subtype = $type; // Set its owner to the current user $expages->owner_guid = get_loggedin_userid(); // For now, set its access to public $expages->access_id = ACCESS_PUBLIC; // Set its title and description appropriately $expages->title = $type; $expages->description = $contents; // Before we can set metadata, save if (!$expages->save()) { register_error(elgg_echo("expages:error")); forward(REFERER); } // Success message system_message(elgg_echo("expages:posted")); // add to river add_to_river('river/expages/create','create',get_loggedin_userid(),$expages->guid); // Remove the cache unset($_SESSION['expages_content']); unset($_SESSION['expagestitle']); // Forward back to the page forward("pg/expages/index.php?type={$type}"); ?>