<?php /** * Elgg message board widget ajax logic page * * @package ElggMessageBoard */ // Load Elgg engine will not include plugins require_once(dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))) . "/engine/start.php"); //get the required info //the actual message $message = get_input('messageboard_content'); //the number of messages to display $numToDisplay = get_input('numToDisplay'); //get the full page owner entity $user = get_entity(get_input('pageOwner')); //stage one - if a message was posted, add it as an annotation if ($message) { if (!messageboard_add(elgg_get_logged_in_user_entity(), $user, $message, $user->access_id)) { echo elgg_echo("messageboard:failure"); } } else { echo elgg_echo('messageboard:somethingwentwrong'); } //step two - grab the latest messageboard contents, this will include the message above, unless an issue //has occurred. $contents = $user->getAnnotations('messageboard', $numToDisplay, 0, 'desc'); //step three - display the latest results if ($contents) { foreach ($contents as $content) { echo elgg_view("messageboard/messageboard_content", array('annotation' => $content)); } }