(function($){ $.fn.stoc = function(options) { //Our default options var defaults = { search: "body", //where we will search for titles depth: 6, //how many hN should we search start: 1, //which hN will be the first (and after it we go just deeper) stocTitle: "


", //what to display before our box listType: "ul", //could be ul or ol smoothScroll: 1 }; //let's extend our plugin with default or user options when defined var options = $.extend(defaults, options); return this.each(function() { //"cache" our target and search objects obj = $(this); //target src = $(options.search); //search //let's declare some variables. We need this var declaration to create them as local variables (not global) var appHTML = "", tagNumber = 0, txt = "", id = "", before = "", after = "", previous = options.start, start = options.start, depth = options.depth, i = 0, srcTags = "h" + options.start, cacheHN = ""; //which tags we will search while ( depth > 1) { start++; //we will just get our start level and numbers higher than it srcTags = srcTags + ", h" + start; depth--; //since went one level up, our depth will go one level down } src.find(srcTags).each(function() { //we will cache our current H element cacheHN = $(this); //if we are on h1, 2, 3... tagNumber = ( cacheHN.get(0).tagName ).substr(1); //sets the needed id to the element id = cacheHN.attr('id'); if (id == null || id == "") { //if it doesn't have only, of course id = "h" + tagNumber + "_" + i; cacheHN.attr('id', id); } //our current text txt = cacheHN.text(); switch(true) { //with switch(true) we can do comparisons in each case case (tagNumber > previous) : //it means that we went down one level (e.g. from h2 to h3) appHTML = appHTML + "<" + options.listType +">
  • "+ before +"" + txt + ""; previous = tagNumber; break; case (tagNumber == previous) : //it means that stay on the same level (e.g. h3 and stay on it) appHTML = appHTML + "
  • "+ before +"" + txt + ""; break; case (tagNumber < previous) : //it means that we went up but we don't know how much levels (e.g. from h3 to h2) while(tagNumber != previous) { appHTML = appHTML + "
  • "; previous--; } appHTML = appHTML + "
  • "+ before +"" + txt + "
  • "; break; } i++; }); //corrects our last item, because it may have some opened ul's while(tagNumber != options.start) { appHTML = appHTML + ""; tagNumber--; } //append our html to our object appHTML = options.stocTitle + "<"+ options.listType + ">" + appHTML + ""; obj.append(appHTML); //our pretty smooth scrolling here // acctually I've just compressed the code so you guys will think that I'm the man . Source: http://css-tricks.com/snippets/jquery/smooth-scrolling/ if (options.smoothScroll == 1) { $(window).load(function(){ function filterPath(string){return string.replace(/^\//,'').replace(/(index|default).[a-zA-Z]{3,4}$/,'').replace(/\/$/,'')}var locationPath=filterPath(location.pathname);var scrollElem=scrollableElement('html','body');obj.find('a[href*=#]').each(function(){var thisPath=filterPath(this.pathname)||locationPath;if(locationPath==thisPath&&(location.hostname==this.hostname||!this.hostname)&&this.hash.replace(/#/,'')){var $target=$(this.hash),target=this.hash;if(target){var targetOffset=$target.offset().top;$(this).click(function(event){event.preventDefault();$(scrollElem).animate({scrollTop:targetOffset},400,function(){location.hash=target})})}}});function scrollableElement(els){for(var i=0,argLength=arguments.length;i0){return el}else{$scrollElement.scrollTop(1);var isScrollable=$scrollElement.scrollTop()>0;$scrollElement.scrollTop(0);if(isScrollable){return el}}}return[]} }); } }); }; })(jQuery);