Site pages - Quickly generate static pages and customize the front page, CSS, and HTML metatags. CONTENTS: 1. Overview 2. Using Front Page Keywords 2.1 Built-in keywords 2.2 Entities 2.3 Views 3. Custom Front Page Keywords 4. Hints and Quirks 1. OVERVIEW Site Pages provides a simple way to create static content for About, Terms, and Privacy pages, and also allows simple modifications of the logged in and logged out views, as well as CSS and meta description and tags for SEO. The biggest feature of Site Pages is its support for an extensible keyword system that allows end-users to quickly add elements to the front page of their site. 2. USING FRONT PAGE KEYWORDS Keywords are specially formatted strings that can be used on the logged in and logged out front pages to include lists of objects, views, or plugin- supplied content. All keywords are surrounded by two brackets: [[keyword]]. Some keywords, like views and entity lists, take optional parameters. When editing the front pages, a list of available keywords appears in the sidebar. 2.1 BUILT IN KEYWORDS Site Pages includes a few built-in keywords to get you started: [[login_box]] - This keyword is required on the logged out page to Allow users to log into your site. [[site_stats]] - Shows the total members in your site, the currently active members, and other fun stuff. 2.2 Entities You can generate a list of entities by using the [[entity]] keyword. This keyword takes similar arguments to the elgg_get_entities() function. See documentation in that function for a complete list. Additional / changed parameters supported by keywords: * owner: The username owner. (You can still use owner_guid) Example: To generate a list of all blog posts by the user named 'admin': [[entities: type=object, subtype=blog, owner=admin]] Example: To show newest group created: [[entities: type=object, subtype=group, limit=1]] 2.1 Views Keywords support outputting arbitrary views with the [[view]] keyword and supports passing arguments as name=value pairs. Example: Output a text input field with a default value: [[view: input/text, value=This is a test!]] NB: Do NOT quote the name or values when passing them. Also, as of 1.8 using commas or = in the name or value is unsupported. 3.0 CUSTOM FRONT PAGE KEYWORDS Plugins can add their own keywords by replying to the 'get_keywords' hook of type 'sitepages.' Each keyword must be bound to a valid view. Almost all functionality in custom keywords could be implemented using the 'view' keyword, but custom keywords provide a simple way for non-techy users to include ready-made views without the fuss of knowing what they're doing. Custom keywords support arguments in the same format as views and entities. These arguments are passed to the custom view via the $vars array. It is the responsibility of the custom view to parse these arguments. The below example creates the 'my_plugin_keyword' keyword that displays the view at 'my_plugin/keyword_view.' This is exactly the same as saying [[view: my_plugin/keyword_view]] but much simpler for the user. Example: register_plugin_hook('get_keywords', 'sitepages', 'my_plugin_keywords'); function my_plugin_keywords($hook, $type, $value, $params) { $value['my_plugin_keyword'] = array( 'view' => 'my_plugin/keyword_view', 'description' => 'Provides the awesome My Plugin keyword' ); return $value; } 4. HINTS AND QUIRKS * A custom keyword is slightly more complicated to implement, but is much simpler for the end user to use. * Custom keywords can contain only alphanumeric and the underscore character. * All keywords have limited support for passing arguments but the arguments cannot contain '=' or ','. If you need complicated arguments for a custom keyword, it's better to split the functionality into multiple keywords and views instead of requiring complicated arguments.