<?php $english = array( 'friends:all' => 'All friends', 'notifications:subscriptions:personal:description' => 'Receive notifications when actions are performed on your content', 'notifications:subscriptions:personal:title' => 'Personal notifications', 'notifications:subscriptions:collections:title' => 'Friends collections', 'notifications:subscriptions:collections:description' => 'To toggle settings for members of your friends collections, click the icons below.', 'notifications:subscriptions:collections:edit' => 'To edit your friends collections, click here.', 'notifications:subscriptions:changesettings' => 'Notifications', 'notifications:subscriptions:changesettings:groups' => 'Group notifications', 'notification:method:email' => 'Email', 'notifications:subscriptions:title' => 'Notifications per user', 'notifications:subscriptions:description' => 'To receive notifications from your friends when they create new content, find them below and select the notification method you would like to use.', 'notifications:subscriptions:groups:description' => 'To receive notifications when new content is added to a group you are a member of, find it below and select the notification method you would like to use.', 'notifications:subscriptions:success' => 'Your subscription settings have been saved.', ); add_translation("en",$english); ?>