elgg.provide('elgg.embed'); elgg.embed.init = function() { // inserts the embed content into the textarea $(".embed-wrapper .elgg-list-item").live('click', elgg.embed.insert); // caches the current textarea id $(".embed-control").live('click', function() { var classes = $(this).attr('class'); var class = classes.split(/[, ]+/).pop(); var textAreaId = class.substr(class.indexOf('embed-control-') + "embed-control-".length); elgg.embed.textAreaId = textAreaId; }); // special pagination helper for lightbox $('.embed-wrapper .elgg-pagination a').live('click', elgg.embed.pagination); $('.embed-section').live('click', elgg.embed.loadTab); $('.embed-upload .elgg-form').live('submit', elgg.embed.submit); } /** * Inserts data attached to an embed list item in textarea * * @todo generalize lightbox closing and wysiwyg refreshing * * @param {Object} event * @return void */ elgg.embed.insert = function(event) { var textAreaId = elgg.embed.textAreaId; var content = $(this).data('embed_code'); $('#' + textAreaId).val($('#' + textAreaId).val() + ' ' + content + ' '); $.fancybox.close(); event.preventDefault(); } /** * Submit an upload form through Ajax * * Requires the jQuery Form Plugin. Because files cannot be uploaded with * XMLHttpRequest, the plugin uses an invisible iframe. This results in the * the X-Requested-With header not being set. To work around this, we are * sending the header as a POST variable and Elgg's code checks for it in * elgg_is_xhr(). * * @param {Object} event * @return bool */ elgg.embed.submit = function(event) { $(this).ajaxSubmit({ dataType : 'json', data : { 'X-Requested-With' : 'XMLHttpRequest'}, success : function(response) { if (response) { if (response.system_messages) { elgg.register_error(response.system_messages.error); elgg.system_message(response.system_messages.success); } if (response.status >= 0) { // @todo - really this should forward to what the registered defined // For example, forward to images tab if an image was uploaded var url = elgg.config.wwwroot + 'embed/embed?active_section=file'; $('.embed-wrapper').parent().load(url); } } } }); // this is bubbling up the DOM and causing a submission so return false return false; } /** * Loads the next chunk of content within the lightbox * * @param {Object} event * @return void */ elgg.embed.pagination = function(event) { $('.embed-wrapper').parent().load($(this).attr('href')); event.preventDefault(); } /** * Loads an embed tab * * @param {Object} event * @return void */ elgg.embed.loadTab = function(event) { var section = $(this).attr('id'); var url = elgg.config.wwwroot + 'embed/embed?active_section=' + section; $('.embed-wrapper').parent().load(url); event.preventDefault(); } elgg.register_hook_handler('init', 'system', elgg.embed.init);