<?php /** * Elgg wire plugin * * Forked from Curverider's version * * JHU/APL Contributors: * Cash Costello * Clark Updike * John Norton * Max Thomas * Nathan Koterba */ elgg_register_event_handler('init', 'system', 'thewire_init'); /** * The Wire initialization */ function thewire_init() { // register the wire's JavaScript $thewire_js = elgg_get_simplecache_url('js', 'thewire'); elgg_register_simplecache_view('js/thewire'); elgg_register_js('elgg.thewire', $thewire_js, 'footer'); elgg_register_ajax_view('thewire/previous'); // add a site navigation item $item = new ElggMenuItem('thewire', elgg_echo('thewire'), 'thewire/all'); elgg_register_menu_item('site', $item); // owner block menu elgg_register_plugin_hook_handler('register', 'menu:owner_block', 'thewire_owner_block_menu'); // remove edit and access and add thread, reply, view previous elgg_register_plugin_hook_handler('register', 'menu:entity', 'thewire_setup_entity_menu_items'); // Extend system CSS with our own styles, which are defined in the thewire/css view elgg_extend_view('css', 'thewire/css'); //extend views elgg_extend_view('activity/thewire', 'thewire/activity_view'); elgg_extend_view('profile/status', 'thewire/profile_status'); elgg_extend_view('js/initialise_elgg', 'thewire/js/textcounter'); // Register a page handler, so we can have nice URLs elgg_register_page_handler('thewire', 'thewire_page_handler'); // Register a URL handler for thewire posts elgg_register_entity_url_handler('object', 'thewire', 'thewire_url'); elgg_register_widget_type('thewire', elgg_echo('thewire'), elgg_echo("thewire:widget:desc")); // Register for search elgg_register_entity_type('object', 'thewire'); // Register granular notification for this type register_notification_object('object', 'thewire', elgg_echo('thewire:notify:subject')); // Listen to notification events and supply a more useful message elgg_register_plugin_hook_handler('notify:entity:message', 'object', 'thewire_notify_message'); // Register actions $action_base = elgg_get_plugins_path() . 'thewire/actions'; elgg_register_action("thewire/add", "$action_base/add.php"); elgg_register_action("thewire/delete", "$action_base/delete.php"); elgg_register_plugin_hook_handler('unit_test', 'system', 'thewire_test'); } /** * The wire page handler * * Supports: * thewire/all View site wire posts * thewire/owner/<username> View this user's wire posts * thewire/following/<username> View the posts of those this user follows * thewire/reply/<guid> Reply to a post * thewire/view/<guid> View a conversation thread * thewire/tag/<tag> View wire posts tagged with <tag> * * @param array $page From the page_handler function * @return bool */ function thewire_page_handler($page) { $base_dir = elgg_get_plugins_path() . 'thewire/pages/thewire'; if (!isset($page[0])) { $page = array('all'); } switch ($page[0]) { case "all": include "$base_dir/everyone.php"; break; case "friends": include "$base_dir/friends.php"; break; case "owner": include "$base_dir/owner.php"; break; case "thread": if (isset($page[1])) { set_input('thread_id', $page[1]); } include "$base_dir/thread.php"; break; case "reply": if (isset($page[1])) { set_input('guid', $page[1]); } include "$base_dir/reply.php"; break; case "tag": if (isset($page[1])) { set_input('tag', $page[1]); } include "$base_dir/tag.php"; break; case "previous": if (isset($page[1])) { set_input('guid', $page[1]); } include "$base_dir/previous.php"; break; default: return false; } return true; } /** * Override the url for a wire post to return the thread * * @param ElggObject $thewirepost Wire post object */ function thewire_url($thewirepost) { global $CONFIG; return $CONFIG->url . "thewire/view/" . $thewirepost->guid; } /** * Returns the notification body * * @return $string */ function thewire_notify_message($hook, $entity_type, $returnvalue, $params) { global $CONFIG; $entity = $params['entity']; if (($entity instanceof ElggEntity) && ($entity->getSubtype() == 'thewire')) { $descr = $entity->description; $owner = $entity->getOwnerEntity(); if ($entity->reply) { // have to do this because of poor design of Elgg notification system $parent_post = get_entity(get_input('parent_guid')); if ($parent_post) { $parent_owner = $parent_post->getOwnerEntity(); } $body = sprintf(elgg_echo('thewire:notify:reply'), $owner->name, $parent_owner->name); } else { $body = sprintf(elgg_echo('thewire:notify:post'), $owner->name); } $body .= "\n\n" . $descr . "\n\n"; $body .= elgg_echo('thewire') . ": {$CONFIG->url}thewire"; return $body; } return $returnvalue; } /** * Get an array of hashtags from a text string * * @param string $text The text of a post * @return array */ function thewire_get_hashtags($text) { // beginning of text or white space followed by hashtag // hashtag must begin with # and contain at least one character not digit, space, or punctuation $matches = array(); preg_match_all('/(^|[^\w])#(\w*[^\s\d!-\/:-@]+\w*)/', $text, $matches); return $matches[2]; } /** * Replace urls, hash tags, and @'s by links * * @param string $text The text of a post * @return string */ function thewire_filter($text) { global $CONFIG; $text = ' ' . $text; // email addresses $text = preg_replace( '/(^|[^\w])([\w\-\.]+)@(([0-9a-z-]+\.)+[0-9a-z]{2,})/i', '$1<a href="mailto:$2@$3">$2@$3</a>', $text); // links $text = parse_urls($text); // usernames $text = preg_replace( '/(^|[^\w])@([\p{L}\p{Nd}._]+)/u', '$1<a href="' . $CONFIG->wwwroot . 'thewire/owner/$2">@$2</a>', $text); // hashtags $text = preg_replace( '/(^|[^\w])#(\w*[^\s\d!-\/:-@]+\w*)/', '$1<a href="' . $CONFIG->wwwroot . 'thewire/tag/$2">#$2</a>', $text); $text = trim($text); return $text; } /** * Create a new wire post. * * @param string $text The post text * @param int $userid The user's guid * @param int $access_id Public/private etc * @param int $parent_guid Parent post guid (if any) * @param string $method The method (default: 'site') * @return guid or false if failure */ function thewire_save_post($text, $userid, $access_id, $parent_guid = 0, $method = "site") { $post = new ElggObject(); $post->subtype = "thewire"; $post->owner_guid = $userid; $post->access_id = $access_id; // only 200 characters allowed $text = elgg_substr($text, 0, 200); // no html tags allowed so we escape $post->description = htmlspecialchars($text, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $post->method = $method; //method: site, email, api, ... $tags = thewire_get_hashtags($text); if ($tags) { $post->tags = $tags; } // must do this before saving so notifications pick up that this is a reply if ($parent_guid) { $post->reply = true; } $guid = $post->save(); // set thread guid if ($parent_guid) { $post->addRelationship($parent_guid, 'parent'); // name conversation threads by guid of first post (works even if first post deleted) $parent_post = get_entity($parent_guid); $post->wire_thread = $parent_post->wire_thread; } else { // first post in this thread $post->wire_thread = $guid; } if ($guid) { add_to_river('river/object/thewire/create', 'create', $post->owner_guid, $post->guid); // let other plugins know we are setting a user status $params = array( 'entity' => $post, 'user' => $post->getOwnerEntity(), 'message' => $post->description, 'url' => $post->getURL(), 'origin' => 'thewire', ); elgg_trigger_plugin_hook('status', 'user', $params); } return $guid; } /** * Send notification to poster of parent post if not notified already * * @param int $guid The guid of the reply wire post * @param int $parent_guid The guid of the original wire post * @param ElggUser $user The user who posted the reply * @return void */ function thewire_send_response_notification($guid, $parent_guid, $user) { $parent_owner = get_entity($parent_guid)->getOwnerEntity(); $user = elgg_get_logged_in_user_entity(); // check to make sure user is not responding to self if ($parent_owner->guid != $user->guid) { // check if parent owner has notification for this user $send_response = true; global $NOTIFICATION_HANDLERS; foreach ($NOTIFICATION_HANDLERS as $method => $foo) { if (check_entity_relationship($parent_owner->guid, 'notify' . $method, $user->guid)) { $send_response = false; } } // create the notification message if ($send_response) { // grab same notification message that goes to everyone else $params = array( 'entity' => get_entity($guid), 'method' => "email", ); $msg = thewire_notify_message("", "", "", $params); notify_user( $parent_owner->guid, $user->guid, elgg_echo('thewire:notify:subject'), $msg); } } } /** * Get the latest wire guid - used for ajax update * * @return guid */ function thewire_latest_guid() { $post = elgg_get_entities(array( 'type' => 'object', 'subtype' => 'thewire', 'limit' => 1, )); if ($post) { return $post[0]->guid; } else { return 0; } } /** * Get the parent of a wire post * * @param int $post_guid The guid of the reply * @return ElggObject or null */ function thewire_get_parent($post_guid) { $parents = elgg_get_entities_from_relationship(array( 'relationship' => 'parent', 'relationship_guid' => $post_guid, )); if ($parents) { return $parents[0]; } return null; } /** * Sets up the entity menu for thewire * * Adds reply, thread, and view previous links. Removes edit and access. * * @param string $hook Hook name * @param string $type Hook type * @param array $value Array of menu items * @param array $params Array with the entity * @return array */ function thewire_setup_entity_menu_items($hook, $type, $value, $params) { $handler = elgg_extract('handler', $params, false); if ($handler != 'thewire') { return $value; } foreach ($value as $index => $item) { $name = $item->getName(); if ($name == 'access' || $name == 'edit') { unset($value[$index]); } } $entity = $params['entity']; if (elgg_is_logged_in()) { $options = array( 'name' => 'reply', 'text' => elgg_echo('thewire:reply'), 'href' => "thewire/reply/$entity->guid", 'priority' => 150, ); $value[] = ElggMenuItem::factory($options); } if ($entity->reply) { $options = array( 'name' => 'previous', 'text' => elgg_echo('thewire:previous'), 'href' => "thewire/previous/$entity->guid", 'priority' => 160, 'link_class' => 'thewire-previous', 'title' => elgg_echo('thewire:previous:help'), ); $value[] = ElggMenuItem::factory($options); } $options = array( 'name' => 'thread', 'text' => elgg_echo('thewire:thread'), 'href' => "thewire/thread/$entity->wire_thread", 'priority' => 170, ); $value[] = ElggMenuItem::factory($options); return $value; } /** * Add a menu item to an ownerblock * * @return array */ function thewire_owner_block_menu($hook, $type, $return, $params) { if (elgg_instanceof($params['entity'], 'user')) { $url = "thewire/owner/{$params['entity']->username}"; $item = new ElggMenuItem('thewire', elgg_echo('item:object:thewire'), $url); $return[] = $item; } return $return; } /** * Runs unit tests for the wire * * @return array */ function thewire_test($hook, $type, $value, $params) { global $CONFIG; $value[] = $CONFIG->pluginspath . 'thewire/tests/regex.php'; return $value; }