<?php /** * Check for new activity. * Outputs # of new activity items since $_GET['last_checked'] time */ // Load Elgg engine will not include plugins require_once(dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))) . "/engine/start.php"); // check for last checked time if (!$seconds_passed = get_input('seconds_passed', 0)) { echo ''; exit; } $last_reload = time() - $seconds_passed; // This entire system is driven by the river table. // There is no core interface to simply grab the number of entries in the table. // In order for something to count as an update, you must put a call to add_river-item(). // @todo Remove this when elgg_get_river-items() supports 1.7-style API and count => TRUE and not group by object_guid // river table does not have columns expected by get_access_sql_suffix so we modify its output $access = str_replace("and enabled='yes'", '', str_replace('owner_guid', 'subject_guid', get_access_sql_suffix_new('r', 'e'))); $q = "SELECT COUNT(id) as all_activity FROM {$CONFIG->dbprefix}river r, {$CONFIG->dbprefix}entities e WHERE r.posted > $last_reload AND r.object_guid = e.guid AND ($access)"; if ($d = get_data($q)) { $all_activity = $d[0]->all_activity; } else { $all_activity = 0; } if ($all_activity > 0) { $s = ($all_activity == 1) ? '' : 's'; echo "<a href='' onClick=\"window.location.reload();\" class='update-link'>$all_activity update$s!</a>"; ?> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ var pageTitleSubstring; var stringStartPosition = document.title.indexOf("]"); if (stringStartPosition == -1) { // we haven't already altered page title pageTitleSubstring = document.title; } else { // we previously prepended to page title, need to remove it first pageTitleSubstring = document.title.substring( (stringStartPosition+2) ); } document.title = "[<?php echo $all_activity; ?> update<?php echo $s; ?>] "+pageTitleSubstring; }); </script> <?php } else { echo ''; exit; }