Profile Friendly URL =================== *Kévin Dunglas - - 2010 - GPL v2* Creates friendly URLs for user's profiles as subdomains. Ie: will become Requirements ------------ * Access to the configuration of your DNS server * The Apache web server (either, you need to port the rewriting rules from the .htaccess file to the syntax supported by your web server) * PHP installed as module (as CGI, or with some restricting Apache configurations, you need to set the `session.cookie_domain` param of the `php.ini` file to something like "") Install ------- 1. Add a wildcard entry to your DNS server. Every should point to the web server hosting the Elgg application. You can add a Bind entry like: * 3600 IN CNAME 10 2. If you are using Apache virtual hosts, add every subdomains to the Elgg vhost like this: ServerName ServerAlias * [...] 3. Backup then replace the .htaccess file in the your root Elgg directory by the htaccess-dist file of the plugin directory. Edit this new .htaccess file and replace all occurrences of "" by something like "". 4. Enable the profile_friendlyurl plugin from the Elgg administration. 5. In the plugin settings form set the domain name to use.