/** * Elgg thewire text counter * * @package ElggTheWire * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License version 2 * @author Curverider * @copyright Curverider Ltd 2008-2010 * @link http://elgg.com/ * * @question - do we want users to be able to edit thewire? * * @uses $vars['entity'] Optionally, the note to view */ function textCounter(field,cntfield,maxlimit) { // if too long...trim it! if (field.value.length > maxlimit) { field.value = field.value.substring(0, maxlimit); } else { // otherwise, update 'characters left' counter cntfield.value = maxlimit - field.value.length; } }