Twitter for PHP (c) David Grudl, 2008 ( Introduction ------------ Twitter for PHP is a very small and easy-to-use library for sending messages to Twitter and receiving status updates. Project at GoogleCode: Twitter's API documentation: My PHP blog: Requirements ------------ - PHP (version 5 or better) - cURL extension Usage ----- Create object using your credentials (user name and password) $twitter = new Twitter($userName, $password); The send() method updates your status. The message must be encoded in UTF-8: $twitter->send('I am fine today.'); The load() method returns the 20 most recent status updates posted in the last 24 hours by you and optionally by your friends: $withFriends = FALSE; $channel = $twitter->load($withFriends); The returned channel is a SimpleXMLElement object. Extracting the information from the channel is easy: foreach ($channel->status as $status) { echo "message: ", $status->text; echo "posted at " , $status->created_at; echo "posted by " , $status->user->name; } Files ----- readme.txt - This file. license.txt - The license for this software (New BSD License). twitter.class.php - The core Twitter class source. send.php - Example sending message to Twitter. load.php - Example loading statuses from Twitter.