<?php /** * Elgg site message: add * * @package ElggSiteMessage * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License version 2 * @author Curverider Ltd <info@elgg.com> * @copyright Curverider Ltd 2008-2010 * @link http://elgg.org/ **/ // Make sure we're logged in and are admin (send us to the front page if not) admin_gatekeeper(); // Get input data $message = get_input('sitemessage'); //$access = 1; //it is for all logged in users // Make sure the message isn't blank if (empty($message)) { register_error(elgg_echo("sitemessages:blank")); forward("mod/riverdashboard/"); // Otherwise, save the message } else { // Initialise a new ElggObject $sitemessage = new ElggObject(); // Tell the system it's a site wide message $sitemessage->subtype = "sitemessage"; // Set its owner to the current user $sitemessage->owner_guid = $_SESSION['user']->getGUID(); // For now, set its access to logged in users $sitemessage->access_id = 1; // this is for all logged in users // Set description appropriately $sitemessage->title = ''; $sitemessage->description = $message; // Before we can set metadata, we need to save the message if (!$sitemessage->save()) { register_error(elgg_echo("sitemessage:error")); forward("mod/riverdashboard/"); } // Success message system_message(elgg_echo("sitemessages:posted")); // add to river add_to_river('river/sitemessage/create','create',$_SESSION['user']->guid,$sitemessage->guid); // Forward to the activity page forward("mod/riverdashboard/"); } ?>