$query, 'offset' => $offset, 'limit' => $limit, 'search_type' => $search_type, 'type' => $type, 'subtype' => $subtype, 'tag_type' => $tag_type, 'owner_guid' => $owner_guid, 'friends' => $friends ); $results_html = ''; if ($search_type == 'entities' || $search_type == 'all') { $types = get_registered_entity_types(); // to pass the correct search type to the views $params['search_type'] = 'entities'; // foreach through types. // if a plugin returns FALSE for subtype ignore it. // if a plugin returns NULL or '' for subtype, pass to generic type search function. // if still NULL or '' or empty(array()) no results found. (== don't show??) foreach ($types as $type => $subtypes) { if (is_array($subtypes) && count($subtypes)) { foreach ($subtypes as $subtype) { $params['subtype'] = $subtype; $params['type'] = $type; $entities = trigger_plugin_hook('search', "$type:$subtype", $params, NULL); if ($entities === FALSE) { // someone is saying not to display these types in searches. continue; } elseif (is_array($entities) && !count($entities)) { // no results, but results searched in hook. } elseif (!$entities) { // no results and not hooked. use default type search. // don't change the params here, since it's really a different subtype. // Will be passed to elgg_get_entities(). $results = trigger_plugin_hook('search', $type, $params, array()); } if (is_array($results['entities']) && $results['count']) { $results_html .= search_get_listing_html($results['entities'], $results['count'], $params); } } } // pull in default type entities with no subtypes // @todo this might currently means "all entities regardless of subtype" $params['type'] = $type; $params['subtype'] = 0; $results = trigger_plugin_hook('search', $type, $params, array()); if ($results === FALSE) { // someone is saying not to display these types in searches. continue; } if (is_array($results['entities']) && $results['count']) { $results_html .= search_get_listing_html($results['entities'], $results['count'], $params); } } } // call custom searches if ($search_type == 'all' || $search_type != 'entities') { // get custom search types $types = trigger_plugin_hook('search_types', 'get_types', $params, array()); if (is_array($types)) { foreach ($types as $type) { $params['search_type'] = $type; unset($params['subtype']); $results = trigger_plugin_hook('search', $type, $params, array()); if ($results === FALSE) { // someone is saying not to display these types in searches. continue; } if (is_array($results['entities']) && $results['count']) { $results_html .= search_get_listing_html($results['entities'], $results['count'], $params); } } } } //if ($search_type !== 'all') { // var_dump('here'); // $entities = trigger_plugin_hook('search', $search_type, '', $return); //} /* call search_section_start to display long bar with types and titles call search */ $layout = elgg_view_layout('single_column', '', $results_html); page_draw($title, $layout); return; /** Main search page */ global $CONFIG; $tag = get_input('tag'); $offset = get_input('offset', 0); $viewtype = get_input('search_viewtype','list'); if ($viewtype == 'gallery') { $limit = get_input('limit', 12); // 10 items in list view } else { $limit = get_input('limit', 10); // 12 items in gallery view } $searchtype = get_input('searchtype', 'all'); $type = get_input('type', ''); $subtype = get_input('subtype', ''); $owner_guid = get_input('owner_guid', ''); $tagtype = get_input('tagtype', ''); $friends = (int)get_input('friends', 0); $title = sprintf(elgg_echo('searchtitle'), $tag); if (substr_count($owner_guid, ',')) { $owner_guid_array = explode(',', $owner_guid); } else { $owner_guid_array = $owner_guid; } if ($friends > 0) { if ($friends = get_user_friends($friends, '', 9999)) { $owner_guid_array = array(); foreach($friends as $friend) { $owner_guid_array[] = $friend->guid; } } else { $owner_guid = -1; } } // Set up submenus if ($types = get_registered_entity_types()) { foreach($types as $ot => $subtype_array) { if (is_array($subtype_array) && count($subtype_array)) { foreach($subtype_array as $object_subtype) { $label = 'item:' . $ot; if (!empty($object_subtype)) { $label .= ':' . $object_subtype; } $data = http_build_query(array( 'tag' => urlencode($tag), 'subtype' => $object_subtype, 'type' => urlencode($ot), //'tagtype' => urlencode($md_type), 'owner_guid' => urlencode($owner_guid) )); $url = "{$CONFIG->wwwroot}pg/search/?$data"; add_submenu_item(elgg_echo($label), $url); } } } $data = http_build_query(array( 'tag' => urlencode($tag), 'owner_guid' => urlencode($owner_guid) )); add_submenu_item(elgg_echo('all'), "{$CONFIG->wwwroot}pg/search/?$data"); } // pull in search types for external or aggregated searches. if ($search_types = trigger_plugin_hook('search', 'types', '', NULL, array())) { } $body = ''; if (!empty($tag)) { // start with blank results. $results = array( 'entities' => array(), 'total' => 0 ); // do the actual searchts $params = array( 'tag' => $tag, 'offset' => $offset, 'limit' => $limit, 'searchtype' => $searchtype, 'type' => $type, 'subtype' => $subtype, 'tagtype' => $tagtype, 'owner_guid' => $owner_guid_array ); $results = trigger_plugin_hook('search', 'entities', $params, $results); if (empty($type) && empty($subtype)) { $title = sprintf(elgg_echo('searchtitle'),$tag); } else { if (empty($type)) { $type = 'object'; } $itemtitle = 'item:' . $type; if (!empty($subtype)) { $itemtitle .= ':' . $subtype; } $itemtitle = elgg_echo($itemtitle); $title = sprintf(elgg_echo('advancedsearchtitle'),$itemtitle,$tag); } $body .= elgg_view_title($title); // elgg_view_title(sprintf(elgg_echo('searchtitle'),$tag)); // call the old (now-deprecated) search hook here $body .= trigger_plugin_hook('search','',$tag, ''); $body .= elgg_view('search/startblurb', array('query' => $query)); if ($results->total > 0) { $body .= elgg_view('search/entity_list', array( 'entities' => $results->entities, 'count' => $results->total, 'offset' => $offset, 'limit' => $limit, 'baseurl' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'fullview' => false, 'context' => 'search', 'viewtypetoggle' => true, 'viewtype' => $viewtype, 'pagination' => true )); } else { $body .= elgg_view('page_elements/contentwrapper', array('body' => elgg_echo('search:noresults'))); } elgg_view_entity_list($results->entities, count($results->entities), 0, count($results->entities), false); } else { // if no tag was given, give the user a box to input a search term $body .= elgg_view_title(elgg_echo('search:enterterm')); $body .= elgg_view('page_elements/contentwrapper', array('body' => '
' . elgg_view('page_elements/searchbox') . '
')); } $layout = elgg_view_layout('two_column_left_sidebar','',$body); page_draw($title, $layout);