<?php /** * Verify the current request. Checks if signed and if the signature is correct. * When correct then also figures out on behalf of which user this request is being made. * * @version $Id: OAuthRequestVerifier.php 51 2008-10-15 15:15:47Z marcw@pobox.com $ * @author Marc Worrell <marcw@pobox.com> * @date Nov 16, 2007 4:35:03 PM * * * The MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Mediamatic Lab * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/OAuthStore.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/OAuthRequest.php'; class OAuthRequestVerifier extends OAuthRequest { private $request; private $store; /** * Construct the request to be verified * * @param string request * @param string method */ function __construct ( $uri = null, $method = 'GET' ) { $this->store = OAuthStore::instance(); parent::__construct($uri, $method); OAuthRequestLogger::start($this); } /** * See if the current request is signed with OAuth * * @return boolean */ static public function requestIsSigned () { if (isset($_REQUEST['oauth_signature'])) { $signed = true; } else { $hs = getallheaders(); if (isset($hs['Authorization']) && strpos($hs['Authorization'], 'oauth_signature') !== false) { $signed = true; } else { $signed = false; } } return $signed; } /** * Verify the request if it seemed to be signed. * * @param string token_type the kind of token needed, defaults to 'access' * @exception OAuthException thrown when the request did not verify * @return boolean true when signed, false when not signed */ public function verifyIfSigned ( $token_type = 'access' ) { if ($this->getParam('oauth_consumer_key')) { OAuthRequestLogger::start($this); $this->verify($token_type); $signed = true; OAuthRequestLogger::flush(); } else { $signed = false; } return $signed; } /** * Verify the request * * @param string token_type the kind of token needed, defaults to 'access' (false, 'access', 'request') * @exception OAuthException thrown when the request did not verify * @return int user_id associated with token (false when no user associated) */ public function verify ( $token_type = 'access' ) { $consumer_key = $this->getParam('oauth_consumer_key'); $token = $this->getParam('oauth_token'); $user_id = false; if ($consumer_key && ($token_type === false || $token)) { $secrets = $this->store->getSecretsForVerify( $this->urldecode($consumer_key), $this->urldecode($token), $token_type); $this->store->checkServerNonce( $this->urldecode($consumer_key), $this->urldecode($token), $this->getParam('oauth_timestamp', true), $this->getParam('oauth_nonce', true)); $oauth_sig = $this->getParam('oauth_signature'); if (empty($oauth_sig)) { throw new OAuthException('Verification of signature failed (no oauth_signature in request).'); } try { $this->verifySignature($secrets['consumer_secret'], $secrets['token_secret'], $token_type); } catch (OAuthException $e) { throw new OAuthException('Verification of signature failed (signature base string was "'.$this->signatureBaseString().'").'); } // Check the optional body signature if ($this->getParam('xoauth_body_signature')) { $method = $this->getParam('xoauth_body_signature_method'); if (empty($method)) { $method = $this->getParam('oauth_signature_method'); } try { $this->verifyDataSignature($this->getBody(), $secrets['consumer_secret'], $secrets['token_secret'], $method, $this->getParam('xoauth_body_signature')); } catch (OAuthException $e) { throw new OAuthException('Verification of body signature failed.'); } } // All ok - fetch the user associated with this request if (isset($secrets['user_id'])) { $user_id = $secrets['user_id']; } // Check if the consumer wants us to reset the ttl of this token $ttl = $this->getParam('xoauth_token_ttl', true); if (is_numeric($ttl)) { $this->store->setConsumerAccessTokenTtl($this->urldecode($token), $ttl); } } else { throw new OAuthException('Can\'t verify request, missing oauth_consumer_key or oauth_token'); } return $user_id; } /** * Verify the signature of the request, using the method in oauth_signature_method. * The signature is returned encoded in the form as used in the url. So the base64 and * urlencoding has been done. * * @param string consumer_secret * @param string token_secret * @exception OAuthException thrown when the signature method is unknown * @exception OAuthException when not all parts available * @exception OAuthException when signature does not match */ public function verifySignature ( $consumer_secret, $token_secret, $token_type = 'access' ) { $required = array( 'oauth_consumer_key', 'oauth_signature_method', 'oauth_timestamp', 'oauth_nonce', 'oauth_signature' ); if ($token_type !== false) { $required[] = 'oauth_token'; } foreach ($required as $req) { if (!isset($this->param[$req])) { throw new OAuthException('Can\'t verify request signature, missing parameter "'.$req.'"'); } } $this->checks(); $base = $this->signatureBaseString(); $this->verifyDataSignature($base, $consumer_secret, $token_secret, $this->param['oauth_signature_method'], $this->param['oauth_signature']); } /** * Verify the signature of a string. * * @param string data * @param string consumer_secret * @param string token_secret * @param string signature_method * @param string signature * @exception OAuthException thrown when the signature method is unknown * @exception OAuthException when signature does not match */ public function verifyDataSignature ( $data, $consumer_secret, $token_secret, $signature_method, $signature ) { if (is_null($data)) { $data = ''; } $sig = $this->getSignatureMethod($signature_method); if (!$sig->verify($this, $data, $consumer_secret, $token_secret, $signature)) { throw new OAuthException('Signature verification failed ('.$signature_method.')'); } } } /* vi:set ts=4 sts=4 sw=4 binary noeol: */ ?>