
			'user' => $sUser

		return VimeoBase::executeRemoteCall('vimeo.people.removeContact', $aArgs);

	* This tells you how much space the user has remaining for uploads.
	* We provide info in bytes and kilobytes. It probably makes sense for you to use kilobytes.
	* @access   public
	* @return   VimeoPeopleGetUploadStatusResponse
	public function getUploadStatus() {
		return VimeoBase::executeRemoteCall('vimeo.people.getUploadStatus');

	* Subscribe to a user's videos.
	* Just like on the site, you can subscribe to videos a user "appears" in or "likes." Or both!
	* This will not remove any subscriptions. So if the user is subscribed to a user for both "likes"
	* and "appears," this will not change anything if you only specify one of them. If you want to
	* remove one, you must call vimeo.people.removeSubscription().
	* @access   public
	* @param    string      User ID, this can be the ID number (151542) or the username (ted)
	* @param    string      with self::TYPE_LIKES or self::TYPE_APPEARS or self::TYPE_BOTH
	* @return   VimeoPeopleAddSubscriptionResponse
	public function addSubscription($sUser, $eType = self::TYPE_BOTH) {
		$aArgs = array(
			'user' => $sUser,
			'type' => $eType

		return VimeoBase::executeRemoteCall('vimeo.people.addSubscription', $aArgs);

	* Unsubscribe to a user's videos.
	* @access   public
	* @param    string      User ID, this can be the ID number (151542) or the username (ted)
	* @param    string      with self::TYPE_LIKES or self::TYPE_APPEARS or self::TYPE_BOTH
	* @return   VimeoPeopleRemoveSubscriptionResponse
	public function removeSubscription($sUser, $eType = self::TYPE_BOTH) {
		$aArgs = array(
			'user' => $sUser,
			'type' => $eType

		return VimeoBase::executeRemoteCall('vimeo.people.removeSubscription', $aArgs);

* Vimeo People FindByUserName response handler class
* Handles the API response for vimeo.people.findByUserName queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  ApiResponse

class VimeoPeopleFindByUserNameResponse extends VimeoResponse {
	private $oUser = false;

	* Constructor
	* Parses the API response
	* @access   public
	* @param    stdClass    API response
	* @return   void
	public function __construct($aResponse = false) {

		$this->oUser = new VimeoUserEntity($aResponse->user);

	* Get user entity object
	* @access   public
	* @return   VimeoUserEntity
	public function getUser() {
		return $this->oUser;

* Vimeo People FindByUserName exception handler class
* Handles exceptions caused by API response for vimeo.people.findByUserName queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  Exceptions

class VimeoPeopleFindByUserNameException extends VimeoException {}

* Vimeo People FindByEmail response handler class
* Handles the API response for vimeo.people.findByEmail queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  ApiResponse

class VimeoPeopleFindByEmailResponse extends VimeoResponse {
	private $oUser = false;

	* Constructor
	* Parses the API response
	* @access   public
	* @param    stdClass    API response
	* @return   void
	public function __construct($aResponse = false) {

		$this->oUser = new VimeoUserEntity($aResponse->user);

	* Get user entity object
	* @access   public
	* @return   VimeoUserEntity
	public function getUser() {
		return $this->oUser;

* Vimeo People FindByEmail exception handler class
* Handles exceptions caused by API response for vimeo.people.findByEmail queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  Exceptions

class VimeoPeopleFindByEmailException extends VimeoException {}

* Vimeo People GetInfo response handler class
* Handles the API response for vimeo.people.getInfo queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  ApiResponse

class VimeoPeopleGetInfoResponse extends VimeoResponse {
	private $oUser = false;

	* Constructor
	* Parses the API response
	* @access   public
	* @param    stdClass    API response
	* @return   void
	public function __construct($aResponse = false) {

		$this->oUser = new VimeoUserEntity($aResponse->person);

	* Get user entity object
	* @access   public
	* @return   VimeoUserEntity
	public function getUser() {
		return $this->oUser;

* Vimeo People GetInfo exception handler class
* Handles exceptions caused by API response for vimeo.people.getInfo queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  Exceptions

class VimeoPeopleGetInfoException extends VimeoException {}

* Vimeo People getPortraitUrl response handler class
* Handles the API response for vimeo.people.getPortraitUrl queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  ApiResponse

class VimeoPeopleGetPortraitUrlResponse extends VimeoResponse {}

* Vimeo People getPortraitUrl exception handler class
* Handles exceptions caused by API response for vimeo.people.getPortraitUrl queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  Exceptions

class VimeoPeopleGetPortraitUrlException extends VimeoException {}

* Vimeo People addContact response handler class
* Handles the API response for vimeo.people.addContact queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  ApiResponse

class VimeoPeopleAddContactResponse extends VimeoResponse {}

* Vimeo People addContact exception handler class
* Handles exceptions caused by API response for vimeo.people.addContact queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  Exceptions

class VimeoPeopleAddContactException extends VimeoException {}

* Vimeo People removeContact response handler class
* Handles the API response for vimeo.people.removeContact queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  ApiResponse

class VimeoPeopleRemoveContactResponse extends VimeoResponse {}

* Vimeo People removeContact exception handler class
* Handles exceptions caused by API response for vimeo.people.removeContact queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  Exceptions

class VimeoPeopleRemoveContactException extends VimeoException {}

* Vimeo People getUploadStatus response handler class
* Handles the API response for vimeo.people.getUploadStatus queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  ApiResponse

class VimeoPeopleGetUploadStatusResponse extends VimeoResponse {
	private $iMaxBytes = false;
	private $iMaxKBytes = false;

	private $iUsedBytes = false;
	private $iUsedKBytes = false;

	private $iRemainingBytes = false;
	private $iRemainingKBytes = false;

	* Constructor
	* Parses the API response
	* @access   public
	* @param    stdClass    API response
	* @return   void
	public function __construct($aResponse = false) {

		$this->iMaxBytes = $aResponse->user->bandwidth->maxbytes;
		$this->iMaxKBytes = $aResponse->user->bandwidth->maxkb;

		$this->iUsedBytes = $aResponse->user->bandwidth->usedbytes;
		$this->iUsedKBytes = $aResponse->user->bandwidth->usedkb;

		$this->iRemainingBytes = $aResponse->user->bandwidth->remainingbytes;
		$this->iRemainingKBytes = $aResponse->user->bandwidth->remainingkb;

	* Get maximum upload for this week in BYTES
	* @access   public
	* @return   integer     Maximum bytes this week
	public function getMaxBytes() {
		return $this->iMaxBytes;

	* Get maximum upload for this week in KILOBYTES
	* @access   public
	* @return   integer     Maximum kbytes this week
	public function getMaxKiloBytes() {
		return $this->iMaxKBytes;

	* Get used upload for this week in BYTES
	* @access   public
	* @return   integer     Used bytes this week
	public function getUsedBytes() {
		return $this->iUsedBytes;

	* Get used upload for this week in KILOBYTES
	* @access   public
	* @return   integer     Used kbytes this week
	public function getUsedKiloBytes() {
		return $this->iUsedKBytes;

	* Get remaining upload for this week in BYTES
	* @access   public
	* @return   integer     Remaining bytes this week
	public function getRemainingBytes() {
		return $this->iRemainingBytes;

	* Get remaining upload for this week in KILOBYTES
	* @access   public
	* @return   integer     Remaining kbytes this week
	public function getRemainingKiloBytes() {
		return $this->iRemainingKBytes;

* Vimeo People getUploadStatus exception handler class
* Handles exceptions caused by API response for vimeo.people.getUploadStatus queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  Exceptions

class VimeoPeopleGetUploadStatusException extends VimeoException {}

* Vimeo People addSubscription response handler class
* Handles the API response for vimeo.people.addSubscription queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  ApiResponse

class VimeoPeopleAddSubscriptionResponse extends VimeoResponse {}

* Vimeo People addSubscription exception handler class
* Handles exceptions caused by API response for vimeo.people.addSubscription queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  Exceptions

class VimeoPeopleAddSubscriptionException extends VimeoException {}

* Vimeo People removeSubscription response handler class
* Handles the API response for vimeo.people.removeSubscription queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  ApiResponse

class VimeoPeopleRemoveSubscriptionResponse extends VimeoResponse {}

* Vimeo People removeSubscription exception handler class
* Handles exceptions caused by API response for vimeo.people.removeSubscription queries.
* @package     SimpleVimeo
* @subpackage  Exceptions

class VimeoPeopleRemoveSubscriptionException extends VimeoException {}
