// Get the user's inbox, this will be all messages where the 'toId' field matches their guid
// @todo - fix hack where limit + 1 messages are requested
$messages = elgg_get_entities_from_metadata(array(
'type' => 'object',
'subtype' => 'messages',
'metadata_name' => 'toId',
'metadata_value' => $page_owner->getGUID(),
'owner_guid' => $page_owner->guid,
'limit' => $limit + 1,
'offset' => $offset
// Set the page title
$area2 = "
// Display them. The last variable 'page_view' is to allow the view page to know where this data is coming from,
// in this case it is the inbox, this is necessary to ensure the correct display
$area2 .= elgg_view("messages/forms/view",array('entity' => $messages, 'page_view' => "inbox", 'limit' => $limit, 'offset' => $offset));
// Sidebar menu options
//$area3 = elgg_view("messages/menu_options", array('context' => 'inbox'));
// format
$body = elgg_view_layout("one_column_with_sidebar", $area2);
// Draw page
echo elgg_view_page(sprintf(elgg_echo('messages:user'),$page_owner->name),$body);