getGUID(); $tags = $file->tags; $title = $file->title; $desc = $file->description; $owner = $vars['entity']->getOwnerEntity(); $friendlytime = friendly_time($vars['entity']->time_created); $mime = $file->mimetype; if (!$title) { $title = elgg_echo('untitled'); } if (get_context() == "search") { // Start search listing version if (get_input('search_viewtype') == "gallery") { echo "
" . $file->title . "
"; echo "getURL()}\">getGUID()}\" border=\"0\" />
getURL()}\">" . sprintf(elgg_echo("comments")) . " (" . $numcomments . ")
"; //if the user can edit, display edit and delete links if ($file->canEdit()) { echo ""; echo "getGUID()}\">" . elgg_echo('edit') . " "; echo elgg_view('output/confirmlink',array( 'href' => $vars['url'] . "action/file/delete?file=" . $file->getGUID(), 'text' => elgg_echo("delete"), 'confirm' => elgg_echo("file:delete:confirm"), 'is_action' => true, )); echo "
"; echo "getURL()}\">" . elgg_view("file/icon", array("mimetype" => $mime, 'thumbnail' => $file->thumbnail, 'file_guid' => $file_guid, 'size' => 'large')) . ""; echo " "; //get the number of comments $numcomments = elgg_count_comments($file); if ($numcomments) echo "getURL()}\">" . sprintf(elgg_echo("comments")) . " (" . $numcomments . ")
"; } echo "username}\">{$owner->name} {$friendlytime}"; $numcomments = elgg_count_comments($file); if ($numcomments) $info .= ", getURL()}\">" . sprintf(elgg_echo("comments")) . " (" . $numcomments . ")"; $info .= "
"; $icon = "getURL()}\">" . elgg_view("file/icon", array("mimetype" => $mime, 'thumbnail' => $file->thumbnail, 'file_guid' => $file_guid, 'size' => 'small')) . ""; echo elgg_view_listing($icon, $info); } } else { // Start main version ?>