title, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); //$description = get_entity($vars['entity']->description); $topic_owner = get_user($vars['entity']->owner_guid); $group = get_entity($vars['entity']->container_guid); $forum_created = elgg_view_friendly_time($vars['entity']->time_created); $counter = $vars['entity']->countAnnotations("generic_comment"); $last_post = $vars['entity']->getAnnotations("generic_comment", 1, 0, "desc"); //get the time and user if ($last_post) { foreach($last_post as $last) { $last_time = $last->time_created; $last_user = $last->owner_guid; } } $u = get_user($last_user); //select the correct output depending on where you are if (get_context() == "search") { var_export($counter); if($counter == 1){ $info = "
" . sprintf(elgg_echo('groups:forum:created:single'), $forum_created, $counter) . "
$info = "
" . sprintf(elgg_echo('groups:forum:created'), $forum_created, $counter) . "
if (($last_time) && ($u)) $info.= sprintf(elgg_echo('groups:lastupdated'), elgg_view_friendly_time($last_time), " getURL() . "\">" . $u->name . "");
$info .= '
" . elgg_echo('groups:topic') . ": guid}&group_guid={$group->guid}\">{$title}
"; if ($group instanceof ElggGroup) { $info .= "" . elgg_echo('group') . ": getURL()}\">".htmlentities($group->name, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') ."
"; } } else { if($counter == 1){ $info = "" . sprintf(elgg_echo('groups:forum:created:single'), $forum_created, $counter) . "
"; }else{ $info = "" . sprintf(elgg_echo('groups:forum:created'), $forum_created, $counter) . "
"; } $info .= "" . elgg_echo('groups:started') . " " . $topic_owner->name . ": guid}&group_guid={$group->guid}\">{$title}
"; if (groups_can_edit_discussion($vars['entity'], page_owner_entity()->owner_guid)) { // display the delete link to those allowed to delete $info .= " "; } if (($last_time) && ($u)) { $info.= "" . elgg_echo('groups:updated') . " " . elgg_view_friendly_time($last_time) . " by getURL() . "\">" . $u->name . "
"; } //get the user avatar $icon = elgg_view("profile/icon",array('entity' => $topic_owner, 'size' => 'tiny')); } //display echo elgg_view_listing($icon, $info);