<?php $english = array( /** * Menu items and titles */ 'expages' => "External pages", 'expages:frontpage' => "Frontpage", 'expages:about' => "About", 'expages:terms' => "Terms", 'expages:privacy' => "Privacy", 'expages:analytics' => "Analytics", 'expages:contact' => "Contact", 'expages:nopreview' => "No preview yet available", 'expages:preview' => "Preview", 'expages:notset' => "This page has not been set up yet.", 'expages:lefthand' => "The lefthand information pane", 'expages:righthand' => "The righthand information pane", 'expages:addcontent' => "You can add content here via your admin tools. Look for the external pages link under admin.", 'item:object:front' => 'Front page items', /** * Status messages */ 'expages:posted' => "Your page post was successfully posted.", 'expages:deleted' => "Your page post was successfully deleted.", /** * Error messages */ 'expages:deleteerror' => "There was a problem deleting the old page", 'expages:error' => "There has been an error, please try again and if the problem persists, contact the administrator", ); add_translation("en",$english); ?>