<?php /** * An english language definition file */ $english = array( 'twitterservice' => 'Twitter Services', 'twitterservice:requires_oauth' => 'Twitter Services requires the OAuth Libraries plugin to be enabled.', 'twitterservice:consumer_key' => 'Consumer Key', 'twitterservice:consumer_secret' => 'Consumer Secret', 'twitterservice:settings:instructions' => 'You must obtain a consumer key and secret from <a href="https://twitter.com/oauth_clients" target="_blank">Twitter</a>. Most of the fields are self explanatory, the one piece of data you will need is the callback url which takes the form http://[yoursite]/action/twitterlogin/return - [yoursite] is the url of your Elgg network.', 'twitterservice:usersettings:description' => "Link your %s account with Twitter.", 'twitterservice:usersettings:request' => "You must first <a href=\"%s\">authorize</a> %s to access your Twitter account.", 'twitterservice:authorize:error' => 'Unable to authorize Twitter.', 'twitterservice:authorize:success' => 'Twitter access has been authorized.', 'twitterservice:usersettings:authorized' => "You have authorized %s to access your Twitter account: @%s.", 'twitterservice:usersettings:revoke' => 'Click <a href="%s">here</a> to revoke access.', 'twitterservice:revoke:success' => 'Twitter access has been revoked.', 'twitterservice:login' => 'Allow users to sign in with Twitter?', 'twitterservice:login:success' => 'You have been logged in.', 'twitterservice:login:error' => 'Unable to login with Twitter.', 'twitterservice:login:email' => "You must enter a valid email address for your new %s account.", ); add_translation('en', $english);