<?php /** * Elgg river dashboard plugin * * @package RiverDashboard */ elgg_register_event_handler('init', 'system', 'riverdashboard_init'); function riverdashboard_init() { global $CONFIG; // Register and optionally replace the dashboard register_page_handler('dashboard', 'riverdashboard_page_handler'); add_menu(elgg_echo('activity'), "pg/activity/"); // Page handler register_page_handler('activity', 'riverdashboard_page_handler'); elgg_extend_view('css/screen', 'riverdashboard/css'); // add an activity stream ECML keyword // we'll restrict it to use in sitepages's custom_frontpage elgg_register_plugin_hook_handler('get_keywords', 'ecml', 'riverdashboard_ecml_keywords_hook'); elgg_register_plugin_hook_handler('get_views', 'ecml', 'riverdashboard_ecml_views_hook'); } /** * Page handler for riverdash * * @param unknown_type $page */ function riverdashboard_page_handler($page){ include(dirname(__FILE__) . "/index.php"); return TRUE; } /** * For users to make a comment on a river item * * @param ElggEntity $entity The entity to comment on * @return string|false The HTML (etc) for the comment form, or false on failure */ function elgg_make_river_comment($entity){ if (!($entity instanceof ElggEntity)) { return FALSE; } else { //display the comment form $comments = elgg_view('riverdashboard/rivercomment', array('entity' => $entity)); return $comments; } } /** * Register activity keyword. * * @param unknown_type $hook * @param unknown_type $type * @param unknown_type $value * @param unknown_type $params * @return unknown_type */ function riverdashboard_ecml_keywords_hook($hook, $type, $value, $params) { $value['activity'] = array( 'view' => "riverdashboard/ecml/activity", 'description' => elgg_echo('riverdashboard:ecml:desc:activity'), 'usage' => elgg_echo('riverdashboard:ecml:usage:activity'), 'restricted' => array('sitepages/custom_frontpage') ); return $value; } /** * Register the activity front page with ECML. * * @param unknown_type $hook * @param unknown_type $entity_type * @param unknown_type $return_value * @param unknown_type $params */ function riverdashboard_ecml_views_hook($hook, $entity_type, $return_value, $params) { $return_value['riverdashboard/container'] = elgg_echo('riverdashboard:ecml:riverdashboard'); return $return_value; } /** * Retrieves items from the river. All parameters are optional. * * @param int|array $subject_guid Acting entity to restrict to. Default: all * @param int|array $object_guid Entity being acted on to restrict to. Default: all * @param string $subject_relationship If set to a relationship type, this will use * $subject_guid as the starting point and set the * subjects to be all users this entity has this * relationship with (eg 'friend'). Default: blank * @param string $type The type of entity to restrict to. Default: all * @param string $subtype The subtype of entity to restrict to. Default: all * @param string $action_type The type of river action to restrict to. Default: all * @param int $limit The number of items to retrieve. Default: 20 * @param int $offset The page offset. Default: 0 * @param int $posted_min The minimum time period to look at. Default: none * @param int $posted_max The maximum time period to look at. Default: none * * @return array|false Depending on success */ function elgg_get_river_items($subject_guid = 0, $object_guid = 0, $subject_relationship = '', $type = '', $subtype = '', $action_type = '', $limit = 10, $offset = 0, $posted_min = 0, $posted_max = 0) { // Get config global $CONFIG; // Sanitise variables if (!is_array($subject_guid)) { $subject_guid = (int) $subject_guid; } else { foreach ($subject_guid as $key => $temp) { $subject_guid[$key] = (int) $temp; } } if (!is_array($object_guid)) { $object_guid = (int) $object_guid; } else { foreach ($object_guid as $key => $temp) { $object_guid[$key] = (int) $temp; } } if (!empty($type)) { $type = sanitise_string($type); } if (!empty($subtype)) { $subtype = sanitise_string($subtype); } if (!empty($action_type)) { $action_type = sanitise_string($action_type); } $limit = (int) $limit; $offset = (int) $offset; $posted_min = (int) $posted_min; $posted_max = (int) $posted_max; // Construct 'where' clauses for the river $where = array(); // river table does not have columns expected by get_access_sql_suffix so we modify its output $where[] = str_replace("and enabled='yes'", '', str_replace('owner_guid', 'subject_guid', get_access_sql_suffix_new('er', 'e'))); if (empty($subject_relationship)) { if (!empty($subject_guid)) { if (!is_array($subject_guid)) { $where[] = " subject_guid = {$subject_guid} "; } else { $where[] = " subject_guid in (" . implode(',', $subject_guid) . ") "; } } } else { if (!is_array($subject_guid)) { $entities = elgg_get_entities_from_relationship(array( 'relationship' => $subject_relationship, 'relationship_guid' => $subject_guid, 'limit' => 9999, )); if (is_array($entities) && !empty($entities)) { $guids = array(); foreach ($entities as $entity) { $guids[] = (int) $entity->guid; } // $guids[] = $subject_guid; $where[] = " subject_guid in (" . implode(',', $guids) . ") "; } else { return array(); } } } if (!empty($object_guid)) { if (!is_array($object_guid)) { $where[] = " object_guid = {$object_guid} "; } else { $where[] = " object_guid in (" . implode(',', $object_guid) . ") "; } } if (!empty($type)) { $where[] = " er.type = '{$type}' "; } if (!empty($subtype)) { $where[] = " er.subtype = '{$subtype}' "; } if (!empty($action_type)) { $where[] = " action_type = '{$action_type}' "; } if (!empty($posted_min)) { $where[] = " posted > {$posted_min} "; } if (!empty($posted_max)) { $where[] = " posted < {$posted_max} "; } $whereclause = implode(' and ', $where); // Construct main SQL $sql = "select er.*" . " from {$CONFIG->dbprefix}river er, {$CONFIG->dbprefix}entities e " . " where {$whereclause} AND er.object_guid = e.guid GROUP BY object_guid " . " ORDER BY e.last_action desc LIMIT {$offset}, {$limit}"; // Get data return get_data($sql); } /** * This function has been added here until we decide if it is going to roll into core or not * Add access restriction sql code to a given query. * Note that if this code is executed in privileged mode it will return blank. * * @TODO: DELETE once Query classes are fully integrated * * @param string $table_prefix_one Optional table. prefix for the access code. * @param string $table_prefix_two Another optiona table prefix? * @param int $owner Owner GUID * * @return string */ function get_access_sql_suffix_new($table_prefix_one = '', $table_prefix_two = '', $owner = null) { global $ENTITY_SHOW_HIDDEN_OVERRIDE, $CONFIG; $sql = ""; $friends_bit = ""; $enemies_bit = ""; if ($table_prefix_one) { $table_prefix_one = sanitise_string($table_prefix_one) . "."; } if ($table_prefix_two) { $table_prefix_two = sanitise_string($table_prefix_two) . "."; } if (!isset($owner)) { $owner = get_loggedin_userid(); } if (!$owner) { $owner = -1; } $ignore_access = elgg_check_access_overrides($owner); $access = get_access_list($owner); if ($ignore_access) { $sql = " (1 = 1) "; } else if ($owner != -1) { $friends_bit = "{$table_prefix_one}access_id = " . ACCESS_FRIENDS . " AND {$table_prefix_one}owner_guid IN ( SELECT guid_one FROM {$CONFIG->dbprefix}entity_relationships WHERE relationship='friend' AND guid_two=$owner )"; $friends_bit = '(' . $friends_bit . ') OR '; if ((isset($CONFIG->user_block_and_filter_enabled)) && ($CONFIG->user_block_and_filter_enabled)) { // check to see if the user is in the entity owner's block list // or if the entity owner is in the user's filter list // if so, disallow access $enemies_bit = get_annotation_sql('elgg_block_list', "{$table_prefix_one}owner_guid", $owner, false); $enemies_bit = '(' . $enemies_bit . ' AND ' . get_annotation_sql('elgg_filter_list', $owner, "{$table_prefix_one}owner_guid", false) . ')'; } } if (empty($sql)) { $sql = " $friends_bit ({$table_prefix_one}access_id IN {$access} OR ({$table_prefix_one}owner_guid = {$owner}) OR ( {$table_prefix_one}access_id = " . ACCESS_PRIVATE . " AND {$table_prefix_one}owner_guid = $owner ) )"; } if ($enemies_bit) { $sql = "$enemies_bit AND ($sql)"; } if (!$ENTITY_SHOW_HIDDEN_OVERRIDE) { $sql .= " and {$table_prefix_two}enabled='yes'"; } return '(' . $sql . ')'; } /** * Returns a human-readable version of the river. * * @param int|array $subject_guid Acting entity to restrict to. Default: all * @param int|array $object_guid Entity being acted on to restrict to. Default: all * @param string $subject_relationship If set to a relationship type, this will use * $subject_guid as the starting point and set * the subjects to be all users this entity has this * relationship with (eg 'friend'). Default: blank * @param string $type The type of entity to restrict to. Default: all * @param string $subtype The subtype of entity to restrict to. Default: all * @param string $action_type The type of river action to restrict to. Default: all * @param int $limit The number of items to retrieve. Default: 20 * @param int $posted_min The minimum time period to look at. Default: none * @param int $posted_max The maximum time period to look at. Default: none * @param bool $pagination Show pagination? * @param $bool $chronological Show in chronological order? * * @return string Human-readable river. */ function elgg_view_river_items_new($subject_guid = 0, $object_guid = 0, $subject_relationship = '', $type = '', $subtype = '', $action_type = '', $limit = 20, $posted_min = 0, $posted_max = 0, $pagination = true) { // Get input from outside world and sanitise it $offset = (int) get_input('offset', 0); $riveritems = elgg_get_river_items($subject_guid, $object_guid, $subject_relationship, $type, $subtype, $action_type, ($limit + 1), $offset, $posted_min, $posted_max); // Get river items, if they exist if ($riveritems) { return elgg_view('river/item/list', array( 'limit' => $limit, 'offset' => $offset, 'items' => $riveritems, 'pagination' => $pagination )); } return ''; } /** * Returns a human-readable representation of a river item * * @param ElggRiverItem $item A river item object * * @return string|false Depending on success */ function elgg_view_river_item_new($item) { if (isset($item->view)) { $object = get_entity($item->object_guid); $subject = get_entity($item->subject_guid); if (!$object || !$subject) { // probably means an entity is disabled return false; } else { if (elgg_view_exists($item->view)) { $body = elgg_view($item->view, array( 'item' => $item )); } } return elgg_view('river/item/wrapper', array( 'item' => $item, 'body' => $body )); } return false; }