/*================================================== * Simile Ajax API * * Include this file in your HTML file as follows: * * * *================================================== */ if (typeof SimileAjax == "undefined") { var SimileAjax = { loaded: false, loadingScriptsCount: 0, error: null, params: { bundle:"true" } }; SimileAjax.Platform = new Object(); /* HACK: We need these 2 things here because we cannot simply append a "); return; } catch (e) { // fall through } } var script = doc.createElement("script"); if (onerror) { try { script.innerHTML = onerror; } catch(e) {} script.setAttribute("onerror", onerror); } if (charset) { script.setAttribute("charset", charset); } script.type = "text/javascript"; script.language = "JavaScript"; script.src = url; return getHead(doc).appendChild(script); }; SimileAjax.includeJavascriptFiles = function(doc, urlPrefix, filenames) { for (var i = 0; i < filenames.length; i++) { SimileAjax.includeJavascriptFile(doc, urlPrefix + filenames[i]); } SimileAjax.loadingScriptsCount += filenames.length; SimileAjax.includeJavascriptFile(doc, SimileAjax.urlPrefix + "scripts/signal.js?" + filenames.length); }; SimileAjax.includeCssFile = function(doc, url) { if (doc.body == null) { try { doc.write(""); return; } catch (e) { // fall through } } var link = doc.createElement("link"); link.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet"); link.setAttribute("type", "text/css"); link.setAttribute("href", url); getHead(doc).appendChild(link); }; SimileAjax.includeCssFiles = function(doc, urlPrefix, filenames) { for (var i = 0; i < filenames.length; i++) { SimileAjax.includeCssFile(doc, urlPrefix + filenames[i]); } }; /** * Append into urls each string in suffixes after prefixing it with urlPrefix. * @param {Array} urls * @param {String} urlPrefix * @param {Array} suffixes */ SimileAjax.prefixURLs = function(urls, urlPrefix, suffixes) { for (var i = 0; i < suffixes.length; i++) { urls.push(urlPrefix + suffixes[i]); } }; /** * Parse out the query parameters from a URL * @param {String} url the url to parse, or location.href if undefined * @param {Object} to optional object to extend with the parameters * @param {Object} types optional object mapping keys to value types * (String, Number, Boolean or Array, String by default) * @return a key/value Object whose keys are the query parameter names * @type Object */ SimileAjax.parseURLParameters = function(url, to, types) { to = to || {}; types = types || {}; if (typeof url == "undefined") { url = location.href; } var q = url.indexOf("?"); if (q < 0) { return to; } url = (url+"#").slice(q+1, url.indexOf("#")); // toss the URL fragment var params = url.split("&"), param, parsed = {}; var decode = window.decodeURIComponent || unescape; for (var i = 0; param = params[i]; i++) { var eq = param.indexOf("="); var name = decode(param.slice(0,eq)); var old = parsed[name]; if (typeof old == "undefined") { old = []; } else if (!(old instanceof Array)) { old = [old]; } parsed[name] = old.concat(decode(param.slice(eq+1))); } for (var i in parsed) { if (!parsed.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; var type = types[i] || String; var data = parsed[i]; if (!(data instanceof Array)) { data = [data]; } if (type === Boolean && data[0] == "false") { to[i] = false; // because Boolean("false") === true } else { to[i] = type.apply(this, data); } } return to; }; (function() { var javascriptFiles = [ "jquery-1.2.6.js", "platform.js", "debug.js", "xmlhttp.js", "json.js", "dom.js", "graphics.js", "date-time.js", "string.js", "html.js", "data-structure.js", "units.js", "ajax.js", "history.js", "window-manager.js" ]; var cssFiles = [ ]; if (typeof SimileAjax_urlPrefix == "string") { SimileAjax.urlPrefix = SimileAjax_urlPrefix; } else { var url = SimileAjax.findScript(document, "simile-ajax-api.js"); if (url == null) { SimileAjax.error = new Error("Failed to derive URL prefix for Simile Ajax API code files"); return; } SimileAjax.urlPrefix = url.substr(0, url.indexOf("simile-ajax-api.js")); } SimileAjax.parseURLParameters(url, SimileAjax.params, {bundle:Boolean}); if (SimileAjax.params.bundle) { SimileAjax.includeJavascriptFiles(document, SimileAjax.urlPrefix, [ "simile-ajax-bundle.js" ]); } else { SimileAjax.includeJavascriptFiles(document, SimileAjax.urlPrefix + "scripts/", javascriptFiles); } SimileAjax.includeCssFiles(document, SimileAjax.urlPrefix + "styles/", cssFiles); SimileAjax.loaded = true; })(); }