*/ if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) die('meh.'); require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/common.php'); /** * recurse direcory * * This function recurses into a given base directory * and calls the supplied function for each file and directory * * @param array ref $data The results of the search are stored here * @param string $base Where to start the search * @param callback $func Callback (function name or arayy with object,method) * @param string $dir Current directory beyond $base * @param int $lvl Recursion Level * @author Andreas Gohr */ function search(&$data,$base,$func,$opts,$dir='',$lvl=1){ $dirs = array(); $files = array(); //read in directories and files $dh = @opendir($base.'/'.$dir); if(!$dh) return; while(($file = readdir($dh)) !== false){ if(preg_match('/^[\._]/',$file)) continue; //skip hidden files and upper dirs if(is_dir($base.'/'.$dir.'/'.$file)){ $dirs[] = $dir.'/'.$file; continue; } $files[] = $dir.'/'.$file; } closedir($dh); sort($files); sort($dirs); //give directories to userfunction then recurse foreach($dirs as $dir){ if (call_user_func_array($func, array(&$data,$base,$dir,'d',$lvl,$opts))){ search($data,$base,$func,$opts,$dir,$lvl+1); } } //now handle the files foreach($files as $file){ call_user_func_array($func, array(&$data,$base,$file,'f',$lvl,$opts)); } } /** * Wrapper around call_user_func_array. * * @deprecated */ function search_callback($func,&$data,$base,$file,$type,$lvl,$opts){ return call_user_func_array($func, array(&$data,$base,$file,$type,$lvl,$opts)); } /** * The following functions are userfunctions to use with the search * function above. This function is called for every found file or * directory. When a directory is given to the function it has to * decide if this directory should be traversed (true) or not (false) * The function has to accept the following parameters: * * &$data - Reference to the result data structure * $base - Base usually $conf['datadir'] * $file - current file or directory relative to $base * $type - Type either 'd' for directory or 'f' for file * $lvl - Current recursion depht * $opts - option array as given to search() * * return values for files are ignored * * All functions should check the ACL for document READ rights * namespaces (directories) are NOT checked as this would break * the recursion (You can have an nonreadable dir over a readable * one deeper nested) also make sure to check the file type (for example * in case of lockfiles). */ /** * Searches for pages beginning with the given query * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function search_qsearch(&$data,$base,$file,$type,$lvl,$opts){ $opts = array( 'idmatch' => '(^|:)'.preg_quote($opts['query'],'/').'/', 'listfiles' => true, 'pagesonly' => true, ); return search_universal($data,$base,$file,$type,$lvl,$opts); } /** * Build the browsable index of pages * * $opts['ns'] is the current namespace * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function search_index(&$data,$base,$file,$type,$lvl,$opts){ global $conf; $return = true; $item = array(); if($type == 'd' && !preg_match('#^'.$file.'(/|$)#','/'.$opts['ns'])){ //add but don't recurse $return = false; }elseif($type == 'f' && ($opts['nofiles'] || substr($file,-4) != '.txt')){ //don't add return false; } $id = pathID($file); if($type=='d' && $conf['sneaky_index'] && auth_quickaclcheck($id.':') < AUTH_READ){ return false; } //check hidden if(isHiddenPage($id)){ return false; } //check ACL if($type=='f' && auth_quickaclcheck($id) < AUTH_READ){ return false; } $data[]=array( 'id' => $id, 'type' => $type, 'level' => $lvl, 'open' => $return ); return $return; } /** * List all namespaces * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function search_namespaces(&$data,$base,$file,$type,$lvl,$opts){ $opts = array( 'listdirs' => true, ); return search_universal($data,$base,$file,$type,$lvl,$opts); } /** * List all mediafiles in a namespace * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function search_media(&$data,$base,$file,$type,$lvl,$opts){ //we do nothing with directories if($type == 'd') { if(!$opts['depth']) return true; // recurse forever $depth = substr_count($file,'/'); if($depth >= $opts['depth']) return false; // depth reached return true; } $info = array(); $info['id'] = pathID($file,true); if($info['id'] != cleanID($info['id'])){ if($opts['showmsg']) msg(hsc($info['id']).' is not a valid file name for DokuWiki - skipped',-1); return false; // skip non-valid files } //check ACL for namespace (we have no ACL for mediafiles) $info['perm'] = auth_quickaclcheck(getNS($info['id']).':*'); if(!$opts['skipacl'] && $info['perm'] < AUTH_READ){ return false; } //check pattern filter if($opts['pattern'] && !@preg_match($opts['pattern'], $info['id'])){ return false; } $info['file'] = basename($file); $info['size'] = filesize($base.'/'.$file); $info['mtime'] = filemtime($base.'/'.$file); $info['writable'] = is_writable($base.'/'.$file); if(preg_match("/\.(jpe?g|gif|png)$/",$file)){ $info['isimg'] = true; require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/JpegMeta.php'); $info['meta'] = new JpegMeta($base.'/'.$file); }else{ $info['isimg'] = false; } if($opts['hash']){ $info['hash'] = md5(io_readFile(wikiFN($info['id']),false)); } $data[] = $info; return false; } /** * This function just lists documents (for RSS namespace export) * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function search_list(&$data,$base,$file,$type,$lvl,$opts){ //we do nothing with directories if($type == 'd') return false; //only search txt files if(substr($file,-4) == '.txt'){ //check ACL $id = pathID($file); if(auth_quickaclcheck($id) < AUTH_READ){ return false; } $data[]['id'] = $id; } return false; } /** * Quicksearch for searching matching pagenames * * $opts['query'] is the search query * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function search_pagename(&$data,$base,$file,$type,$lvl,$opts){ //we do nothing with directories if($type == 'd') return true; //only search txt files if(substr($file,-4) != '.txt') return true; //simple stringmatching if (!empty($opts['query'])){ if(strpos($file,$opts['query']) !== false){ //check ACL $id = pathID($file); if(auth_quickaclcheck($id) < AUTH_READ){ return false; } $data[]['id'] = $id; } } return true; } /** * Just lists all documents * * $opts['depth'] recursion level, 0 for all * $opts['hash'] do md5 sum of content? * $opts['skipacl'] list everything regardless of ACL * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function search_allpages(&$data,$base,$file,$type,$lvl,$opts){ //we do nothing with directories if($type == 'd'){ if(!$opts['depth']) return true; // recurse forever $parts = explode('/',ltrim($file,'/')); if(count($parts) == $opts['depth']) return false; // depth reached return true; } //only search txt files if(substr($file,-4) != '.txt') return true; $item['id'] = pathID($file); if(!$opts['skipacl'] && auth_quickaclcheck($item['id']) < AUTH_READ){ return false; } $item['rev'] = filemtime($base.'/'.$file); $item['mtime'] = $item['rev']; $item['size'] = filesize($base.'/'.$file); if($opts['hash']){ $item['hash'] = md5(trim(rawWiki($item['id']))); } $data[] = $item; return true; } /** * Search for backlinks to a given page * * $opts['ns'] namespace of the page * $opts['name'] name of the page without namespace * * @author Andreas Gohr * @deprecated Replaced by ft_backlinks() */ function search_backlinks(&$data,$base,$file,$type,$lvl,$opts){ //we do nothing with directories if($type == 'd') return true; //only search txt files if(substr($file,-4) != '.txt') return true; //absolute search id $sid = cleanID($opts['ns'].':'.$opts['name']); //current id and namespace $cid = pathID($file); $cns = getNS($cid); //check ACL if(auth_quickaclcheck($cid) < AUTH_READ){ return false; } //fetch instructions require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/parserutils.php'); $instructions = p_cached_instructions($base.$file,true); if(is_null($instructions)) return false; //check all links for match foreach($instructions as $ins){ if($ins[0] == 'internallink' || ($conf['camelcase'] && $ins[0] == 'camelcaselink') ){ $mid = $ins[1][0]; resolve_pageid($cns,$mid,$exists); //exists is not used if($mid == $sid){ //we have a match - finish $data[]['id'] = $cid; break; } } } return false; } /** * Fulltextsearch * * $opts['query'] is the search query * * @author Andreas Gohr * @deprecated - fulltext indexer is used instead */ function search_fulltext(&$data,$base,$file,$type,$lvl,$opts){ //we do nothing with directories if($type == 'd') return true; //only search txt files if(substr($file,-4) != '.txt') return true; //check ACL $id = pathID($file); if(auth_quickaclcheck($id) < AUTH_READ){ return false; } //create regexp from queries $poswords = array(); $negwords = array(); $qpreg = preg_split('/\s+/',$opts['query']); foreach($qpreg as $word){ switch(substr($word,0,1)){ case '-': if(strlen($word) > 1){ // catch single '-' array_push($negwords,preg_quote(substr($word,1),'#')); } break; case '+': if(strlen($word) > 1){ // catch single '+' array_push($poswords,preg_quote(substr($word,1),'#')); } break; default: array_push($poswords,preg_quote($word,'#')); break; } } // a search without any posword is useless if (!count($poswords)) return true; $reg = '^(?=.*?'.join(')(?=.*?',$poswords).')'; $reg .= count($negwords) ? '((?!'.join('|',$negwords).').)*$' : '.*$'; search_regex($data,$base,$file,$reg,$poswords); return true; } /** * Reference search * This fuction searches for existing references to a given media file * and returns an array with the found pages. It doesn't pay any * attention to ACL permissions to find every reference. The caller * must check if the user has the appropriate rights to see the found * page and eventually have to prevent the result from displaying. * * @param array $data Reference to the result data structure * @param string $base Base usually $conf['datadir'] * @param string $file current file or directory relative to $base * @param char $type Type either 'd' for directory or 'f' for file * @param int $lvl Current recursion depht * @param mixed $opts option array as given to search() * * $opts['query'] is the demanded media file name * * @author Andreas Gohr * @author Matthias Grimm */ function search_reference(&$data,$base,$file,$type,$lvl,$opts){ global $conf; //we do nothing with directories if($type == 'd') return true; //only search txt files if(substr($file,-4) != '.txt') return true; //we finish after 'cnt' references found. The return value //'false' will skip subdirectories to speed search up. $cnt = $conf['refshow'] > 0 ? $conf['refshow'] : 1; if(count($data) >= $cnt) return false; $reg = '\{\{ *\:?'.$opts['query'].' *(\|.*)?\}\}'; search_regex($data,$base,$file,$reg,array($opts['query'])); return true; } /* ------------- helper functions below -------------- */ /** * fulltext search helper * searches a text file with a given regular expression * no ACL checks are performed. This have to be done by * the caller if necessary. * * @param array $data reference to array for results * @param string $base base directory * @param string $file file name to search in * @param string $reg regular expression to search for * @param array $words words that should be marked in the results * * @author Andreas Gohr * @author Matthias Grimm * * @deprecated - fulltext indexer is used instead */ function search_regex(&$data,$base,$file,$reg,$words){ //get text $text = io_readfile($base.'/'.$file); //lowercase text (u modifier does not help with case) $lctext = utf8_strtolower($text); //do the fulltext search $matches = array(); if($cnt = preg_match_all('#'.$reg.'#usi',$lctext,$matches)){ //this is not the best way for snippet generation but the fastest I could find $q = $words[0]; //use first word for snippet creation $p = utf8_strpos($lctext,$q); $f = $p - 100; $l = utf8_strlen($q) + 200; if($f < 0) $f = 0; $snippet = ' ... '. htmlspecialchars(utf8_substr($text,$f,$l)). ' ... '; $mark = '('.join('|', $words).')'; $snippet = preg_replace('#'.$mark.'#si','\\1',$snippet); $data[] = array( 'id' => pathID($file), 'count' => preg_match_all('#'.$mark.'#usi',$lctext,$matches), 'poswords' => join(' ',$words), 'snippet' => $snippet, ); } return true; } /** * fulltext sort * * Callback sort function for use with usort to sort the data * structure created by search_fulltext. Sorts descending by count * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function sort_search_fulltext($a,$b){ if($a['count'] > $b['count']){ return -1; }elseif($a['count'] < $b['count']){ return 1; }else{ return strcmp($a['id'],$b['id']); } } /** * translates a document path to an ID * * @author Andreas Gohr * @todo move to pageutils */ function pathID($path,$keeptxt=false){ $id = utf8_decodeFN($path); $id = str_replace('/',':',$id); if(!$keeptxt) $id = preg_replace('#\.txt$#','',$id); $id = preg_replace('#^:+#','',$id); $id = preg_replace('#:+$#','',$id); return $id; } /** * This is a very universal callback for the search() function, replacing * many of the former individual functions at the cost of a more complex * setup. * * How the function behaves, depends on the options passed in the $opts * array, where the following settings can be used. * * depth int recursion depth. 0 for unlimited * keeptxt bool keep .txt extension for IDs * listfiles bool include files in listing * listdirs bool include namespaces in listing * pagesonly bool restrict files to pages * skipacl bool do not check for READ permission * sneakyacl bool don't recurse into nonreadable dirs * hash bool create MD5 hash for files * meta bool return file metadata * filematch string match files against this regexp * idmatch string match full ID against this regexp * dirmatch string match directory against this regexp when adding * nsmatch string match namespace against this regexp when adding * recmatch string match directory against this regexp when recursing * showmsg bool warn about non-ID files * showhidden bool show hidden files too * firsthead bool return first heading for pages * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function search_universal(&$data,$base,$file,$type,$lvl,$opts){ $item = array(); $return = true; // get ID and check if it is a valid one $item['id'] = pathID($file); if($item['id'] != cleanID($item['id'])){ if($opts['showmsg']) msg(hsc($item['id']).' is not a valid file name for DokuWiki - skipped',-1); return false; // skip non-valid files } $item['ns'] = getNS($item['id']); if($type == 'd') { // decide if to recursion into this directory is wanted if(!$opts['depth']){ $return = true; // recurse forever }else{ $depth = substr_count($file,'/'); if($depth >= $opts['depth']){ $return = false; // depth reached }else{ $return = true; } } if($return && !preg_match('/'.$opts['recmatch'].'/',$file)){ $return = false; // doesn't match } } // check ACL if(!$opts['skipacl']){ if($type == 'd'){ $item['perm'] = auth_quickaclcheck($item['id'].':*'); }else{ $item['perm'] = auth_quickaclcheck($item['id']); //FIXME check namespace for media files } }else{ $item['perm'] = AUTH_DELETE; } // are we done here maybe? if($type == 'd'){ if(!$opts['listdirs']) return $return; if(!$opts['skipacl'] && $opts['sneakyacl'] && $item['perm'] < AUTH_READ) return false; //neither list nor recurse if($opts['dirmatch'] && !preg_match('/'.$opts['dirmatch'].'/',$file)) return $return; if($opts['nsmatch'] && !preg_match('/'.$opts['nsmatch'].'/',$item['ns'])) return $return; }else{ if(!$opts['listfiles']) return $return; if(!$opts['skipacl'] && $item['perm'] < AUTH_READ) return $return; if($opts['pagesonly'] && (substr($file,-4) != '.txt')) return $return; if(!$conf['showhidden'] && isHiddenPage($id)) return $return; if($opts['filematch'] && !preg_match('/'.$opts['filematch'].'/',$file)) return $return; if($opts['idmatch'] && !preg_match('/'.$opts['idmatch'].'/',$item['id'])) return $return; } // still here? prepare the item $item['type'] = $type; $item['level'] = $lvl; $item['open'] = $return; if($opts['meta']){ $item['file'] = basename($file); $item['size'] = filesize($base.'/'.$file); $item['mtime'] = filemtime($base.'/'.$file); $item['rev'] = $item['mtime']; $item['writable'] = is_writable($base.'/'.$file); $item['executable'] = is_executable($base.'/'.$file); } if($type == 'f'){ if($opts['hash']) $item['hash'] = md5(io_readFile($base.'/'.$file,false)); if($opts['firsthead']) $item['title'] = p_get_first_heading($item['id'],false); } // finally add the item $data[] = $item; return $return; } //Setup VIM: ex: et ts=4 enc=utf-8 :