<?php /** * Elgg profile icon * * @package ElggProfile * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License version 2 * @author Curverider Ltd <info@elgg.com> * @copyright Curverider Ltd 2008-2009 * @link http://elgg.com/ */ // Get DB settings, connect require_once(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))). '/engine/settings.php'); global $CONFIG; $contents = ''; if ($dblink = @mysql_connect($CONFIG->dbhost,$CONFIG->dbuser,$CONFIG->dbpass)) { $username = $_GET['username']; $username = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9\_\-]/i','',$username); $userarray = str_split($username); $matrix = ''; $length = 5; if (sizeof($userarray) < $length) $length = sizeof($userarray); for ($n = 0; $n < $length; $n++) { $matrix .= $userarray[$n] . "/"; } // Get the size $size = strtolower($_GET['size']); if (!in_array($size,array('large','medium','small','tiny','master','topbar'))) $size = "medium"; // Try and get the icon if (@mysql_select_db($CONFIG->dbname,$dblink)) { if ($result = mysql_query("select value from {$CONFIG->dbprefix}datalists where name = 'dataroot'",$dblink)) { $row = mysql_fetch_object($result); $dataroot = $row->value; } $filename = $dataroot . $matrix . "{$username}/profile/" . $username . $size . ".jpg"; $contents = @file_get_contents($filename); } } if (empty($contents)) { global $CONFIG; $contents = @file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . "/graphics/default{$size}.jpg"); } header("Content-type: image/jpeg"); header('Expires: ' . date('r',time() + 864000)); header("Pragma: public"); header("Cache-Control: public"); header("Content-Length: " . strlen($contents)); echo $contents; ?>