/* Queue of loaded script files */ var indexmenu_jsqueue = []; /* Queue of loaded css files */ var indexmenu_cssqueue = []; /* Queue of nojs trees */ var indexmenu_nojsqueue = []; function indexmenu_findExt(path){ var ext = "gif"; var cext = path.lastIndexOf("."); if ( cext > -1){ cext++; cext = path.substring(cext, path.length).toLowerCase(); if ((cext == "png") || (cext == "jpg")) {ext = cext;} } return ext; } function indexmenu_createTocMenu(get,picker,btn) { var toc_picker = DOKUid(picker); if (!toc_picker) { toc_picker=indexmenu_createPicker(picker); toc_picker.className='dokuwiki indexmenu_toc'; toc_picker.innerHTML='
'; addEvent(toc_picker.firstChild, 'click',function (event) {event.stopPropagation();return indexmenu_showPicker(picker)}); } else { toc_picker.style.display = 'none'; } indexmenu_ajaxmenu(get,toc_picker,DOKUid(btn),toc_picker.childNodes[1]); } function indexmenu_ajaxmenu(get,picker,btn,container,oncomplete) { var indx_list; if (container) { indx_list = container; } else { indx_list = picker; } if (!indexmenu_showPicker(picker,btn)) return; // We use SACK to do the AJAX requests var ajax = new sack(DOKU_BASE+'lib/plugins/indexmenu/ajax.php'); ajax.encodeURIString=false; ajax.onLoading = function () { indx_list.innerHTML='
Loading .....
'; }; // define callback ajax.onCompletion = function(){ var data = this.response; indx_list.innerHTML=""; if (isFunction(oncomplete)) { oncomplete(data,indx_list); } else { indx_list.innerHTML=data; } }; ajax.runAJAX(encodeURI(get)); } function indexmenu_createPicker(id,cl) { var indx_list = document.createElement('div'); indx_list.className = cl || 'picker'; indx_list.id=id; indx_list.style.position = 'absolute'; indx_list.style.display = 'none'; var body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; body.appendChild(indx_list); return indx_list; } function indexmenu_showPicker(pickerid,btn){ var x = 3, y = 3, picker = DOKUid(pickerid); if(picker.style.display == 'none'){ x += findPosX(btn); y += findPosY(btn); if (picker.id != 'picker_plugin_indexmenu') { x += btn.offsetWidth-3; } else { y += btn.offsetHeight; } picker.style.display = 'block'; picker.style.left = x+'px'; picker.style.top = y+'px'; return true; }else{ picker.style.display = 'none'; return false; } } function indexmenu_loadtoolbar(){ var toolbar = DOKUid('tool__bar'); if(!toolbar) return; indexmenu_loadJs(DOKU_BASE+'lib/plugins/indexmenu/edit.js'); } function indexmenu_loadJs(f){ var basef = f.replace(/^.*[\/\\]/g, ''); if (indexmenu_notinarray(indexmenu_jsqueue,basef)) { var oLink = document.createElement("script"); oLink.src = f; oLink.type = "text/javascript"; oLink.charset="utf-8"; indexmenu_jsqueue.push(basef); document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(oLink); } } function indexmenu_checkcontextm(n,obj,e){ var k=0; e=e||event; if ((e.which == 3 || e.button == 2) || (window.opera && e.which == 1 && e.ctrlKey)) { obj.contextmenu (n,e); indexmenu_stopevt(e); } } function indexmenu_stopevt(e) { if (!window.indexmenu_contextmenu) { return true; } e=e||event; e.preventdefault? e.preventdefault() : e.returnValue = false; return false; } function indexmenu_notinarray(array,val) { for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { if (array[i] == val) { return false; } } return true; } function indexmenu_mouseposition(obj,e) { /*http://www.quirksmode.org/js/events_properties.html*/ if (!e) e = window.event; if (e.pageX || e.pageY) { X = e.pageX; Y = e.pageY; } else if (e.clientX || e.clientY) { X = e.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft + document.documentElement.scrollLeft; Y = e.clientY + document.body.scrollTop + document.documentElement.scrollTop; } obj.style.left=X-5+'px'; obj.style.top=Y-5+'px'; } addInitEvent(indexmenu_loadtoolbar);