, The MITRE Corporation * @link http://elgg.org/ */ /** * Initialise search helper functions. * */ function search_init() { global $CONFIG; require_once 'search_hooks.php'; // page handler for search actions and results register_page_handler('search','search_page_handler'); // register some default search hooks register_plugin_hook('search', 'object', 'search_objects_hook'); register_plugin_hook('search', 'user', 'search_users_hook'); // @todo pull this out into groups register_plugin_hook('search', 'group', 'search_groups_hook'); // tags and comments are a bit different. // register a search types and a hooks for them. register_plugin_hook('search_types', 'get_types', 'search_custom_types_tags_hook'); register_plugin_hook('search', 'tags', 'search_tags_hook'); register_plugin_hook('search_types', 'get_types', 'search_custom_types_comments_hook'); register_plugin_hook('search', 'comments', 'search_comments_hook'); // get server min and max allowed chars for ft searching $CONFIG->search_info = array(); // can't use get_data() here because some servers don't have these globals set, // which throws a db exception. $r = mysql_query('SELECT @@ft_min_word_len as min, @@ft_max_word_len as max'); if ($word_lens = mysql_fetch_assoc($r)) { $CONFIG->search_info['min_chars'] = $word_lens['min']; $CONFIG->search_info['max_chars'] = $word_lens['max']; } else { // uhhh these are good numbers. $CONFIG->search_info['min_chars'] = 4; $CONFIG->search_info['max_chars'] = 90; } // add in CSS for search elements extend_view('css', 'search/css'); } /** * Page handler for search * * @param array $page Page elements from pain page handler */ function search_page_handler($page) { global $CONFIG; // if there is no q set, we're being called from a legacy installation // it expects a search by tags. // actually it doesn't, but maybe it should. // maintain backward compatibility if(!get_input('q', get_input('tag', NULL))) { set_input('q', $page[0]); //set_input('search_type', 'tags'); } include_once('index.php'); } /** * Return a string with highlighted matched elements. * Checks for "s * Provides context for matched elements. * Will not return more than $max_length of full context. * Only highlights words * * @param unknown_type $haystack * @param unknown_type $need * @param unknown_type $context * @param unknown_type $max_length * @return unknown_type */ function search_get_highlighted_relevant_substrings($haystack, $needle, $min_match_context = 15, $max_length = 250) { $haystack = strip_tags($haystack); $haystack_lc = strtolower($haystack); // for now don't worry about "s or boolean operators $needle = str_replace(array('"', '-', '+', '~'), '', stripslashes(strip_tags($needle))); $words = explode(' ', $needle); $min_chars = $CONFIG->search_info['min_chars']; // if > ft_min_word == not running in literal mode. if ($needle >= $min_chars) { // clean out any words that are ignored by mysql foreach ($words as $i => $word) { if (strlen($word) < $min_chars) { unset ($words[$i]); } } } $substr_counts = array(); $str_pos = array(); // get the full count of matches. foreach ($words as $word) { $word = strtolower($word); $count = substr_count($haystack, $word); $word_len = strlen($word); // find the start positions for the words // get the context for words based upon if ($count > 1) { $str_pos[$word] = array(); $offset = 0; while (FALSE !== $pos = strpos($haystack, $word, $offset)) { $str_pos[$word][] = $pos; $offset += $pos + $word_len; } } else { $str_pos[$word] = array(strpos($haystack, $word)); } $substr_counts[$word] = $count; } //A test with multiple words and now more in the subject too because words need to be everywhere // sort by order of occurence krsort($substr_counts); $full_count = array_sum($substr_counts); // get full number of matches against all words to see how many we actually want to look at. // $desc = search_get_relevant_substring($entity->description, $params['query'], '', ''); $params['query']; // "this is"just a test "silly person" // check for "s $words_quotes = explode('"', $needle); $words_orig = explode(' ', $needle); $words = array(); foreach ($words_orig as $i => $word) { // figure out if we have a special operand $operand = substr($word, 0, 1); switch($operand) { case '"': // find the matching " if any. else, remove the " if (substr_count($query, '"') < 2) { $words[] = substr($word, 1); } else { $word = substr($word, 1); $word_i = $i; while ('"' != strpos($words_orig[$word_i], '"')) { $word .= " {$words_orig[$word_i]}"; unset($words_orig[$word_i]); } } break; case '+': // remove + $words[] = substr($word, 1); break; case '~': case '-': // remove this from highlighted list. break; } } // pick out " queries if (substr_count($query, '"') >= 2) { } // ignore queries starting with - // @todo figure out a way to "center" the matches within the max_length. // if only one match, its context is $context + $max_length / 2 // if 2 matches, its context is $context + $max_length / 4 // if 3 matches, its context is $context + $max_length / 6 // $context per match = $min_match_context + ($max_length / $num_count_match) // if $max_length / ($matched_count * 2) < $context // only match against the first X matches where $context >= $context } /** * Returns a matching string with $context amount of context, optionally * surrounded by $before and $after. * * If no match is found, restricts string to $context*2 starting from strpos 0. * * @param str $haystack * @param str $needle * @param str $before * @param str $after * @param int $context * @return str */ function search_get_relevant_substring($haystack, $needle, $before = '', $after = '', $context = 75) { $haystack = strip_tags($haystack); $needle = strip_tags($needle); $pos = strpos(strtolower($haystack), strtolower($needle)); if ($pos === FALSE) { $str = substr($haystack, 0, $context*2); if (strlen($haystack) > $context*2) { $str .= '...'; } return $str; } $start_pos = $pos - $context; if ($start_pos < 0) { $start_pos = 0; } // get string from -context to +context $matched = substr($haystack, $start_pos, $context*2); // add elipses to front. if ($start_pos > 0) { $matched = "...$matched"; } // add elipses to end. if ($pos + strlen($needle) + $context*2 < strlen($haystack)) { $matched = "$matched..."; } // surround if needed if ($before || $after) { $matched = str_ireplace($needle, $before . $needle . $after, $matched); } return $matched; } /** * Passes entities, count, and original params to the view functions for * search type. * * @param array $entities * @param int $count * @param array $params * @return string */ function search_get_listing_html($entities, $count, $params) { if (!is_array($entities) || !$count) { return FALSE; } $view_order = array(); // check if there's a special search view for this type:subtype if (isset($params['type']) && $params['type'] && isset($params['subtype']) && $params['subtype']) { $view_order[] = "search/{$params['type']}/{$params['subtype']}/listing"; } // also check for the default type if (isset($params['type']) && $params['type']) { $view_order[] = "search/{$params['type']}/listing"; } // check search types if (isset($params['search_type']) && $params['search_type']) { $view_order[] = "search/{$params['search_type']}/listing"; } // finally default to a search listing default $view_order[] = "search/listing"; $vars = array( 'entities' => $entities, 'count' => $count, 'params' => $params ); foreach ($view_order as $view) { if (elgg_view_exists($view)) { return elgg_view($view, $vars); } } return FALSE; } /** * Returns a where clause for a search query. * * @param str $table Prefix for table to search on * @param array $fields Fields to match against * @param array $params Original search params * @return str */ function search_get_where_sql($table, $fields, $params) { global $CONFIG; $query = $params['query']; // add the table prefix to the fields foreach ($fields as $i => $field) { $fields[$i] = "$table.$field"; } // if query is shorter than the min for fts words // it's likely a single acronym or similar // switch to literal mode if (strlen($query) < $CONFIG->search_info['min_chars']) { $likes = array(); $query = sanitise_string($query); foreach ($fields as $field) { $likes[] = "$field LIKE '%$query%'"; } $likes_str = implode(' OR ', $likes); //$where = "($table.guid = e.guid AND ($likes_str))"; $where = "($likes_str)"; } else { // if using advanced or paired "s, switch into boolean mode if ((isset($params['advanced_search']) && $params['advanced_search']) || substr_count($query, '"') >= 2 ) { $options = 'IN BOOLEAN MODE'; } else { $options = 'IN NATURAL LANGUAGE MODE'; } // if short query, use query expansion. if (strlen($query) < 6) { //$options .= ' WITH QUERY EXPANSION'; } $query = sanitise_string($query); // if query is shorter than the ft_min_word_len switch to literal mode. $fields_str = implode(',', $fields); //$where = "($table.guid = e.guid AND (MATCH ($fields_str) AGAINST ('$query' $options)))"; $where = "(MATCH ($fields_str) AGAINST ('$query' $options))"; } return $where; } function search_get_query_where_sql($table, $query) { // if there are multiple "s or 's it's a literal string. } /** Register init system event **/ register_elgg_event_handler('init','system','search_init');