<?php /** * External pages menu * * @uses $vars['type'] */ $type = $vars['type']; //set the url $url = $vars['url'] . "admin/site/expages?type="; $pages = array('about', 'terms', 'privacy'); $tabs = array(); foreach ($pages as $page) { $tabs[] = array( 'title' => elgg_echo("expages:$page"), 'url' => "admin/site/expages?type=$page", 'selected' => $page == $type, ); } echo elgg_view('navigation/tabs', array('tabs' => $tabs)); return true; /** * Tab navigation * * @uses string $vars['type'] horizontal || vertical - Defaults to horizontal * @uses string $vars['class'] Additional class to add to ul * @uses array $vars['tabs'] A multi-dimensional array of tab entries in the format array( * 'title' => string, // Title of link * 'url' => string, // URL for the link * 'class' => string // Class of the li element * 'id' => string, // ID of the li element * 'selected' => bool // if this li element is currently selected * 'url_class' => string, // Class to pass to the link * 'url_id' => string, // ID to pass to the link * ) */ ?> <div id="elgg_horizontal_tabbed_nav"> <ul> <li <?php if($type == 'front') echo "class = 'selected'"; ?>><a href="<?php echo $url; ?>front"><?php echo elgg_echo('expages:frontpage'); ?></a></li> <li <?php if($type == 'about') echo "class = 'selected'"; ?>><a href="<?php echo $url; ?>about"><?php echo elgg_echo('expages:about'); ?></a></li> <li <?php if($type == 'terms') echo "class = 'selected'"; ?>><a href="<?php echo $url; ?>terms"><?php echo elgg_echo('expages:terms'); ?></a></li> <li <?php if($type == 'privacy') echo "class = 'selected'"; ?>><a href="<?php echo $url; ?>privacy"><?php echo elgg_echo('expages:privacy'); ?></a></li> </ul> </div>